
Hof Trumann: Sorting brushed potatoes on farm with a TOMRA Halo
三月 24, 2015

Hof Trumann: Sorting brushed potatoes on the family farm with a TOMRA Halo

The family business Hof Trumann has installed a Halo for the sorting of unwashed, brushed potatoes. Since the installation of this equipment there was an increase in efficiency, turnover and quality of the end product.
Gemiddelde uitbetalingsprijs AVEBE hoger dan vorig jaar
三月 24, 2015

Gemiddelde uitbetalingsprijs AVEBE hoger dan vorig jaar

AVEBE betaalt gemiddeld 71 euro per ton aardappelen over de oogst van 2014. Dit is inclusief de prestatiecomponenten voor zetmeelgehalte, kwaliteit, levertijdstip en geleverd volume.
Ship ready to transport PEI potatoes to Russia in 2011 (Courtesy CBC)
三月 23, 2015

Prince Edward Island potato exports hit by Russian Sanctions

Tensions between Russia and Canada are having an impact on P.E.I. potato exports.
Wallace Huffman
三月 23, 2015

Research: Consumers willing to spend more for biotech potato products

New research from an Iowa State University economist, Wallace Huffman, found consumers were willing to spend more for genetically modified potato products with reduced levels of a chemical compound linked to cancer.
Fresh Solutions Network Announces Website Re-Launch
三月 23, 2015

Fresh Solutions Network Announces Website Re-Launch

Fresh Solutions Network (FSN) has reimagined their entire online domain to create a single, comprehensive online resource housing all the information that existing and potential customers would likely ever want to know about their products, services and operations.
Polfarm's Tong Peal built stainless steel washing line
三月 23, 2015

Tong Peal expands International Customer Base with two Large-Scale Packhouse Contracts

Tong Peal Engineering, the UK’s longest established vegetable handling equipment manufacturer, is further expanding its international customer base, with not one, but two orders for large-scale stainless steel washing and processing equipment from Polish firm Polfarm.
Chile: Guardianes de papa nativa impulsarán su producción a través de nuevos métodos
三月 23, 2015

Chile: Guardianas de papa nativa impulsarán su producción a través de nuevos métodos

Con gran entusiasmo y ganas de seguir impulsando la producción y consumo de la papa nativa, las guardianas de Puqueldón culminaron la gira técnica que las llevó a diversos puntos de Perú y cuyo objetivo fue conocer y compartir experiencias en cuanto a formas de asociación, trabajo y comercialización de este producto agroalimentario con valor patrimonial.
Argentina: Inundaciones, altos costos y sobreproducción nacional "ahoga" a los paperos
三月 22, 2015

Argentina: Inundaciones, altos costos y sobreproducción nacional "ahoga" a los paperos de San Luis

En el corredor Quines-Candelaria de la Provincia de San Luis dejan sin sembrar mil hectáreas. Algunos alquilaron tierras cerca de Villa Dolores. Esperan un fuerte impacto negativo en el empleo temporario.
applications of Bio-on Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)
三月 22, 2015

Pizzoli and Bio-on to build Italy's first PHA bioplastic production plant using potato waste

Pizzoli S.p.A., Italy's largest operator in the potato sector and Bio-on S.p.A., the leader in eco-sustainable chemical technologies, will collaborate to build Italy's first PHAs bioplastic production plant using waste product from the potato agro-industrial process.
Potato Cultivation in Algeria
三月 22, 2015

Algeria announces new strategy to tackle rising potato prices

The Algerian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Abdelouahab Nouri, has announced a programme to tackle the problem of soaring potato prices, consisting in the adoption of a new marketing strategy to connect producers and consumers directly.
AAFC Potato Research Centre in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
三月 22, 2015

Canadian Government Invests in International Potato Research

Representatives of the Canadian Government announced an investment of $1.83 million in a Canadian-led international research effort to give potato farmers a technological edge in predicting and preventing yield losses in their fields and in storage.
Australian Woolworths Shopper finds snake in sealed bag of potatoes
三月 22, 2015

Australian Woolworths Shopper finds snake in sealed bag of potatoes

A shopper has been horrified to find a snake curled up in a sealed bag of potatoes bought from Woolworths.


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