
More than 64 thousand tons of potatoes processed in the Moscow region
九月 16, 2020

More than 64 thousand tons of potatoes processed in the Moscow region

The Moscow region is the leader in potato processing in the Russian Federation in the first half of this year. This was announced by the Minister of Agriculture and Food Andrei Razin.
21st EAPR Triennial Conference – change of date and location!
九月 14, 2020

21st EAPR Triennial Conference – change of date and location!

As you know the situation with coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing dynamically. Due to the pandemic and for the safety of our participants we have decided to postpone the 21st EAPR Triennial Conference further. The new Conference date is July 12-16, 2021.
Previstos Menores Rendimientos en patata en Salamanca
九月 14, 2020

Previstos Menores Rendimientos en patata en Salamanca

La sectorial de patata de la organización agraria ASAJA Salamanca se reunió la pasada semana, con la presencia del presidente regional Donaciano Dujo, y constató que la campaña avanza en la provincia con un 15 por ciento de patata arrancada de una superficie sembrada de 4.209 hectáreas, cifra ligeramente inferior a la del año pasado.
Potato harvest in full swing in North-western Europe; Average Yields expected.
九月 14, 2020

Average Potato Yields expected in North-western Europe

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have estimated that the overall consumption potato yields are on 5 years average level.
Call on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade
九月 09, 2020

ePhyto: Electronic phytosanitary certification can facilitate international agricultural trade

The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) of the IPPC ePhyto Solution calls on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade, which would be crucial in safeguarding global food security beyond the Covid-19 recovery period.
ntrevista con Juan Manuel Coello, director de operaciones de Patatas Meléndez.
九月 07, 2020

Patatas Meléndez: 'Queremos alargar la campaña de Castilla y León hasta febrero-marzo'

Entre los proyectos que Patatas Meléndez tiene en materia de innovación figura el de alargar la campaña de Castilla y León hasta los meses de febrero y marzo. Entrevista con Juan Manuel Coello, director de operaciones de Patatas Meléndez.
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La Rioja estudia ayudas al sector de la patata, entre ellas una línea para inversión en maquinaria agrícola
九月 07, 2020

La Rioja estudia ayudas al sector de la patata, entre ellas una línea para inversión en maquinaria agrícola

La consejera de Agricultura, Ganadería, Mundo Rural, Territorio y Población, Eva Hita; la directora general de Agricultura y Ganadería, María Jesús Miñana y la directora general de Desarrollo Rural y Reto Demográfico, Nuria Bazo, se han reunido en la Cooperativa de Rioja Alta en Santo Domingo de la Calzada con su presidente, Emilio García, y su Consejo rector para analizar la campaña de la patata y la situación del sector en La Rioja.
El cuidado de la patata, reto de la mecanización
九月 07, 2020

El mercado de las cosechadoras de patatas en España

Preservar la patata y mantener su calidad, reduciendo o incluso llegando a evitar posibles daños, se ha convertido en todo un reto para los fabricantes de equipos especializados en esta tarea.
The potato is used to cooler climate and vulnerabe to environmental stresses; particularly to combinations of heat and drought.
九月 01, 2020

Major European project to develop heat- and drought-stress tolerant potatoes

The Faculty of Life Sciences of the University of Vienna coordinates a consortium of 17 European leading academic research institutions, potato breeders, a non-profit EU association, a government agency and a screening technology developer.
Restrain launches unique online potato storage training course
九月 01, 2020

Restrain launches unique online potato storage training course

After placing an order, Restrain customers can now go online and complete an online training course in which they will learn how the Restrain system works, and what storage managers should take into account applying ethylene as a sprout inhibitor. The course is currently available in 8 different languages.
Berta Redondo Benito, Secretary General Europatat
九月 01, 2020

Europatat appoints Berta Redondo Benito as Secretary General

The Board of Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, is pleased to announce the appointment of Berta Redondo Benito as the new Secretary-General of the association, with effect as of 1st of September 2020.
Bruselas aprueba un plan búlgaro de 29 millones de euros para ayudar a ganaderos y productores de patatas afectados por el coronavirus.
八月 31, 2020

Bruselas aprueba plan búlgaro de ayuda a productores de patatas por el Covid-19

La Comisión Europea ha aprobado un plan búlgaro de aproximadamente 29 millones de euros para ayudar a los agricultores que crían rumiantes grandes y pequeños y a los productores de patatas afectados por el brote de coronavirus.
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Salamanca: La poca patata a la venta 'salva' el inicio de una campaña difícil.
八月 31, 2020

Salamanca: La poca patata a la venta 'salva' el inicio de una campaña difícil.

Cerrada parte de la hostelería, de momento hay demanda aunque los precios son bajos. Ya ha comenzado a arrancarse la patata sembrada en la segunda tanda.
Francia: 'Esperamos unos meses complicados en el mercado de la patata.'
八月 31, 2020

Francia: 'Esperamos unos meses complicados en el mercado de la patata.'

'El mercado de la patata está bastante pesado en este momento, con más oferta que demanda, debido a la precocidad de las recogidas en Beauce y a que el consumo en los hogares sigue siendo limitado.'
AVR and DacomFarm Intelligence offer field data on a silver platter
八月 28, 2020

Smart potato farming: AVR and Dacom combine field and machine data

Less cultivating equipment required by cleverly combining field and machine data. This data is displayed on the digital platform AVR Connect, offering the farmer improved, real time insights into what is going on inside the machine, how it is operating, and how the process can be made more efficient.
Interpom 2021
八月 27, 2020

Belgian Potato Industry Trade show Interpom postponed till 2021

The Potato Industry Trade Show Interpom that was scheduled later this year in Kortrijk Xpo (Belgium) is postponed until November 2021
Context of the 2019 campaign, COVID-19 and consequences for the 2020 campaign
八月 25, 2020

France: Pandemic brought uncertainty to potato markets; focus need to be on quality, says UNPT

Covid-19 has shaken up all predictions and profoundly changed the fundamentals of the 2019 campaign in France and the rest of Europe. On the French fresh market, it has meant a revival in terms of household consumption.
UK: 2019/20 international potato trade drops
八月 24, 2020

United Kingdom: international potato trade drops

The latest trade data provided by the United Kingdom customs agency (HMRC) provide an overview of the full season of July-June 2019/20. Data shows that both imports and exports of potatoes (fresh and frozen) were down YOY and against the 3-year average.


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