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九月 25, 2020
Aviko Rixona buys Pfanni instant potato plant in Stavenhagen as part of strategic partnership with Unilever
九月 22, 2020
Emsland Group invests over 33.9 million euros in a new plant for drying and modification of potato starch
四月 13, 2020
Belgian potato processing sector continues growth in 2019
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二月 13, 2020
Cosun potato processing subsidiary Aviko posts highest operating profit ever
一月 27, 2020
Kompuestos desarrolla un bioplástico a base de almidón de patata que se degrada en la tierra en 4 semanas
九月 02, 2019
Potato Europe 2019, an international fair at the heart of the Belgian potato sector.
Tournai. That the fair continues to grow is demonstrated by the fact that there are almost
20% more exhibitors from 17 different countries.