
十一月 16, 2011

Conference Committee Retains Senate Amendment Supporting Potatoes in School Meals

As the US legislation regarding school meal programs makes is way through the various stages of the approval process, a new stage has been reached and the provision that prohibits the USDA to set limits to vegetables is preserved in the current text un...
十一月 14, 2011

Functional Technologies Announces Next Generation Acrylamide-Preventing Yeast Technology

Functional Technologies Corp. is pleased to report the development of a third (3rd) generation of its proprietary acrylamide-preventing (AP) yeast platform, wherein various improvements made to the Company's original underlying AP technology have enabl...
十月 31, 2011

Tate & Lyle signs exclusive agreement for novel salt reduction technology

Tate &Lyle announces that it has signed an exclusive, worldwide license agreement with Eminate Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of The University of Nottingham, UK, for its novel salt reduction technology. The product, currently known as ‘SODA-LO®’,...
十月 31, 2011

United Arab Emirates turn to potatoes for food security

Abu Dhabi is planning to increase the production of potatoes as part of food security measures. This is in view of the fact that the storage life of potatoes can last as long as six to eight months and hence protect the country against possible food sh...
 University of Wisconsin
十月 23, 2011

Wetenschappers werken aan verbeterde industrie-aardappelen

Onderzoekers aan de Universiteit van Wisconsin-Madison zijn gekozen om een nationale multi-institutionele poging tot kwaliteitsverbetering van verwerkte aardappels te leiden. Volgens de USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture is er door het ...
 Hudson Institute
十月 21, 2011

Hudson Institute: Better-for-you Foods more profitable

Last week, we at Hudson Institute issued a study titled 'Better-for-you Foods: It's Just Good Business.' We now have evidence that packaged food and beverage companies selling a higher percentage of better-for-you (BFY) products are doing better.
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十月 20, 2011

When did potatoes become unpopular?

Potatoes have gone from nation-building superfoods to national pariahs. Why?
 American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI)
十月 19, 2011

AFFI applauds senate approval of Collins-Udall Amendment to block limit on Starchy vegetables in Schools

AFFI President and CEO Kraig R. Naasz issued the following statement today in support of an amendment to a Senate agriculture appropriations bill that blocks the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from limiting the amount of potatoes, corn, peas, li...
 School meals
十月 18, 2011

Senator Collins scores key victory to keep healthy vegetables in school meal program

In a major victory, the United States Senate tonight unanimously approved a bipartisan amendment, authored by Senator Susan Collins, to the Fiscal Year 2012 Senate Agriculture Appropriations bill that would protect the flexibility of schools to serve h...
 School meals
十月 18, 2011

Senate votes for unlimited potatoes in schools

The Senate threw its support behind the potato Tuesday, voting to block an Obama administration proposal to limit the vegetable on school lunch lines. Agriculture Department rules proposed earlier this year aimed to reduce the amount of french fries i...
 University of Wisconsin-Madison
十月 17, 2011

University of Wisconsin to lead research effort to reduce acrylamide in potato products

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers have been selected to lead a national, multi-institution effort to improve the quality and safety of processed potatoes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) ...
十月 17, 2011

US Potato politics: The potato wars

Sen. Susan Collins is a more gentle soul than your typical Republican Steering Committee regular, but there she was in the Capitol last week: Ms. Maine Moderate lunching with the “Sons of Jesse Helms” — all in the name of the potato. It was a jaw-drop...
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 University of Otago (New Zealand)
十月 12, 2011

High GI cooked potatoes no problem as part of a meal

Potatoes and other reportedly high-GI foods might not be the dietary villains that recent publicity, books and health-based programmes would claim them to be, a new University of Otago study suggests.
十月 09, 2011

Publicidad despierta apetito infantil por la comida chatarra

Los anuncios de comida tienen una potente influencia sobre las elecciones alimentarias de los niños, pero los padres pueden reducir ese efecto, según un estudio reciente. Incluyó a 75 niños entre los tres y los cinco años que vieron dos dibujos animad...
 Collection of snacks
十月 09, 2011

Kids expect familiar snacks to be more filling

New research, led by psychologists at the University of Bristol, has found that children who are familiar with a snack food will expect it to be more filling. This finding, published (online ahead of print) in the American Journal of Clinical Nutriti...
十月 06, 2011

Children's food choices are affected by both advertising and parental influence, suggests study

Directly advertising food items to children worries many parents and health care providers, and the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association have expressed concern about the negative impact of advertising on children's ...
NPC event intensifies pro-potato pressure
十月 05, 2011

NPC event intensifies pro-potato pressure

Doris Demers, the nutrition program director for York and Kittery schools, had a blunt response today when asked about proposed federal guidelines limiting white potato servings as part of the federally funded school lunch program. "It's ridiculo...
 E. Coli
十月 02, 2011

Wash your vegetables! Your potatoes too...

Soil stuck on leeks and potatoes may have been the source of an E. coli outbreak in the UK earlier this year, according to the Health Protection Agency (HPA).


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