Empresas en Argentina

Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA)

Senasa es responsable de planificar, organizar y ejecutar programas y planes específicos que reglamentan la producción, orientándola hacia la obtención de alimentos inocuos para el consumo humano y animal.


SiloPapa intelligent portable warehouse allows the storage of up to 500 tons of potatoes in modules, with an easy-to-assemble and disassemble structure

Simplot Argentina

Simplot Argentina is a pioneer company in the production of pre-fried potato. Their pillars are the fundamental bases for the optimal development and growth of the company.

Sociedad Comercial del Plata

Sociedad Comercial del Plata es un holding argentino con
más de 9.800 accionistas en 14 países y 1.900 empleados,
presente en sectores estratégicos como construcción, agroindustria,
entretenimiento, energía, transporte e infraestructura y real estate.


SpeedAgro is an Argentine company dedicated to the formulation, production, and marketing of SpeedWet products, the most complete line of adjuvants on the market, and to the storage, distribution, and marketing of other phytosanitary inputs.

Stoller Argentina S.A

Stoller's office located in Argentina

Trical Argentina

Trical Argentina is an agricultural support services partnership between Trical and ABC based out of Buenos Aires.

Vikingo Foods S.A.

Vikingo Foods S.A. IS A manufacturer of kettle chips in Argentina.


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