
Christian Bachem
三月 08, 2013

Discovery of genetic mechanism allowing potato cultivation in northern latitudes

An international team of scientists headed by Wageningen University has discovered a genetic mechanism which allows potato plants to develop tubers during the long days of spring and summer in northern latitudes.
Agrico potato variety Gourmandine to sweep through the UK
二月 13, 2013

Agrico potato variety Gourmandine to sweep through the UK

Agrico signed a contract with the company Albert Bartlett for the introduction of the successful potato variety Gourmandine in the UK. This took place in Berlin, during the second day of the Fruit Logistica trade show.
 Albert Bartlett
二月 04, 2013

Gourmandine Potato variety soon available in the United Kingdom

During the upcoming Fruit Logistica, Agrico will sign a contract with the UK firm Albert Bartlett, who will shortly introduce the Gourmandine potato variety in the United Kingdom.
 Logo de la compañía HZPC
一月 21, 2013

HZPC realiza un estudio de mercado para conocer los gustos del consumidor final

La empresa holandesa HZPC quiere saber hacia dónde se encaminan los gustos de los actuales consumidores de patatas. Para ello ha encargado a una empresa especializada la realización de un “consumer research” en varios países, entre los que se incluye E...
 Oerlemans Foods
一月 11, 2013

French Fry manufacturer Oerlemans Foods to be sold to Baltussen Holding

Today, VION N.V. announced that it has entered into an agreement for the intended sale of its company Oerlemans Foods to Baltussen Holding B.V.
Florigo International BV
十二月 18, 2012

Florigo continuous vacuum frying system reduces acrylamide in potato chips

Machine manufacturer Florigo International has a long history in vacuum fryers and offers both batch and continuous systems. Recently the company tested the benefits of continuous vacuum frying on the acrylamide content of potato chips.
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 Miedema HMI GPS Planting Comfort
十二月 16, 2012

Boost your potato planter's efficiency with Miedema HMI GPS Planting Comfort

The HMI (Human Machine Interface) terminal is a familiar feature on many Miedema machines. For several years now the colourful control panel has formed the basis of the user-friendly control system for machines such as the MB 33 and 55 box fillers, ML ...
十一月 19, 2012

VION biedt Oerlemans Foods te koop aan

VION Food Group gaat terug naar de kern. De onderneming gaat zich in de toekomst volledig richten op Food in Nederland en Duitsland en Ingredients wereldwijd. De strategische keuze die ten grondslag ligt aan de nieuwe koers, betekent dat VION afscheid ...
十月 25, 2012

Solynta wint Food Valley Award 2012 @Food Valley Expo

“Het winnen van de Food Valley Award is geweldig. We zijn nu in een fase beland dat het zo goed gaat dat we op zoek zijn naar partners en daar helpt het winnen van zo’n prijs enorm”, aldus Pim Lindhout, hoofd Research &Development Solynta.
FTNON announces purchase of Key Technologies’ Freshline products
十月 18, 2012

FTNON announces purchase of Key Technologies’ Freshline products

FTNON continues its dedication in providing high quality products and services to the fresh-cut industry with its recent purchase of Key Technologies' Freshline products.
十月 15, 2012

Co-operatives: a Key for Smallholder Inclusion into Value Chains (Rabobank Report)

Rabobank believes small farmers in developing countries and emerging economies are the key to a successful approach to the world food problem. As their productivity is still very low, a large underexploited food production potential is yet to be unlocked.
 Anton Haverkort
九月 03, 2012

Increase in greenhouse gas positive for potato yield

The increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere can have a positive influence on the potato yield. This is according to Anton Haverkort of Plant Research International, part of Wageningen UR, on 22 August during the bi-annual Potato Demo Day at Westmaas.
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Solynta, FOODsniffer chosen for Ag Innovation Showcase
八月 09, 2012

Solynta, FOODsniffer chosen for Ag Innovation Showcase

Two innovative Dutch agri-food companies, Solynta and FOODSniffer, have been selected to present at the Ag Innovation Showcase in St. Louis Sept. 10-13. Solynta has developed a revolutionary breakthrough in potato breeding technology.
McCain Foods Holland B.V. plans to acquire CêlaVíta B. V. , a leading European chilled potato producer
七月 24, 2012

McCain Foods Holland B.V. plans to acquire CêlaVíta B. V. , a leading European chilled potato producer

McCain Foods announced July 24th that it intends to acquire 100% of the shares of CêlaVíta B.V., a subsidiary of Bieze Food Group BV, owned by the German Wernsing Group, located in Wezep (The Netherlands). CêlaVíta B.V. is a leading European chilled ...
 Aviko Sweet Potato Fries
七月 06, 2012

Aviko introduces frozen sweet potato fries to foodservice range

otato processing company Aviko has launched a frozen sweet potato fry product for the foodservice trade based on research that suggests consumers perceive the product as a healthy and attractive option, especially for families.
 Food Valley Award 2012
六月 27, 2012

Solynta's fast hybrid potato breeding program nominated for the Food Valley Award

Solynta's fast hybrid potato breeding program one of the three nominees for the 2012 Food Valley Award. Potatoes are the world's third most important food crop after rice and wheat. They are significantly more efficient in their use of water and nutri...
Lamb Weston Meijer CSR Report
六月 27, 2012

Lamb Weston / Meijer publishes sustainability report

Today, Lamb Weston / Meijer - manufacturer of deep frozen potato products - published its online sustainability report for 2010 and 2011. The company aspires leadership in three sustainability themes: water, energy and potato. The report illustrates t...
五月 16, 2012

Wagenings onderzoek met GM-aardappel bij Raad van State aangevochten

De organisatie Gentechvrije Burgers uit Lelystad heeft een zaak bij de Raad van State aangespannen waarin wordt geëist dat de vergunning die door het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu is verleend aan de Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek van Wageningen Universiteit voor proeven met genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelplanten wordt vernietigd.


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