
PNZ Frozen Potatoes Trade Report No.3 Sept. 2022
九月 30, 2022

Potatoes New Zealand: Frozen Potatoes Trade Report September 2022

Exports of frozen fries from Belgium and the Netherlands to New Zealand have more than doubled in the quarter ending July 2022. These exports will be arriving presently, given shipping lead-times.
PEI potato farmers worried excess moisture caused by Hurricane Fiona may damage crops
九月 30, 2022

PEI potato farmers worried excess moisture from Fiona may damage crops

Prince Edward Island (PEI) potato farmers say they are concerned excessive moisture in the fields caused by the storm Fiona may lead their produce to rot in storage - though they hope that is not the case.
MountainKing Potatoes Begins Re-Brand of Butter Russets as Butter Cream Potatoes
九月 30, 2022

MountainKing Potatoes Begins Re-Brand of Butter Russets as Butter Cream Potatoes

MountainKing has launched a re-brand of one of its popular, gourmet varieties with the introduction of its Butter Cream Potatoes, now available in three-pound poly mesh bags.
Coristanco saca músculo agrario y busca internacionalizar su patata.
九月 26, 2022

Coristanco saca músculo agrario y busca internacionalizar su patata

En Coristanco celebraron este fin de semana la cuadragésima edición de su fiesta agraria por excelencia, y lo hicieron en un momento decisivo para los productores de patata.
US Retail consumers spent more on potatoes.
九月 26, 2022

US Retail consumers spent more on potatoes

US Potato retail sales increased in dollar sales but decreased in volume sales from July 2021 - June 2022, compared to the same timeframe a year ago. As consumer prices increased by 10.5%, retail dollar sales increased by 5.7%.
Princesa Amandine.
九月 25, 2022

PrincesaAmandine estará en Fruit Attraction para presentar su patata de Quinta Gama

Princesa Amandine participará en la próxima edición de Fruit Attraction (del 4 al 6 de octubre en IFEMA Madrid) con presencia en los stands de sus cuatro socios ibéricos.
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Los precios de la patata triplican a los de hace un año en el ecuador de la campaña.
九月 24, 2022

Los precios de la patata triplican a los de hace un año en el ecuador de la campaña

La campaña de la patata llega a su ecuador en Salamanca con precios al agricultor que triplican a los de la campaña pasada. Según datos del Observatorio de Precios de Castilla y León que gestiona la Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Junta de Castilla y León.
Teror acoge la V Feria Insular de la Papa del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre.
九月 24, 2022

Teror acoge la V Feria Insular de la Papa del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre

Teror acoge un año más la V Feria Insular de la Papa de Gran Canaria, que se desarrollará con un programa de actividades desde del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre, para los que se han convocado tres concursos de Fotografía, Gastronomía y de Papas de mayor peso.
CIP fomenta una mayor producción de papas y oportunidades inclusivas en Georgia.
九月 20, 2022

CIP fomenta una mayor producción de papas y oportunidades inclusivas en Georgia

La papa es un pilar de la dieta georgiana, se come casi a diario y se utiliza en platos tradicionales como kartopilis kinkali (albóndigas de papa). Los georgianos consumen un promedio de 55 kg de papas al año.
Belgapom quotation for the 2022-2023 season will cover potato varieties Fontane and Challenger.
九月 20, 2022

Belgapom quotation will newly add potato variety Challenger this season

As of the new storage potato season, the Belgapom price committee will note the most frequently used price for the trade in potatoes of the Fontane and Challenger varieties.
Higher yield with the Royal Avebe fertilization strategy.
九月 20, 2022

Higher potato yield with the Royal Avebe fertilization strategy

Due to the current scarcity of fertilizers, the 'red areas' and the increasing production costs, efficient nitrogen fertilization is becoming increasingly important.
Javier Meléndez conoce los detalles de la nueva planta.
九月 19, 2022

España: Reyes Maroto visita la planta 4.0 que pondrá en marcha Patatas Meléndez tras invertir 36 millones

La ministra de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Reyes Maroto, visitó el viernes las instalaciones de la nueva planta de producción que inaugurará Patatas Meléndez a finales de año.
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The International Potato Center (CIP), part of CGIAR is looking for a new director
九月 19, 2022

The International Potato Center (CIP), part of CGIAR, is looking for a new director

The International Potato Center (CIP), part of CGIAR is looking for a new director. CIP is a globally recognized research-for-development organization which delivers solutions to enhance access to affordable nutritious food, with focus on root and tuber agri-food systems such as the cultivation of (sweet) potatoes.
Seed potato business is taking root in Haryana, India
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Seed potato business is taking root in Haryana, India

A new trend has emerged in the Indian State of Haryana, with many potato farmers venturing into the seed potato production business. They even have had contracts from big private players such as McCain and Siddhi Vinayak
Europlant celebrated its 30th anniversary at Potato Europe
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Europlant celebrated its 30th anniversary at Potato Europe

During PotatoEurope more than 300 guests from Germany and abroad met on September 7, 2022 at Gut Rethmar to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Europlant Pflanzenzucht GmbH
Kenya: about USD 1 million program set to benefit potato farmers.
九月 17, 2022

Kenya: USD 1 million program set to benefit potato farmers

More than 3,000 small-holder potatoes farmers from Nakuru are set to benefit from a KES 127 million (USD 1 million) program aimed at enhancing potato production in the County.
Satisfacción con los resultados de la PotatoEurope 2022.
九月 15, 2022

Satisfacción con los resultados de la PotatoEurope 2022

La Sociedad Alemana de Agricultura (DLG) ha organizado en Rittergut Bockerode, en Springe-Mittelrode (Baja Sajonia), la feria internacional de la patata PotatoEurope 2022. Del 7 al 8 de septiembre de 2022, ha sido el punto de encuentro para productores, transformadores y comercializadores de patatas de Alemania y del extranjero.
Potato genomes under the microscope.
九月 15, 2022

Potato genomes under the microscope

The DNA in humans and gorillas is about 95% identical. This percentage is much lower between potato varieties. This might sound like a fun fact to remember for a pub quiz, but for Remco Ursem and Stan Oome, it is a premise that carries a serious challenge.


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