En Esmeraldas, Ecuador, el cultivo de camote busca mejorar la salud e ingresos de sus ciudadanos
四月 26, 2021

En Esmeraldas, Ecuador, el cultivo de camote busca mejorar la salud e ingresos de sus ciudadanos

Agricultores de la provincia de Esmeraldas, organizaciones de productores y autoridades del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, el INIAP y el CIP realizaron la siembra participativa de 10 variedades de camote.
How HZPC serves the Russian market with its potato varieties
四月 26, 2021

How HZPC serves the Russian market with its potato varieties

In Russia, HZPC is using an unconventional strategy to secure its potato trade for the future: in 2019, a small breeding company was set up to provide Russian contract growers with pre-basic seed potatoes. In 2020, the production of mini-tubers was added too.
Azerbaijan growing foreign varieties of potatoes
四月 20, 2021

Azerbaijan is importing new potato varieties

New foreign varieties of potatoes are grown in Azerbaijan. Samir Verdiyev, a local farmer said he grows potatoes in six districts of the country, delivering only seeds of varieties to Azerbaijan.
Royal Avebe and Solynta join forces: hybrid breeding in starch potato production
四月 15, 2021

Royal Avebe and Solynta to joinly work on hybrid breeding of potatoes for starch production

Averis Seeds B.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Avebe, will be working together with the hybrid potato breeding company Solynta on the hybrid breeding of starch potato varieties.
Agriculture company Vandamme opts for a quality boost with new cooling
四月 15, 2021

Agriculture company Vandamme opts for a quality boost with new cooling

According to Vandamme, mechanical cooling is an excellent basis for long-term storage of potatoes without loss of quality. In addition, cooling, in combination with 1,4SIGHT, is a suitable alternative to chlorpropham as a sprout inhibitor.
Avanza un Ensayo de Papa Semilla en Altura en San Juan, Argentina
四月 12, 2021

Avanza un Ensayo de Papa Semilla en Altura en San Juan, Argentina

Desde el INTA se están desarrollando una serie de ensayos para la producción de papa semilla. Los mismos se llevan a cabo en Jáchal, Iglesia, Calingasta y en Rama Caída en Mendoza.
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Idaho Potato Commission President and CEO, Frank Muir Retires After 18 Years of Service
四月 10, 2021

Idaho Potato Commission President and CEO, Frank Muir Retires After 18 Years of Service

Eighteen years ago, the Idaho® potato industry was in crisis. Consumers were shunning potatoes due to the rising popularity of low-carb diets, the new consumer focus on buying local (locavore movement) was beginning to expand across the country and the Idaho® potato farm gate revenue was declining.
PEI Potato Board Presents 2021 Potato Industry Recognition Awards
四月 07, 2021

PEI Potato Board Presents 2021 Potato Industry Recognition Awards

Three awards were presented to well deserving industry members at the Prince Edward Island Potato Board’s monthly meeting in March 2021. In addition, the award winners will be recognized at the PEI Board Annual Banquet in 2022.
HZPC: 'Ready to grow in North America'
四月 06, 2021

HZPC: 'Ready to grow in North America'

Potatoes in the United States and Canada are a commodity. When selecting varieties, the color of the skin tends to be the primary consideration. As the new managing director of HZPC Americas Corp, Jeff Scramlin sees opportunities to increase market share by highlighting the distinguishing characteristics.
En Boyacá, Colombia florecieron 17 variedades de papa ancestral
四月 06, 2021

En Boyacá, Colombia florecieron 17 variedades de papa ancestral

De parcelas en Ventaquemada y Chiscas, germinan 17 variedades de papa ancestral, que estuvieron a punto de desaparecer y perderse en el olvido.
En la campaña en curso, se sembraron unas 6 mil hectáreas de papa en Tandil, Argentina
四月 05, 2021

En la campaña en curso, se sembraron unas 6 mil hectáreas de papa en Tandil, Argentina

En el partido se produjeron 400 hectáreas menos que en la campaña 2019/2020. Ya se levantó el 35 por ciento de la cosecha. El toda la provincia de Buenos Aires se sembraron 32.847 hectáreas.
Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started
四月 02, 2021

Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started

The PotatoEurope organization has started preparing the potato trial fields at the event location near the central Dutch city of Lelystad.
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Next Generation varieties in Bangladesh
四月 02, 2021

Next Generation potato varieties in Bangladesh

Agrico's Phytophthora-resistant Next Generation varieties Carolus and Alouette are cultivated in Bangladesh. These varieties provide a solid foundation for a sustainable and healthy crop. Because of their natural resistance to Phytophthora, they have increased yield security with the least possible input. This results in an optimum return.
Parte temporada de exportación de semilla de papas certificadas en la región de Los Lagos, Chile
三月 29, 2021

Parte temporada de exportación de semilla de papas certificadas en la región de Los Lagos, Chile

En la planta Seleccionadora de Semillas SZ S.A., ubicada en Frutillar, el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG) realizó la inspección, emisión del certificado sanitario y colocación del sello de la primera exportación de semilla certificada de papas.
Patatas Meléndez aprueba un plan para asegurar la 'igualdad real y efectiva' de sus trabajadoras
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Patatas Meléndez aprueba un plan para asegurar la 'igualdad real y efectiva' de sus trabajadoras

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en el sector de la patata fresca, pone en marcha el I Plan de Igualdad con el objetivo de alcanzar la equiparación real y efectiva entre hombres y mujeres en todos los niveles de la empresa.
Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform
三月 27, 2021

Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform

Last November Agrico built an online news platform to support its buyers and growers with important knowledge and information. Agrico now also shares the latest insights and successes of its Next Generation potato varieties on this online platform
Self-sufficiency in potato seed
三月 26, 2021

Pakistan aims for Self-sufficiency for seed potatoes by mid 2022

Pakistan is poised to become self-sufficient in potato seed by mid-2022. The country is going to start producing high-quality, virus-free, third-generation potato seed.
Honduras: Productores conocen características de papa para industria
三月 23, 2021

Honduras: Productores conocen características de papa para industria

Alrededor de 50 productores de papa, conocieron las características de una variedad destinada para la industria, en el municipio de La Esperanza, departamento de Intibucá.


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