TOMRA FOOD publishes a new e-book to help processors and packers turn data from sorting machines into greater profitability
五月 24, 2022

TOMRA Food e-book to help processors and packers turn data from sorting machines into greater profitability

TOMRA Food has published a new eBook to help food processors and packers enhance efficiencies and profitability by using information gathered by sorting machines. The easy-to-read, 21-page booklet, titled 'When Sorters Become Data Generating Machines'
Tomra Insight, the Powerful Industry 4.0 Data Platform, is Now available for the Food Industry
十月 20, 2020

Tomra Insight, a Powerful Industry 4.0 Data Platform, is Now available for the Food Industry

Following its successful launch last year by TOMRA Sorting Recycling, TOMRA Insight is now also being made available to TOMRA Mining customers, TOMRA Food and Compac, part of the TOMRA Food family. For all these industries, the platform is enhanced by new features and functionalities.
How Digitalization of the Supply Chain will Reduce Global Food Waste
一月 09, 2020

How Digitalization of the Supply Chain will Reduce Global Food Waste

The scale of the global food waste problem is staggering. According to reports, 1.6 billion tons of food are lost or wasted every year, equating to a total value of $1.2 trillion being wiped from the supply chain.
Insort presents its first end-of-line sorter for frozen french fries at Interpom 2018 – the Sherlock Hybrid.
十一月 14, 2018

Insort presents its first end-of-line sorter for frozen french fries at Interpom 2018 – the Sherlock Hybrid

Insort presents its first end-of-line sorter for frozen french fries at Interpom 2018 – the SHERLOCK HYBRID.
Cómo las empresas de alimentos pueden aumentar sus márgenes y reducir sus riesgos
九月 06, 2018

Cómo las empresas de alimentos pueden aumentar sus márgenes y reducir sus riesgos

¿Qué es más importante para las empresas alimentarias, la calidad y la seguridad o la cantidad? Existe un claro consenso entre los productores de alimentos, empaquetadores y procesadores: la calidad es crucial.
Marc Van Herreweghe new chairman of Belgapom, the Belgian association representing potato processing and trade
七月 07, 2018

Marc Van Herreweghe new chairman of Belgapom, the Belgian association representing potato processing and trade

Belgapom, the Belgian potato trade and processing industry association, has appointed Marc Van Herreweghe as its new chairman.
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Quality vs quantity? How food businesses can increase margins and reduce risk
六月 26, 2018

Quality vs quantity? How food businesses can increase margins and reduce risk

What matters more for food businesses, quality and safety or quantity? But does food quality and safety and food quantity have to be opposing factors, so that as output increases quality suffers?
TOMRA Sorting Food continues expansion
二月 26, 2018

TOMRA Sorting Food continues expansion with acquisition of BBC Technologies

Food Sorting Specialist TOMRA today signed an agreement to acquire 100 percent of the shares in BBC Technologies - including BBC Technologies USA.
New TOMRA ACT User Interface helps Food Processors to Optimize Workflow and Improve Profitability
六月 22, 2017

New TOMRA ACT UI helps Processors optimize Workflow and improve Profitability

TOMRA Sorting Food has unveiled a powerful new graphical user interface (UI) to help food processors get the most from their sorting systems by optimizing work flows and reducing waste to deliver improved profitability.


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