PROPAPA represents the consolidation of an operating unit of services, production and research with a strong emphasis on the potato crop.
Apart from work on the potato, PROPAPA is also addressing technological problems in vegetables, fruits, food in general, pesticide residues in various crops, virosis in corn and lettuce, molecular genetic analysis in vines and cereals, determination of the presence of transgenesis, micropropagation in different crops, etc.
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Noticias de esta Compañia
Abril 19, 2023
Argentina: El INTA lidera el mejoramiento genético del cultivo de papa
Diciembre 18, 2022
WPC Webinar- Potato Breeding in the South American Countries Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay
Abril 06, 2022
Argentina: Analizan los resultados del programa de cultivo de papas en Alvear
Noviembre 08, 2021