
Deutscher Kartoffelhandelsverband e.V. (DKHV) hosted the 19. Internationale Berliner Kartoffelabend (IBK) with highlights from President Thomas Herkenrath, UNIKA Chairman Olaf Feuerborn, and the charming presence of Potato Queens Daniela I from Bavaria an
二月 12, 2025

International Berlin Potato Evening of the DKHV unites the European potato industry

The evening of February 4 was entirely dedicated to the potato: For the 19th International Berlin Potato Evening, hosted by the German Potato Trade Association (DKHV), leading representatives of the European potato industry gathered in the festive ballroom of the Hilton Berlin at Gendarmenmarkt.
Bayer pilots unique generative AI tool for agriculture
四月 17, 2024

Potato farming in Europe – Late Blight crisis in the making

It is not easy to be a potato farmer in Europe these days, and it may get even worse: To maintain the harvest, farmers need a sufficient number of highly efficient fungicides to cover a spray scheme for control of Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans).
Reduced nitrogen fertilization: Potato varieties react differently
一月 08, 2024

Potato varieties react differently to reduced nitrogen fertilization: thesis

The German Potato Industry Association (DKHV) honored Christin Meyer's thesis on nitrogen fertilization of (starch) potatoes, research carried out at the University of Göttingen.
UNIKA/DKHV technical committees visit AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0 at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Courtesy: UNIKA/DKHV)
一月 08, 2024

Practice meets science - UNIKA/DKHV technology committees visit the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

The Technology Commission of the UNIKA and the Technology Committee of the German Potato Trade Association served as discussion partners and sources of inspiration. V. (DKHV) was invited to the geoecology working group at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) in December.
AVR Deutschland
十一月 09, 2023

Belgium based agricultural potato equipment manufacturer AVR announces expansion into Germany

One year before AVR's 175th anniversary, the Belgian agricultural potato equipment manufacturer has announced a significant expansion of the company: the opening of a new branch in Germany.
Dewulf Enduro
十一月 01, 2023

Agritechnica 2023: Dewulf bringing something for everyone

This year, the world's largest agricultural trade fair Agritechnica will once again grace the familiar exhibition halls of Hanover, Germany for eight days.
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Grimme EVO 260
十月 17, 2023

GRIMME Group's ChangeSep and SmartFold Bag DLG Innovation Award in Silver at VDMA Information Exchange.

The Germany-headquartered company presented a series of innovations at the two-day event of the mechanical and plant machinery companies' network.
Potato field
十月 09, 2023

Regional Differences in Potato Yields in Germany

In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has provided a promising assessment of this year's potato harvest despite challenging weather conditions and delayed planting.
Bayer Serenade
九月 16, 2023

Bayer finds in-furrow application of biological fungicide Serenade boosts potato quality and potato vitality

Serenade is a biological fungicide based on a living bacterium derived from nature. In extensive trials, Bayer identified a number of positive effects on the potato crop.
The new marketplace can be used on all common digital end devices.
八月 02, 2023

GRIMME launches new marketplace for its agricultural machinery

The family-owned company GRIMME from Damme (Germany) presents a completely redesigned digital marketplace for used, new and rental machines.
Bosch BASF Smart Farming is now ONE SMART SPRAY
五月 01, 2023

Bosch BASF Smart Farming is now ONE SMART SPRAY

Bosch BASF Smart Farming, the joint venture between Bosch and BASF Digital Farming to globally market and sell smart farming technology, announced its new brand name: ONE SMART SPRAY.
Growing waxy potatoes for Royal Avebe specialty potato starch
十月 24, 2022

Growing waxy potatoes for Royal Avebe specialty potato starch

Christoph Renken, farmer on the Lüneburger Heide, shares his practical experiences of working with Royal Avebe and growing waxy potatoes on his farm.
Satisfacción con los resultados de la PotatoEurope 2022.
九月 15, 2022

Satisfacción con los resultados de la PotatoEurope 2022

La Sociedad Alemana de Agricultura (DLG) ha organizado en Rittergut Bockerode, en Springe-Mittelrode (Baja Sajonia), la feria internacional de la patata PotatoEurope 2022. Del 7 al 8 de septiembre de 2022, ha sido el punto de encuentro para productores, transformadores y comercializadores de patatas de Alemania y del extranjero.
Grip on own data brings benefits of precision farming to the grower
八月 27, 2022

Grip on own data brings benefits of precision farming to the potato grower

Much is expected from precision farming both inside and outside the potato sector. The term is often mentioned in the same breath as a sustainable future for potato cultivation. But precision farming is more than a future perspective.
Dewulf among exhibitors again at Potato Europe 2022
八月 25, 2022

Dewulf shows range of harvesters, planters and handling equipment at Potato Europe 2022

In contrast to the 2021 edition in the Netherlands, Potato Europe 2022 will be an in-person event again! On 7 and 8 September, exhibitors and visitors will be welcomed at Rittergut Bockerode.
La variedad de patata Macarena ofrece oportunidades de cultivo en el norte de África.
八月 22, 2022

La variedad de patata Macarena ofrece oportunidades de cultivo en el norte de África

Tras el exitoso lanzamiento de la variedad de patata de consumo Macarena en 2018 y el cambio generacional dentro de la empresa, la compañía obtentora alemana Saatzucht Niehoff se ha fijado el objetivo de ampliar gradualmente su gama de patatas de consumo.
Potato Europe Preview: GRIMME to present a range of new agricultural machinery
八月 17, 2022

Potato Europe Preview: GRIMME to present a range of new agricultural machinery

On the 7th and 8th of September 2022, the international trade fair PotatoEurope will take place in Bockerode near Hanover and GRIMME will present a large number of new practical innovations and further developments.
Bavaria-Saat Ltd presents broad range of varieties at Potato Europe 2022
八月 11, 2022

Bavaria-Saat GbR presents broad range of varieties at Potato Europe 2022

Due to the war in the Ukraine and persistent drought, the international potato industry is expecting another challenging year. Nevertheless, numerous players from all major potato-growing countries will meet at Potato Europe early September.


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