
十一月 12, 2012

Mydibel teases new branding at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012

Belgian French Fry Manufacturer Mydibel teases in their Interpom | Primeurs News information "Mydibel same brand brand new". I guess we have to find out at the trade show itself what that exactly means....
十一月 12, 2012

Tecnoma shows its expanding range of Self-Propelled sprayers at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012

Tecnoma highlights its expanding range of self-propelled sprayers at Interpom-Primeurs.
十一月 12, 2012

Massive presence of Grimme Agricultural Machinery at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012

Vanderstichelen Grimme highlight a range of their agricultural machinery at the Interpom | Primeurs. And if the 2010 Interpom | Primeurs is any indication, their potato harvesters and planters will again make a 'massive' impression.
Manter highlights multihead weighers at Interpom | Primeurs 2012
十一月 11, 2012

Manter highlights multihead weighers at Interpom | Primeurs 2012

Dutch Packaging equipment manufacturer Manter International BV highlights two of their new multihead weighers, the MD16 and the M12V at the upcoming Interpom | Primeurs.
Deprez Octopus boxwasher
十一月 11, 2012

Deprez shows box handling solutions at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012

Belgium transport and storage solutions specialist Deprez Construct NV uses the upcoming Interpom | Primeurs to showcase their potato storage box handling solutions, such as the 'Octopus mobile' box washer.
Insort GmbH we catch them all
十一月 11, 2012

Insort highlights its Chemical Imaging Technology at the Interpom | Primeur 2012

The Austrian optical sorting equipment manufacturer Insort GmbH will highlight its Chemical Imaging Technology applied in their Sherlock Separator for the potato industry at the Interpom | Primeurs.
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 Interpom 2012
十一月 09, 2012

Interpom | Primeurs 2012 sold out

The 16th edition of INTERPOM PRIMEURS will be held from Sunday 25 to Tuesday 27 November 2012 in Kortrijk Xpo (Belgium). With the new record number of 255 exhibitors and the entire filling of the exhibition complex at Kortrijk Xpo, INTERPOM PRIMEURS ...
Belgapom potato price now over TEN times the price last year
十一月 08, 2012

Belgapom potato price now over TEN times the price last year

The Belgapom price for potatoes for processing (Bintje) established weekly in Belgium last friday hit its highest level of this year. The price was over ten times the price last year. "The Belgapom quotation is the most frequently used price obs...
十月 24, 2012

Acrylamide intake linked to low birth weight

Intake of foods high in acrylamide during pregnancy is associated with lower birth weight and smaller head circumference. This was revealed in an international study of the diet of 1,100 pregnant women and newborns from Denmark, England, Greece, Norway...
 European Food Safety Authority
十月 23, 2012

Acrylamide levels in food largely unchanged states EFSA’s latest report

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published its annual update report on acrylamide levels in food in 25 European countries. Acrylamide is a chemical contaminant produced during food processing. The report covers the monitoring period 2007-2...
European potato field. Courtesy: European Potato Processors’ Association (EUPPA)
十月 10, 2012

European Potato Processors Association (EUPPA) elects new board

The European Potato Processors Association (EUPPA) general assembly has approved yesterday new statutes and elected a new board at its meeting in Brussels earlier this week. The EUPPA member companies actively process potatoes in Austria, Belgium, Fra...
 European Food Safety Authority
十月 08, 2012

European Food Safety Authority publishes initial review on GM maize and herbicide study

The European Food Safety Authority has concluded that a recent paper raising concerns about the potential toxicity of genetically modified (GM) maize NK603 and of a herbicide containing glyphosate is of insufficient scientific quality to be considered ...
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 North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)
九月 20, 2012

Potato Yield in North-west Europe down 14.5%, estimates NEPG

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimate the potato yield in the participating countries (Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) will be 22.99 million tonnes. This is down 14.5% compared to last season.
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DuPont supports EFSA call for Potato Cyst Nematodes survey in EU
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DuPont supports EFSA call for Potato Cyst Nematodes survey in EU

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八月 12, 2012

Europe: 'Quality of potatoes much better than last year'

The potato market is very successful at the moment. "The demand is at a high level and the prices are good,"says Karel Casteels from Lathouwers &Co. "We didn't expect it at first, but it is a lot busier than last year."He believ...
North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)
八月 11, 2012

Potato Acreage 2012 down 6% in North western Europe

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七月 05, 2012

Green light for further research with GM potatoes in Belgium

One year after the protest against the test fields for GM potatoes in Ghent, the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) has been given the green light for a second phase of research.


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