
Blue Potato farm at rooftop of New York JFK's Terminal 5
十二月 13, 2015

Blue Potato farm at rooftop of New York JFK's Terminal 5

In October JetBlue Airways, New York's Hometown Airline™ and TERRA® Real Vegetable Chips, part of The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., revealed the T5 Farm -- a blue potato farm and produce garden at Terminal 5 (T5) at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Major US project to improve potato production in Bangladesh and Indonesia led by University of Michigan
十一月 11, 2015

Major US project to improve potato production in Bangladesh and Indonesia led by MSU

The US Agency for International Development has awarded Michigan State University (MSU) a $5.8 million cooperative agreement to improve potato production in Bangladesh and Indonesia. Additional partners include the University of Minnesota and J.R. Simplot as well as in-country partners in both Bangladesh and Indonesia.
Optimize Metam Sodium Efficacy by Shank Injection with New Focus on Potato Webcast
十月 29, 2015

Optimize Metam Sodium Efficacy by Shank Injection with New Focus on Potato Webcast

The Plant Management Network provides information on how to improve efficacy of metam sodium application by shank injection in a new educational webcast developed by Neil C. Gudmestad
Rob Carter, State Agronomist, Alaska
九月 24, 2015

Warm summer in Alaska results in good potato yields for farms with irrigation

Alaskan potato farms with irrigation had a good year, but farms that didn't have irrigation lost much of their potato yield.
R.D. Offutt scales back expansion plans in Minnesota
九月 14, 2015

R.D. Offutt scales back expansion plans in Minnesota

Potato grower R.D. Offutt has agreed to scale back its expansion plans in Minnesota in a deal with regulators to protect sensitive groundwater and pine forests in central Minnesota.
Black Gold Farms start harvest Red Potatoes in Red River Valley
九月 09, 2015

Black Gold Farms start harvest Red Potatoes in Red River Valley

Today, Black Gold Farms has started the harvest of its red potatoes in the Red River Valley
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Innate™ generation two in this field survived late blight infection
九月 01, 2015

USDA Deregulates Second Generation Innate™ GMO Potatoes

The J.R. Simplot Company is pleased that the USDA has deregulated the Russet Burbank variety of the second generation of Innate™ potatoes. Simplot is looking forward to the completion of the EPA registration and FDA consultation before the second generation of Innate™ potatoes can be introduced into the marketplace.
Amanda Gevens
八月 30, 2015

Focus on Potato Webcast by Amanda Gevens Covers Biopesticide Use

A new 'Focus on Potato' webcast titled “Managing Diseases with Biopesticides in Potato Production” helps growers, consultants, and other practitioners in the potato industry understand the basics of biopesticides and their use in the field.
 Focus on Potato Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance
八月 12, 2015

Focus on Potato Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance

The latest Focus on Potato webcast, titled “Best Management Tactics and Fungicide Resistance in Early Blight and Brown Spot” highlights the importance of measures to mitigate fungicide resistance, particularly when applied and repeatedly used on a single site.
Wisconsin Badger CommonTater now available online
八月 10, 2015

Wisconsin Badger CommonTater now available online

Badger Common’Tater, a leading source of news, education and highlights of Wisconsin’s potato and vegetable industry is now available online.
Matt Porter of Porter Farms in Presque Isle cultivates crops on his sixth generation farm in July 2015 where he works with his father and where he himself has farmed for 15 years (Courtesy: Bangor Daily News / Brianne O'Leary)
八月 06, 2015

McCain Foods’ nurse crop project may help increase potato yields

Representatives from McCain Foods are excited about a new project under way in Aroostook County that has some farmers planting their usual acreage of potatoes right on top of a bed of winter rye, barley or oats.
Potato field in Washington (Courtesy: Norm Nelson Inc. / The Packer)
七月 22, 2015

Washington and Oregon Potato Growers Nervous about Hot and Dry Conditions

Fresh-market potato growers in Washington and Oregon may not know what their 2015-16 crop will look like until they start harvesting, which should be a week or two earlier than usual.
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USDA publishes 2014 Chemical Use data for Fall Potatoes
五月 17, 2015

USDA publishes 2014 Chemical Use data for Fall Potatoes

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) thursday published the 2014 Agricultural Chemical Use survey data for corn and fall potatoes.
Expert: Idaho potato industry has too much capacity
一月 28, 2015

Expert: Idaho potato industry has too much capacity

A former Potato Growers of Idaho executive director believes Idaho’s capacity to produce and pack potatoes has outgrown the market, at the expense of growers.
NPC 2014 President Randy Hardy hands the award to Brendon Rockey and Sheldon Rockey with wife Nicole.
一月 20, 2015

Rockey Farm (Colorado) receives the NPC 2014 Environmental Stewardship Award

Brendon and Sheldon Rockey of Rockey Farms in Center, Colorado, were named the recipients of the prestigious 2014 Environmental Stewardship Award presented at the National Potato Council’s 2015 Annual Meeting.
New ‘Focus on Potato’ Webcast Discusses Postharvest Use of Phosphorous Acid
十月 05, 2014

New ‘Focus on Potato’ Webcast Discusses Postharvest Use of Phosphorous Acid

Phosphorous acid based products can be an effective control for postharvest diseases when applying best practices. In the presentation. Learn more in the latest ‘Focus on Potato’ presentation “Phosphorous Acid and its use in Potato Post-Harvest Situations,”
New ‘Focus on Potato’ Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance, Management
九月 22, 2014

New ‘Focus on Potato’ Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance, Management

While weed resistance issues have been grabbing many headlines over the past few years, fungicide resistance has become an increasingly important issue this growing season—and likely for future growing seasons if sound resistance management practices are not adopted.
Live aerial pesticide application at Jim Coombs Farms
九月 04, 2014

New Jersey Potato Growers host EPA Tour

During the week of August 26, the National Potato Council (NPC) led a delegation of 19 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff on a crop tour of New Jersey’s potato growing region.


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