
Greenvale AP
十一月 05, 2010

Greenvale AP wins EDIE Award for Environmental Excellence

Greenvale AP has won an award for Environmental Excellence
十一月 05, 2010

EU eist zetmeelsteun terug van Nederland

De Europese Unie eist bijna 29 miljoen euro aan agrarische steun terug van Nederland. De Europese Commissie vindt dat de Nederlandse autoriteiten onvoldoende controle hebben uitgevoerd.
十一月 04, 2010

Paraguay prohibe el endosulfán, pesticida utilizado para controlar plagas en papa

El gobierno paraguayo prohibió la importación y utilización del insecticida endosulfán en cultivos hortícolas y frutales por considerarlo tóxico para los humanos, según un comunicado divulgado el jueves por el estatal Servicio Nacional de Calidad y San...
十一月 04, 2010

Potato biopesticides could be available in the UK within five years

Biopesticides for use in oilseed rape and potatoes to help control diseases and promote crop growth could be on the market [in the UK] within five years
 Bacterial Ringrot (Courtesy: Pest and Disease Image library gov. of Australia)
十一月 04, 2010

Ring rot found in Prince Edward Island seed potatoes

Potato ring rot has shown up on at least two Prince Edward Island farms, the provincial Department of Agriculture has confirmed
 Lance Inc
十一月 04, 2010

Lance, Inc. Reports Solid Results for Third Quarter 2010

Lance, Inc. (Nasdaq: LNCE) today reported net revenue for the third quarter ended September 25, 2010 of $237.7 million
 Universiteit Gent
十一月 04, 2010

Universiteit Gent vraag vergunning aan voor veldproef met aardappelen resistent tegen Phytophthora (ggo)

De UGent heeft namens een consortium met ILVO, VIB en HoGent bij de federale overheid de vergunningaanvraag ingediend voor een tweejarige veldproef met duurzame, genetisch gewijzigde Phytophthora-resistente aardappelen.
十一月 04, 2010

Breeders Trust schakelt voor het eerst rechter in om illegale handel in aardappelpootgoed te onderzoeken

De rechtbank in Gent heeft de administratie gecontroleerd van het aardappelbedrijf Loyson in Koolskamp.
十一月 04, 2010

Kartoffelpuffers (German potato pancakes) star attraction at Texas Wurstfest

Beer, sausage and polka are the public faces of New Braunfels (TX) Wurstfest, this towns signature event. But the traditional kartoffelpuffer has become Wurstfest's cult favorite.
十一月 03, 2010

AUSVEG welcomes proposal for Senate briefing on the ‘Zebra Chip’ disease threatening Australian potatoes

AUSVEG CEO Richard Mulcahy has welcomed the proposal for a briefing of the Senate Rural Affairs and Transport Committee on Zebra Chip disease, following a recent request by New Zealand to import fresh potatoes for processing into Australia.
十一月 03, 2010

Queensland potato growers profit from potato shortage in Australia

A national potato shortage in Australia is providing a boom for growers in far north Queensland.
十一月 03, 2010

Frito-Lay replaces noisy Sunchips packaging in the US, but not in Canada

In the last PotatoPro Newsletter 'Chips bags from potato peel? Biodegradable snack packaging' we focused on the changes Frito-Lay was making to the 'noisy'biodegradable Sunchips bags. Sunchips original will continue to be sold in the 'noisy'compostable bags, but all other Sunchips versions will be packed in regular (non-compostable) packaging until an improved biodegradable packaging is developed.


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