PepsiCo Targets 100% Renewable Electricity Globally
九月 22, 2020

PepsiCo Targets 100% Renewable Electricity Globally by 2030

Food and beverage leader joins RE100 initiative with ambition to achieve 100% renewable electricity globally for direct operations by 2030 and across entire franchise and third-party operations by 2040.
Las cuadrillas están formadas por entre 6 y 12 personas
九月 21, 2020

España: La campaña de la patata tiene protocolo propio contra el covid

Aunque ya se están recogiendo algunos campos, para el inicio de la campaña de la patata aún queda entre una semana y 10 días. Será entonces cuando arranque una época de especial actividad en Coristanco y vayan llegando los temporeros.
Romain Cools: 2020 could well become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years
九月 21, 2020

2020 could become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years

Last week, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) association announced their harvest estimate for the 2020/2021 season.
Sercom launches Wireless System to control Potato Storage
九月 21, 2020

Sercom launches Wireless System to control Potato Storage

Early last year, Sercom developed a wireless system, based on radiographic technology, to connect field stations in the horticulture and e.g. potato storage cells up to a distance of 5 kilometres (3 miles) apart.
Summer drought still impacting potato farmers Prince Edward Island
九月 18, 2020

Summer drought still impacting potato farmers Prince Edward Island

Many potato fields across Prince Edward Island are not in the condition they usually are at this time of year due to the hot and dry conditions for much of July and August.
Potato Expo 2021 will offer Live, In-Person and Virtual Experience 
九月 18, 2020

Potato Expo 2021 will offer Live, In-Person and Virtual Experience 

Last January we could never have predicted how the year would play out. In light of the impacts of COVID-19, we knew that the Potato Expo had to change.
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An overview of the Belgian agricultural landscape.
九月 18, 2020

Cropmap Belgium 2020 now available

An overview of the Belgian agricultural landscape. The cropmap shows the main crop type on each individual field cultivated in the 2020 growing season and is openly available via an interactive online viewer.
Potato Processing equipment specialist Kiremko sells 30 STRATA Invicta® steam peelers in 30 months
九月 18, 2020

Potato Processing equipment specialist Kiremko sells 30 STRATA Invicta® steam peelers in 30 months

Kiremko is proud to announce that they have sold 30 of the best steam peelers on the market in just over 30 months’ time. Made in Europe and the US, supplied globally.
Potandon introduces Minute Mashers: quick-and-easy shelf-stable mashed potatoes
九月 17, 2020

Potandon introduces Minute Mashers: quick-and-easy shelf-stable mashed potatoes

It was just 18 months ago that Potandon Produce LLC in Idaho Falls, ID, introduced an innovative value-added potato product in the Green Giant Fresh brand called One Step … Done!
Plant seed potatoes now and you’ll be digging up your own buried treasure in just a few months.
九月 17, 2020

Potatoes from plot to plate: how to grow the perfect spuds in your New Zealand backyard

While in the Northern hemisphere we are harvesting potatoes and getting ready for winter, this is not the case in the Southern hemisphere. This article offers tips on how to grow potatoes in your New Zealand backyard.
Taking a look at UK's chipping markets from a supply and demand perspective.
九月 17, 2020

AHDB: Taking a look at UK's chipping markets from a supply and demand perspective.

With the coronavirus pandemic hitting the UK domestic potato trade, we have estimated a 1% drop year-on-year in the GB potato area for 2020/21, with the provisional area standing at 119Kha.
National Potato Council's annual meeting postponed and combined with Potato D.C. Fly-in in late February
九月 17, 2020

National Potato Council's annual meeting combined with Potato D.C. Fly-in February 2021

The National Potato Council’s annual meeting, in previous years combined with the Potato Expo, will next year be combined with Potato D.C. Fly-in in late February
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21st EAPR Triennial Conference – change of date and location!
九月 14, 2020

21st EAPR Triennial Conference – change of date and location!

As you know the situation with coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing dynamically. Due to the pandemic and for the safety of our participants we have decided to postpone the 21st EAPR Triennial Conference further. The new Conference date is July 12-16, 2021.
Alain Betancourt, nuevo Director Comercial de Patatas Meléndez
九月 14, 2020

Alain Betancourt se incorpora a Patatas Meléndez como nuevo Director Comercial

Un profesional con larga trayectoria en retail y productos frescos, principalmente en Carrefour España, compañía en la que ha desarrollado conceptos completamente novedosos que han supuesto un antes y un después en el mercado retail.
Previstos Menores Rendimientos en patata en Salamanca
九月 14, 2020

Previstos Menores Rendimientos en patata en Salamanca

La sectorial de patata de la organización agraria ASAJA Salamanca se reunió la pasada semana, con la presencia del presidente regional Donaciano Dujo, y constató que la campaña avanza en la provincia con un 15 por ciento de patata arrancada de una superficie sembrada de 4.209 hectáreas, cifra ligeramente inferior a la del año pasado.
Daly Potato Company acquired by Pure Foods Tasmania Limited
九月 11, 2020

Daly Potato Company acquired by Pure Foods Tasmania Limited

Pure Foods Tasmania Limited has agreed to buy the business and assets of Daly Potato Company Pty Ltd (DPC) for $1.8M with a mixture of cash and shares, subject to working capital adjustments.
The WSU study estimates the reduced potato acreage lowers production by 13% or 729,120 tons of potatoes, equivalent to the weight of about 76 Space Needles.
九月 11, 2020

Economic hit of COVID-19 to the Washington State Potato Sector estimated at USD 1 Billion

A WSU study has estimated the 2020 economic losses from potato production and processing in Washington. The demand shocks of COVID-19 resulted in a hit of roughly $1 billion dollars in gross state product.
Call on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade
九月 09, 2020

ePhyto: Electronic phytosanitary certification can facilitate international agricultural trade

The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) of the IPPC ePhyto Solution calls on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade, which would be crucial in safeguarding global food security beyond the Covid-19 recovery period.


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