
 Food Valley Award 2012
六月 27, 2012

Solynta's fast hybrid potato breeding program nominated for the Food Valley Award

Solynta's fast hybrid potato breeding program one of the three nominees for the 2012 Food Valley Award. Potatoes are the world's third most important food crop after rice and wheat. They are significantly more efficient in their use of water and nutri...
 EAPR 2011
七月 25, 2011

Solynta presenteert doorbraak in aardappelveredeling tijdens EAPR

Op het EAPR congres dat vandaag begint in Oulu, Finland, presenteert Pim Lindhout, Solynta: A new paradigm in potato breeding. Het bedrijf Solynta is er in geslaagd om in nauwe samenwerking met de Wageningen Universiteit inteeltlijnen van aardappel te ...
EAPR 2011
七月 25, 2011

Solynta presents breakthrough potato breeding technology

At the conference of the European Association of Potato Research (EAPR) starting today, the Dutch company Solynta will present their breakthrough in potato breeding.


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