
The Potato Sustainability Alliance Announces Newest Member
三月 23, 2020

The Potato Sustainability Alliance Announces Newest Member

As the Potato Sustainability Alliance continues to expand, it has welcomed the Charlottetown, P.E.I.-based breeding and seed potato trading company HZPC Americas Corp as its newest member.
Large research project looks to combat major potato disease
三月 23, 2020

Large research project looks to combat major potato disease

More than $3 million is being invested in studying a major cause of potato yield reduction in Prince Edward Island and other spud-growing areas in Canada.
El coronavirus convulsiona la campaña de patata
三月 23, 2020

El coronavirus convulsiona la campaña de patata

Desde la Asociación de Productores se llama, una vez más, al escalonado de las siembras para evitar el colapso del mercado en el momento del arranque.
El cultivo de la patata se afianza una vez controlada la plaga de la polilla
三月 23, 2020

El cultivo de la patata se afianza una vez controlada la plaga de la polilla

La indicación geográfica protegida ampliará en breve su territorio a toda la comunidad.
2020 CPMA Convention and Trade Show Cancelled
三月 23, 2020

2020 CPMA Convention and Trade Show Cancelled

In light of the rapid escalation of safety precautions to decrease the transmission of COVID-19, the CPMA Board of Directors and 2020 CPMA Convention and Trade Show Organizing Committee have made the difficult decision to cancel the event.
Irish Farm Center Potato Market Update for March 2020
三月 23, 2020

Ireland: potato demand retail soars, food service drops

With the COVID-19 situation developing over the past week demand across all sectors has been mixed. Demand from retailers this week has soared and is reportedly as high as the Christmas period when trade normally peaks.
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Near enough isn't good enough
三月 21, 2020

FoodeQ's Ultra-precise Weigh belt systems: 'Near enough isn't good enough'

FoodeQ guarantees that their weigh belt systems are ultra-precise and have an accuracy with a maximum deviation of less than 1 percent.
La patata se paga a menos de la mitad que el año pasado
三月 20, 2020

La patata se paga a menos de la mitad que el año pasado

Mercado estable en una semana sin novedades en el mercado de la patata Agria, que repite a 18 céntimos de euro por kilo. Pese a esta repetición de las cotizaciones en origen, si se compara con la misma semana del año anterior.
Cella reivindica las virtudes de su patata
三月 20, 2020

Cella reivindica las virtudes de su patata

Aunque hay menos producción en los últimos años, la apuesta por la calidad de un producto adorado en toda la provincia de Teruel sigue intacta.
Statement from AUSVEG and PMA-ANZ regarding Hort Connections 2020
三月 20, 2020

Statement from AUSVEG and PMA-ANZ regarding Hort Connections 2020

AUSVEG and the Produce Marketing Association of Australia – New
Zealand (PMA-ANZ) have decided to postpone Hort Connections 2020, which was
due to be held from 15-17 June 2020 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Suministro de papas está garantizado en Panamá
三月 16, 2020

Suministro de papas está garantizado en Panamá

Gracias a un aporte entre importadores y productores locales de papas, se puede garantizar el suministro de este rubro en todo el país para lo que resta del año.
Europatat’s position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement
三月 16, 2020

Europatat's position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement

Following the Council’s green light to the opening of negotiations for a new partnership with the UK, Europatat has sent a position paper to the EU-UK negotiation team, as well as to the relevant officials in DG AGRI and DG SANTE.
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Comenzó muy bien cosecha de papa en la provincia de Cienfuegos
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Comenzó muy bien cosecha de papa en la provincia de Cienfuegos, Cuba

La cosecha de papa comenzó hoy en la provincia de Cienfuegos, con buenos augurios de calidad y rendimiento, tras los primeros niveles acopiados en la empresa agropecuaria Horquita, ubicada en el municipio de Abreu.
El Parlamento pide que se reduzca la importación de papas entre mayo y septiembre
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El Parlamento de Canarias pide que se reduzca la importación de papas entre mayo y septiembre

El pleno del Parlamento de Canarias ha aprobado este miércoles por unanimidad una proposición no de ley de Sí Podemos Canarias por la cual se insta al Gobierno regional a llegar a acuerdos con importadores y distribuidores.
West-Bengal potato farmers make a killing as weather turns bad
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West-Bengal potato farmers make a killing as weather turns bad

As weather in West-Bengal, India turns unfavourable, output falls sharply and potato prices shoot up.
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Key Technology Appoints Jesus Acevedo as Area Sales Manager for the Pacific Northwest United States

Key Technology has appointed Jesus Acevedo as Area Sales Manager for the Pacific Northwest United States.
Tolsma-Grisnich builds new potato storage facility in New Zealand
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Tolsma-Grisnich builds new potato storage facility in New Zealand

Dutch potato storage specialist Tolsma-Grisnich has built a new storage facility for The Rakaia Hub Ltd in New Zealand.
Hot potato: the J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods patent fight
三月 13, 2020

Hot potato: the J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods patent fight

J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods have spent the last few years battling in the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho over issues related to – unsurprisingly – potatoes, with each party asserting a design patent related to a spiraled potato.


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