
European Association for Potato Research (EAPR)

The European Association for Potato Research (EAPR) is a scientific platform covering all aspects of the potato chain.


Fiwap (Filiere wallonne de la pomme de terre) is the potato industry association of the potato growers in Wallonia, Belgium

Ghent University

Ghent University (Universiteit Gent, UGent) is one of the major Belgian universities in the Dutch-speaking region of Europe.

SETIS Systems bv

SETIS™ is a novel concept within TIS technology, using the Twin-bottles principle of two connected vessels (plant material and growth media vessels).


TRIAS is a Belgian non-profit organisation (NGO). Focused on supporting enterprising people in developing countries, the organisation has taken on a number of potato related development projects.

University of Leuven

The University of Leuven is Belgium's largest and oldest university.
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VITO Remote Sensing

VITO Remote Sensing is a Belgian research institute specialized in image processing and earth observation services. They built and maintain WatchITGrow


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