
La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana.
八月 08, 2022

La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana

Una contribución de USD 20 millones de parte de los Estados Unidos de América catalizará un uso más eficiente de los fertilizantes. Los fondos se utilizarán principalmente para realizar mapas específicos de nutrientes del suelo para sistematizar y mejorar los mapas de suelos existentes.
Potato cultivation in Peru.
八月 08, 2022

FAO supports Peru to establish an 'International Potato Day'

This initiative seeks to raise awareness about the importance of this Andean tuber in agricultural development and global food security.
INIA genera 25 nuevas variedades de cultivos con alto valor genético en los últimos 4 años.
七月 16, 2022

INIA genera 25 nuevas variedades de cultivos con alto valor genético en los últimos 4 años

Además, ha liberado una nueva raza de cuy, reconocido 5 zonas de agrobiodiversidad y el mejoramiento genético de ganado. Entidad técnica del MIDAGRI ha generado tecnología en favor de 2 millones de pequeños y medianos agricultores a nivel nacional.
Special Report: Facing high wheat prices, Nigerian bakers turn to potato puree.
七月 14, 2022

Facing high wheat prices, Nigerian bakers turn to (sweet) potato puree

In the midst of a sunlit room in Nnewi, south-east Nigeria, a woman measures out four parts of sweet potato puree – the colour of apricot – into a large basin containing six parts wheat flour.
No more binge eating: signal pathway in the brain that controls food intake discovered
七月 09, 2022

Signal pathway in the brain that controls food intake discovered

The brain controls our body’s lysophospholipids, which in turn control a programme that activates nutritional intake / specific inhibitors of lipid synthesis could serve as new obesity therapies / publication in 'Nature Metabolism'
New platform deemed a boon for potato farmers in East Africa.
六月 29, 2022

New platform deemed a boon for potato farmers in East Africa

Commercialisation of potato, a common food crop largely consumed in East Africa, will receive a boost following the launching of a value-chain platform dedicated to it.
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New nutrient profiling tools confirm starchy vegetables deliver comparable nutritional value as non-starchy vegetables and whole fruit
六月 16, 2022

Study: starchy vegetables deliver comparable nutritional value as non-starchy vegetables and whole fruit

A new study recently published in Frontiers in Nutrition has challenged the tendency in nutrition research to separate starchy vegetables from their non-starchy counterparts
Nutrition 2022: New processing technique could make potatoes healthier
六月 15, 2022

Nutrition 2022: New processing technique could make potatoes healthier

Researchers announced early tests of a new potato processing technique designed to make our bodies digest potato starch more slowly. Laboratory demonstrations show that the approach blocks certain digestive enzymes
Potato may emerge as the knight with shining armour having potential to ensure global food security in todays fragile agri-food system: Indian Perspective
六月 14, 2022

A hero role for potatoes in global food security? An Indian perspective

The global agri-food system has been struggling with a series of disruptions caused by various events including drastic climate variabilities, the global pandemic of Covid-19 outburst, and the recent among them is Russia-Ukraine war.
Potato Protein as Good as Animal Protein: Study
六月 14, 2022

Potato Protein as Good as Animal Protein: Study

While many plant proteins are deficient in one or more essential amino acids necessary for optimal muscle growth and repair, a new randomized controlled study published in shows that plant-derived proteins can still induce strong anabolic responses.
Perú: Cultivos se reducen en 13 regiones por falta de fertilizantes.
六月 08, 2022

Perú: Cultivos se reducen en 13 regiones por falta de fertilizantes

Las mayores reducciones de siembras en la actual temporada agrícola se registran en Amazonas, Piura, Apurímac y Áncash, según información del Midagri.
FAO: Doubling global potato production in 10 years is possible.
六月 06, 2022

FAO: Doubling global potato production in 10 years is possible

Potatoes could make a greater contribution to global food security, according to the director-general of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations (UN).
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How the humble potato is already helping end world hunger.
六月 02, 2022

How the humble potato is already helping end world hunger

Consumed by more than a billion people worldwide, including many of the world’s poorest, potato has long been one of the most important crops to avert hunger.
Minister McConalogue opens the 11th World Potato Congress
五月 31, 2022

Minister McConalogue opens the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland

The Irish Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, officially opened the 11th World Potato Congress at the RDS in Dublin.
Perú: Nuevas variedades de papa beneficiarán a los agricultores, consumidores y al medio ambiente.
四月 27, 2022

Perú: Nuevas variedades de papa beneficiarán a los agricultores, consumidores y al medio ambiente

Perú es el primer productor de papa de América Latina, con una producción de más de 5 millones de toneladas al año. Sin embargo, el país importó cerca de 10 millones de kilos de papas pre fritas solo en los primeros cuatro meses del 2020.
HZPC: New generation of potato varieties promising for more food security
四月 22, 2022

HZPC: New generation of potato varieties promising for more food security

The new generation of potato varieties is performing better and better under extreme climate conditions such as drought, according to the recent sustainability report of potato breeder HZPC
CIP presenta futuras variedades de papa aptas para procesamiento industrial.
四月 19, 2022

CIP presenta futuras variedades de papa aptas para procesamiento industrial en bastones y horneado

En este evento se presentarán las características de las papas que serán liberadas oficialmente como nuevas variedades en la segunda mitad del 2022, de acuerdo con la normatividad peruana vigente.
La crisis de la guerra aumenta la demanda de patatas en Italia.
四月 13, 2022

La crisis de la guerra aumenta la demanda de patatas en Italia

El conflicto ruso-ucraniano, que ya lleva 40 días, parece estar cambiando los hábitos alimentarios de los consumidores italianos.


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