
十二月 08, 2009

Emsland Stärke processed 100 tonnes amylopectin potatoes this fall

The skin is light brown, the meat luscious and yellow: from the outside alone, this new potato looks like any other. But on the inside, it is different. Its cells produce pure amylopectin, a starch used in the paper, textile and food industries. The ne...
五月 11, 2009

Plásticos biodegradables a partir de papas

Un estudio realizado por la Universidad de Rostock está desarrollando plantas de patata modificadas genéticamente (MG) que puedan ser usadas para la obtención de bioplásticos. De esta forma, las plantas podrían actuar como materias primas renovables, p...
三月 17, 2009

Flexible case packer aimed at snack manufacturers

A case packer has been designed to pack sensitive products and can incorporate a range of case formats including hood, tray and wraparound, claims the manufacturer. Global packaging equipment supplier, Focke & Co, unveiled its new packaging technolo...


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