
Richard Pavelski, President of Heartland Farms
一月 29, 2012

Wisconsin’s Heartland Farms Presented with NPC’s 2011 Environmental Stewardship Award

Dick and Jeremie Pavelski of Heartland Farms were presented with the prestigious 2011 Environmental Stewardship Award at the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2012 Annual Meeting, held January 6-7, 2012, in Orlando, Fla.
World potato Congress
一月 27, 2012

World Potato Congress speaker Anton Haverkort outlines key developments for 2012

This year’s World Potato Congress, to be held in Edinburgh in May and organised by Potato Council, has attracted a remarkable line-up of international speakers including Dr Anton Haverkort of Netherlands-based Plant Research International.
 Washington Oregon Potato Conference
一月 27, 2012

Nutritionist: kids like potatoes

Potatoes can be presented in kid-friendly ways and are nutritious to boot. Montana nutritionist and author Dayle Hayes showed a variety of potato dishes being served in U.S. schools to growers Wednesday at the Washington-Oregon Potato Conference.Kids l...
一月 27, 2012

Ensayan con éxito papas transgénicas resistentes a virus

La papa es el cuarto cultivo alimenticio más importante en el mundo, con una producción anual de 300 millones de toneladas. En Argentina se producen 2 a 2,5 millones, las que se comercializan principalmente en el mercado interno. Las infecciones viral...
一月 27, 2012

Innovación para el Desarrollo: La Experiencia Papa Andina

Innovación para el Desarrollo: La Experiencia Papa Andina, es un libro que recoge 25 artículos que tratan, a partir de la experiencia de Papa Andina y sus socios, diversos aspectos de una estrategia que los centros del CGIAR y sus socios nacionales est...
一月 26, 2012

Investigación sobre “alimentos funcionales”: buscan potenciar los compuestos antioxidantes de la papa

El Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas IIB de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, en colaboración con INTA Balcarce, estudia cómo aumentar los polifenoles saludables en la papa, a fin de prevenir enfermedades complejas como cáncer o diabetes.
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一月 26, 2012

North American potato production up 4%

Fall potato production in the United States and Canada is estimated at 481 million hundredweight, up 4 percent from 2010. United States fall potato production increased 6 percent to 389 million cwt while Canadian production was 5 percent lower at 91.9 million cwt.
 ALAP 2012.jpg
一月 21, 2012

XXV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), Uberlândia, Brasil, 17-20 de sept. de 2012

XXV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), Uberlândia, Brasil, 17-20 de sept. de 2012 La Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP) y el XIII Encontro Nacional de Produção e Abastecimiento de Batata 2012 (ENB) abordan como te...
一月 18, 2012

French fries image needs work

The French fry appears to be taking sole blame of Americans being obese.
一月 17, 2012

ConAgra Foods Agrees to Acquire Del Monte Canada

ConAgra Foods, Inc., (NYSE: CAG) announced today that it has agreed to acquire Toronto-based Del Monte Canada Inc., a leading provider and marketer of packaged fruits, fruit snacks and vegetables in Canada, from an affiliate of Sun Capital Partners. Th...
一月 17, 2012

France to step up promotion of export potatoes says CNIPT president

France must be able to keep its position as EU’ largest potatoes exporter. This year the country will have to market over one million tons of potatoes.
一月 16, 2012

BASF renuncia a desarrollar y comercializar transgénicos en Europa por el rechazo social

La empresa química alemana BASF ha anunciado este lunes que renuncia a desarrollar y comercializar en Europa organismos genéticamente modificados, entre ellos la polémica patata transgénica 'Amflora', debido al fuerte rechazo social en la mayoría de Es...
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一月 16, 2012

Potatoes: The misunderstood vegetable

An image problem continues to trouble all sectors of the spud industry, according to the Alliance for Potato Research and Education
School project: Grow your own potatoes
一月 16, 2012

British potato growers urged to reconnect with schools

The British potato industry is being encouraged to get behind two educational projects from Potato Council, to ensure that potatoes continue to feature in the daily lives of the nation. Grow Your Own Potatoes is now in its eighth year.
 A J Bussan speaking on acrylamide at the Potato Expo 2012
一月 15, 2012

US Potato industry focusing on acrylamide

The potato industry is behind a unified effort to learn more about acrylamide - which was discovered in food about ten years ago.
一月 06, 2012

USPB's smartphone app caters to growers

Technology was evident in virtually every booth at the Potato Expo 2012, and the U.S. Potato Board’s booth was no exception.
一月 06, 2012

United Potato’s bright start shines less brightly

A late December report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture has added another perspective on the current drama surrounding the Salt Lake City-based United Potato Growers of America.
一月 05, 2012

Potato Expo 2012: Potato industry looks to future

In the same way that microbreweries surfaced to challenge the giants of the beer industry, Joe Guenthner won't rule out the rise of small potato chip makers.


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