
Malta's potato exports dry up
六月 02, 2020

Malta's potato exports dry up

Potato farmers are in 'utter despair' after learning they will not be able to export their crops this year because of the coronavirus outbreak.
First new potatoes on Malta harvested
三月 25, 2020

First new potatoes on Malta harvested

Kees Schouten, from Altena Potatoes: 'The question is how the market will respond to new potatoes in these turbulent times'.
Potato Industry of Malta continues to decline
四月 04, 2018

Potato Industry of Malta continues decline

Over a decade, Potato Exports from Malta fell from 7,200 tonnes in 2004 crop to just 3,100 tonnes in 2014, a massive 56% drop.
Eerste aardappelen uit Malta.
三月 18, 2011

Eerste Malta-aardappelen gearriveerd bij aardappelgroothandel Altena

De eerste truck met echte voorjaarsoogst Malta-aardappelen is vanmorgen per truck bij Aardappelgroothandel Altena in Wijk en Aalburg gearriveerd.
八月 10, 2010

Malta Potatoes now exported to five countries

Production of potatoes in Malta is growing and exports, which up to a few years ago only went to the Netherlands, have now diversified to the UK, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, Resources Minister George Pullicino said today.
三月 12, 2010

First Maltese potatoes arrive in Europe

This week the first Maltese potatoes arrived in Europe. The growing season in Malta this year has been exceptional. Because they were able to plant early, the harvest is three weeks earlier than last year. Above all the growers (cooperation) is very ha...
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三月 15, 2009

Potato Cultivation in Malta down 41%

A reduction of 41% in land available for potato growing in Malta since European Union accession is being blamed on the EU’s higher standards of consumer protection, the rural affairs ministry has told MaltaToday.Ministry official Karmenu Abela explaine...


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