
HZPC closes eventful year with a healthy result
十月 06, 2020

HZPC closes eventful year with a healthy result

The 2019/2020 financial year has been eventful in many respects for seed potato supplier HZPC. Despite the consequences of COVID-19, the company has had an operationally successful season. The coming season, however, may well be more of a challenge.
Fairfields Farm Set to Supply Leading Meal Kit Player, HelloFresh
十月 06, 2020

Fairfields Farm Set to Supply Leading Meal Kit Player, HelloFresh

Essex potato grower, Fairfields Farm, is excited to announce that it will be supplying HelloFresh with its low carbon footprint potatoes from October.
World Potato and Europatat Congresses, Ireland, 2021 – Postponed until 2022
十月 01, 2020

World Potato and Europatat Congress, Ireland, 2021 – Postponed until 2022

World Potato Congress Inc., Europatat and the Irish Potato Federation have announced the postponement of the World Potato Congress (WPC) and the Europatat Congress planned for May/June in Dublin in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dirk Garos y Paul O'Connor, de Restrain: 'Nosotros tenemos la mejor alternativa al CIPC, cuya fecha límite se acerca'
九月 28, 2020

Dirk Garos y Paul O'Connor, de Restrain: 'Nosotros tenemos la mejor alternativa al CIPC, cuya fecha límite se acerca'

El 1 de enero de 2020 se prohibió el uso de CIPC en la Unión Europea. La fecha límite para, entre otras cosas, el almacenamiento de patatas con CIPC se ha fijado en el 8 de octubre de 2020.
Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live
九月 28, 2020

Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live

For potato cooperative Agrico 2020/2021 is the season of its digital transformation. The first major milestone in this process is the new website that was launched last week.
McDonald's is seeking boost resilience of its British potato supply chain to environmental degradation and climate impacts
九月 28, 2020

McDonald's and McCain offer climate resilience funding for UK potato farmers

Fast food giant McDonald's is working with McCain Foods and Prince's Countryside Trust to help farmers in the United Kingdom improve soil health and boost resilience to climate change and Brexit
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Aviko Rixona buys Pfanni instant potato plant in Stavenhagen as part of strategic partnership with Unilever
九月 25, 2020

Aviko Rixona buys Pfanni instant potato plant in Stavenhagen as part of strategic partnership with Unilever

Today Aviko, one of Europe's largest manufacturers of fresh, frozen, dried and specialty potato products announces the acquisition of Unilever's factory in Stavenhagen, Germany by Aviko Rixona.
The plant on the left is untreated and the fungi are clearly visible. The right plant was treated with the acid, the fungus could not cause any damage.
九月 25, 2020

Researchers find new way to protect plants from fungal infection

Widespread fungal disease in plants can be controlled with a commercially available chemical that has been primarily used in medicine until now. This discovery was made by scientists from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the University of the State of Paraná in Brazil.
Las cuadrillas están formadas por entre 6 y 12 personas
九月 21, 2020

España: La campaña de la patata tiene protocolo propio contra el covid

Aunque ya se están recogiendo algunos campos, para el inicio de la campaña de la patata aún queda entre una semana y 10 días. Será entonces cuando arranque una época de especial actividad en Coristanco y vayan llegando los temporeros.
Romain Cools: 2020 could well become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years
九月 21, 2020

2020 could become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years

Last week, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) association announced their harvest estimate for the 2020/2021 season.
Sercom launches Wireless System to control Potato Storage
九月 21, 2020

Sercom launches Wireless System to control Potato Storage

Early last year, Sercom developed a wireless system, based on radiographic technology, to connect field stations in the horticulture and e.g. potato storage cells up to a distance of 5 kilometres (3 miles) apart.
An overview of the Belgian agricultural landscape.
九月 18, 2020

Cropmap Belgium 2020 now available

An overview of the Belgian agricultural landscape. The cropmap shows the main crop type on each individual field cultivated in the 2020 growing season and is openly available via an interactive online viewer.
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Potato Processing equipment specialist Kiremko sells 30 STRATA Invicta® steam peelers in 30 months
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Potato Processing equipment specialist Kiremko sells 30 STRATA Invicta® steam peelers in 30 months

Kiremko is proud to announce that they have sold 30 of the best steam peelers on the market in just over 30 months’ time. Made in Europe and the US, supplied globally.
Taking a look at UK's chipping markets from a supply and demand perspective.
九月 17, 2020

AHDB: Taking a look at UK's chipping markets from a supply and demand perspective.

With the coronavirus pandemic hitting the UK domestic potato trade, we have estimated a 1% drop year-on-year in the GB potato area for 2020/21, with the provisional area standing at 119Kha.
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Alain Betancourt, nuevo Director Comercial de Patatas Meléndez
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Alain Betancourt se incorpora a Patatas Meléndez como nuevo Director Comercial

Un profesional con larga trayectoria en retail y productos frescos, principalmente en Carrefour España, compañía en la que ha desarrollado conceptos completamente novedosos que han supuesto un antes y un después en el mercado retail.
Previstos Menores Rendimientos en patata en Salamanca
九月 14, 2020

Previstos Menores Rendimientos en patata en Salamanca

La sectorial de patata de la organización agraria ASAJA Salamanca se reunió la pasada semana, con la presencia del presidente regional Donaciano Dujo, y constató que la campaña avanza en la provincia con un 15 por ciento de patata arrancada de una superficie sembrada de 4.209 hectáreas, cifra ligeramente inferior a la del año pasado.
Call on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade
九月 09, 2020

ePhyto: Electronic phytosanitary certification can facilitate international agricultural trade

The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) of the IPPC ePhyto Solution calls on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade, which would be crucial in safeguarding global food security beyond the Covid-19 recovery period.


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