Programa preliminar del Congreso Mundial de la Papa
El próximo Congreso Mundial de la Papa (WPC) se celebrará del 27 al 31 de mayo de 2018 en en Cusco, Perú. Es la primera vez que se realiza en América Latina y que coincide con el Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP). Conozca el programa tentativo del primero de los eventos.
十月 28, 2016
World Potato Congress in Peru will be held in combination with the ALAP congress
The 10th World Potato Congress will be held in Cusco Peru in combination with the 28th Congress of the Latin America Potato Association, ALAP from May 27-31, 2018
十二月 23, 2011
Top GB potato players to promote World Potato Congress at Potato Expo 2012
Two top GB potato industry players are crossing the Atlantic January 4-6 not just to quiz the U.S. industry on its latest techniques at Potato Expo 2012 but to promote the benefits of attending World Potato Congress 2012 in Edinburgh, Scotland in May. ...