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十一月 12, 2012
Massive presence of Grimme Agricultural Machinery at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012
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十一月 09, 2012
Interpom | Primeurs 2012 sold out
十一月 08, 2012
Belgapom potato price now over TEN times the price last year
十月 24, 2012
Acrylamide intake linked to low birth weight
十月 23, 2012
Acrylamide levels in food largely unchanged states EFSA’s latest report
十月 10, 2012
European Potato Processors Association (EUPPA) elects new board
十月 08, 2012
European Food Safety Authority publishes initial review on GM maize and herbicide study
九月 20, 2012
Potato Yield in North-west Europe down 14.5%, estimates NEPG
九月 18, 2012
La salud europea está en riesgo por las grasas trans de la comida procesada
八月 12, 2012
Europe: 'Quality of potatoes much better than last year'
八月 11, 2012