
A quality mark for potato seeds in India
五月 01, 2023

A quality mark for seed potatoes in India

After extensive deliberations with different stakeholders including government officials, Haryana State Seed Certification Agency (HSSCA), and seed producers, the Government of Haryana with support from the CIP team launched the Har Aloo potato seed quality certification system.
PepsiCo Launches Crop Intelligence Model for India in Collaboration with Cropin
四月 11, 2023

PepsiCo Launches Crop Intelligence Model for India in Collaboration with Cropin

PepsiCo India, through its brand 'Lay’s', announced a crop and plot-level predictive intelligence model to help farmers maximize potato yields coupled with quality via functional dashboards on user-friendly mobile apps.
Disease Resistant Potatoes & Fortified Bananas Gets Govt Approval
四月 02, 2023

Indian government approves trials of GM Disease Resistant Potatoes & Fortified Bananas

After mustard, India will undertake trials of two other genetically modified (GM) food crops, bananas and potatoes, perhaps ushering in a new era of biotech-enhanced farming.
Can Indian growers ride the TOP (Tomato, Onion and Potato) wave?
四月 02, 2023

Indo-Dutch Companies Offer Solutions to Help Indian Farmers Struggling with Low Potato and Onion Prices

(Indo-)Dutch companies providing solutions from planting material to processing equipment believe there are ways to establish more sustainable value chains, with the help of their technologies.
A Bumper Crop Brings Down Potato Prices, Causes Storage Nightmare, and Leave Farmers in Distress
三月 21, 2023

Bumper Crop in India Brings Down Potato Prices, Causes Storage Nightmare, and Leaves Farmers in Distress

India which is the second-largest producer of potatoes in the world has witnessed a bumper crop in the November–February harvest. And, the farmers are not quite happy with this as the oversupply has brought down the prices, making farmers incur losses.
The Agricultural Revolution from the Paleolithic era to modern of Agriculture
二月 13, 2023

Potato farming in Odisha, India: Interview with Samarendu Mohanty,  Asia Regional Director at the International Potato Center (CIP)

Interview with Samarendu Mohanty,  Asia Regional Director at the International Potato Center (CIP) focused on the potato situation in Odisha, India
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North Gujarat: Land of Potatoes for Processing
二月 07, 2023

North Gujarat: Land of Potatoes for Processing

Planting of potatoes for processing in North Gujarat was completed by November 2022. Harvest is to begin around February 20, 2023, and production is expected to be 1.9M tons.
Frost causes heavy damage to potato, vegetable crops in north India
一月 24, 2023

Frost causes heavy damage to potato, vegetable crops in north India

Potato farmers in the northern parts of the country have suffered heavy crop losses due to ground frost owing to the fall in temperatures in the last week.
Allround Potato recieving & distribution for peeling and french fries line
十二月 12, 2022

Allround will demonstrate it's Destoner and Storage hopper at World Mithai Namkeen Convention, Chandigarh, India

Allround (India) Vegetable Processing Machines Pvt. Ltd., is a Dutch-Indian engineering company will showcase their products on at World Mithai Namkeen Convention on 19-21 December in Chandigarh, India.
M S International: potato trade stat
十二月 12, 2022

Export of potatoes for processing from India up over 40% YOY

Export data show that from January to September 2022, India exported about 153,000 tons of fresh or refrigerated potatoes suitable for the production of potato chips, an increase of 42% compared to last year.
Allround will participate in Agro Tech India 2022
十月 29, 2022

Allround will participate in Agro Tech India 2022

Allround vegetable processing has been participating in Agro tech for the last many years, this year they also want to showcase their shake grader(potato, Onion) and cold storage equipment solution.
Natural Storage Solutions Pvt. Ltd. celebrates their silver anniversary
十月 10, 2022

Natural Storage Solutions Pvt. Ltd. celebrates their silver anniversary

The past 25 years have been an amazing journey, full of incredible people, great clients, rich blessings, and countless opportunities in Post harvest/cold chain/food processing to create world-class projects
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Seed potato business is taking root in Haryana, India
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Seed potato business is taking root in Haryana, India

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S.V. Agri Signed MOU With Farmers Collectives Of Assam Towards Localised Value Chain Development.
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S.V. Agri Signed MOU With Farmers Collectives Of Assam Towards Localised Value Chain Development

Siddhi Vinayak Agri Processing Private Limited has signed MOU with farmers collectives which are supported under the World Bank and Govt of Assam seeded project for rural transformation named APART.
S V Agri to solve the problem of seeds faced by the farmers
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S V Agri solves the problem of Potato Seeds faced by the Indian farmers

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Team PotatoPro with Mr. Kuldeep at InterFood Tech 2022 at Mumbai, India.
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Kuldeep Sharma (TOMRA) on the Indian Potato Market: Unorganised but great Opportunities

During InterFood Tech in Mumbai, PotatoPro interviewed Kuldeep Sharma from TOMRA Food on the Indian Potato Market, how it differs differs from the European and American Market and Sustainability.
Cold Chain Scheme by Government of India
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Indian Government invests in Cold Chain, Value Added Processing

For a limited time, the government of India offers significant financial support for investments in the cold chain - including processing, through its plan entitled: 'Scheme of Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure'.
Potato may emerge as the knight with shining armour having potential to ensure global food security in todays fragile agri-food system: Indian Perspective
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A hero role for potatoes in global food security? An Indian perspective

The global agri-food system has been struggling with a series of disruptions caused by various events including drastic climate variabilities, the global pandemic of Covid-19 outburst, and the recent among them is Russia-Ukraine war.


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