FDA Expands Tomato Warning Nationwide

Junio 11, 2008
Restaurants, markets stop offering some products after 167 people in 17 states sickened by salmonella, CDC reports.

U.S. health officials expanded their warning about salmonella-contaminated tomatoes nationwide Tuesday, as experts cautioned consumers to employ a little detective work and forgo certain types of tomatoes for the near future.

"The best advice right now is to be extremely careful in trying to find out exactly where the tomatoes they're purchasing are from,"said Tony Corbo, legislative representative for Food &Water Watch, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit consumer group that works to ensure clean water and safe food.

"The other problem with tomatoes is that they have shown up in restaurants and in salsa. So, maybe for the time being, consumers should stay away from anything that is processed,"Corbo said.
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