
This article was originally sent via email from CEO Chris Kempczinski to McDonald’s employees and franchisees.
三月 08, 2022

McDonald's To Temporarily Close Restaurants & Pause Operations in Russia

Earlier today, McDonald's CEO Chris Kempczinski announced in an email to staff and franchisees that McDonald's will temporarily close its restaurants and pause operations in Russia.
二月 17, 2022

Dutch potato exports waiting on Eastern European demand

Dutch potato exports are not currently busy at all. February is never that wild. Things are quieter to most major destinations in West Africa. Those countries have their own crops, so they've closed their borders.
Growers of potatoes for consumption in England and Wales may be able to import Dutch seed potatoes.
一月 28, 2022

Growers in England and Wales may be able to import Dutch seed potatoes directly

At the request of the Dutch Potato Organisation (NAO), the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has investigated the possibilities for exporting Dutch seed potatoes to the United Kingdom (UK).
Almost one year after Brexit: still no agreement on trade in seed potatoes.
十二月 17, 2021

Almost one year after Brexit: still no agreement on trade in seed potatoes

On 9 December, the European Parliament will hold a public hearing on 'the impact of Brexit on European agricultural markets'. Europatat would like to use this opportunity to highlight the impact of no agreement on their sector.
Asaja Canarias ASAGA, advierte del desabastecimiento de papa de semilla y aboga por planificar la siembra para evitar una caída de los precios en 2022
十二月 15, 2021

Asaja Canarias ASAGA, advierte del desabastecimiento de papa de semilla y aboga por planificar la siembra para evitar una caída de los precios en 2022

Asaja Canarias ASAGA, advierte del desabastecimiento de papa de semilla y aboga por planificar la siembra para evitar una caída de los precios en 2022
十二月 08, 2021

Average to good potato harvest in North-western Europe, but increased production costs

The NEPG has ended the 2021 campaign with a production of 22.7 million tons, which represents a decrease of 3.4% in relation to the previous one, although it remains 2.7% above the average of the last five years.
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Ban on seed potato imports will have 'devastating consequences'
十一月 04, 2021

Ban on seed potato imports will have 'devastating consequences' for Potato growers in Northern Ireland

Potato growers in Northern Ireland face a severe shortage of seed potatoes in 2022, according to Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) political party leader, Jim Allister.
Russian potato market: prices are steadily increasing
十月 04, 2021

Russian potato market: prices are steadily increasing

In the Russian potato market, the upward trend in prices continues, and they just reached a record level over the past few years, analysts of the EastFruit project report.
Recolección de patatas esta campaña en la provincia de Valladolid.
九月 20, 2021

España: COAG dice que habrá desabastecimiento de patatas si la distribución no se adapta

El cambio climático afecta a la producción de patata: las sucesivas olas de calor han secado la mata antes de tiempo y han dañado la apariencia del tubérculo, lo que dificulta su comercialización.
Michiel y Frank
九月 06, 2021

¿Patatas holandesas todo el año?

¿Por qué importar patatas cuando están disponibles en el país? En los Países Bajos, la disponibilidad de patatas se amplía continuamente, gracias al desarrollo de variedades y a la mejora de los métodos de almacenamiento.
Five million kilos of unsold potatoes in the Canary Islands.
八月 27, 2021

Five million kilos of unsold potatoes in the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands Farmers and Ranchers Association (ASAGA Canarias ASAJA, for its acronym in Spanish) has made a call to encourage consumers to prioritize in their purchases the potato of Canarian origin.
Seeking a solution to the seed potato stand-off between Europe and the United Kingdom and
八月 26, 2021

Seeking a solution to the seed potato stand-off between Europe and the United Kingdom and

NFU Scotland vice president Andrew Connon has described the post-Brexit cessation of seed exports to Europe as 'purely political and totally unacceptable'.
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España: Fin de la campaña de la patata en .
七月 27, 2021

España: Fin de la campaña de la patata en Mallorca

Sa Pobla cuenta todavía con 45 payeses profesionales en activo. Sin duda, la patata es el cultivo mayoritario y el motor de la economía local, especialmente debido a la exportación de este tubérculo a lugares como Gran Bretaña, receptor por excelencia del tubérculo mallorquín.
Brexit fightback: UK bans EU seed potato imports in snub at Brussels
七月 12, 2021

Brexit fightback: UK bans EU seed potato imports in snub at Brussels

A trade row between Brussels and London threatened to erupt tonight after UK ministers banned the import of seed potatoes from EU countries in a victory for Scottish farmers.
Big demand for import potatoes in the Netherlands.
六月 13, 2021

Big demand for import potatoes in the Netherlands

It's a good season for import potatoes in the Netherlands. More people are cooking at home. That's undoubtedly contributing to this, as are the 'old' potatoes deteriorating quality.
五月 26, 2021

Reconnecting the potato chain: Interpom 2021 is a go!

We can now confirm that INTERPOM will go ahead! From 28 to 30 November 2021, the global potato sector will be able to gather in Kortrijk Xpo, as it used to do in the past.
Romanian farmers propose National Strategic Potato Plan to save the sector
五月 18, 2021

Romanian farmers propose National Strategic Potato Plan to save the sector

The Romanian Farmers Club and the Romanian National Potato Federation propose to the authorities the implementation of a National Strategic Potato Plan, to save an economic sector in great difficulty and harmonize the trade balance.
Deadlock: Much concern in EU about seed potato trade with the UK
四月 26, 2021

Deadlock: Much concern in EU about seed potato trade with the UK

There seems to be little hope for an imminent agreement between the EU and the UK on mutual trade in seed potatoes. If no agreement is reached, there is a good chance that the export of seed potatoes from EU countries to the UK will be resolutely closed on 1 July.


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