
Potandon Produce Bringing Back Display Shipper Program
四月 09, 2015

Potandon Produce Bringing Back Display Shipper Program

Potandon Produce LLC announces the return of their highly successful and popular Mini Potato Display Shipper for the 2015 spring/summer selling season.
Prototipo de planta de procesamiento y empaque de papa amarilla [Video]
三月 25, 2015

Prototipo de planta de procesamiento y empaque de papa amarilla [Video]

Se ha puesto en marcha una planta de procesamiento y empaque de papa amarilla, diseñada y construida por profesores y estudiantes que integran el grupo de investigación ESLINGA del Programa de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.
Cuba: Largas colas en La Habana por llegada de la papa a los mercados
三月 09, 2015

Cuba: Largas colas en La Habana por llegada de la papa a los mercados

El pasado fin de semana, la llegada de la papa a varios mercados agrícolas de La Habana provocó reyertas que recordaron el desespero de los años más difíciles del Período Especial. Horas después de finalizadas las trifulcas, era posible comprar papa en aquellos mismos lugares, pero de mano de los avispados que especulaban con el producto.
Side Delight website
三月 05, 2015

Fresh Solutions Network unveils Side Delights Website

Fresh Solutions Network today debuted a brand-new, industry-leading website for their Side Delights® brand of potato products, located at www.sidedelights.com.
Potandon Produce Organics
二月 26, 2015

Potandon Produce launches line of Organic potatoes - Potandon Produce Organics

The first potato line ever launched under the Potandon Produce ™ brand name will soon be available.
Chocolate Potato Cake
二月 10, 2015

February is PEI Potato Lovers Month in Canada!

It’s time to celebrate Prince Edward Island Potatoes this winter, because February is PEI Potato Lovers Month in Canada!
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Russet Burbank (Courtesy Idaho Potato Commission)
二月 08, 2015

Large and growing price gap between small and large Russets in Idaho

Idaho is currently confronted with the unusual situation that large Russet potatoes are far more expensive than small Russets and the price gap is only increasing.
New Specialty potatoes: Delicious, Nutritious and Colorful
十二月 07, 2014

New Specialty potatoes: Delicious, Nutritious and Colorful

Agricultural Research Service scientists have bred and released colorful new potato varieties. Some have relatively high levels of beneficial red-to-purple pigments called “anthocyanins,” and others have high levels of yellow-pigmented carotenoids
Sewing Needle found inside Potato bought in Ottawa
十一月 09, 2014

Sewing Needle found inside Potato bought in Ottawa

Ottawa Police are warning residents to be careful handling food after the discovery of a needle in potatoes bought at a grocery store in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Potato Recipes from the Idaho Potato Commission
十一月 09, 2014

'Pass the Potatoes, Please'

In Idaho, the centerpiece of the holiday meal is always... you guessed it... the potato. The Idaho Potato Commission helps with a lot of recipes.
Chris Hadfield digging potatoes on Prince Edward Island
十月 31, 2014

Harvesting Potatoes is no Rocket Science. Or is it?

Prince Edward Island Potatoes was delighted to have Col. Chris Hadfield, former Commander of the International Space Station helping to dig potatoes on Halloween morning against the backdrop of a clear blue sky and the beautiful West River.
Foodservice eats up fingerlings, specialty potatoes
十月 25, 2014

Foodservice eats up fingerlings, specialty potatoes

Robert Tominaga, president of Heyburn, Idaho-based Southwind Farms, has seen demand for the fingerlings his company grows and other specialties rise dramatically in recent years.
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One of the earlier sewing needles discovered in a potato
十月 21, 2014

Another Sewing Needle discovered in Potato

Another potato has been found with a sewing needle inside, the Prince Edward Island RCMP announced yesterday. This is the seventh sewing needle discovered in a potato.
Todo sobre el último congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa
十月 15, 2014

Todo sobre el último congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa

Gracias al apoyo del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), sede Quito, participé como periodista en el XXVI Congreso bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), celebrado recientemente en Bogotá. Te invito a leer y oír algunas de las mejores conferencias presentadas en dicho evento.
Suspected Food Tampering in Potatoes Packed by Linkletter Farms Ltd., Prince Edward Island
十月 07, 2014

Suspected Food Tampering in Potatoes Packed by Linkletter Farms Ltd., Prince Edward Island

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is advising consumers of a possible food tampering situation involving potatoes harvested and packed by Linkletter Farms Ltd. of Summerside, PEI.
MountainKing Potatoes Rolls Out Bold, New Display Units To Boost Impulse Sales
十月 05, 2014

MountainKing Potatoes Rolls Out Bold, New Display Units To Boost Impulse Sales

Texas-based MountainKing Potatoes has taken another step toward helping retailers boost impulse sales, reduce in-store labor and compliment ad features with new, high-graphic display units including large bins for high-volume promotions, easy-to-install display wraps and smaller, yet attractive display-ready stack boxes.
Potatoes are an important dietary source of Potassium
九月 06, 2014

Eating Potassium-rich Foods Cuts Stroke, Death Risk among Older Women

Postmenopausal women who eat foods higher in potassium [such as potatoes; PotatoPro] are less likely to have strokes or to die from any cause than women who eat fewer potassium-rich foods, according to data from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI).
Great Big Idaho Potato Truck nominates Florida Dept. Of Citrus, Washington Apples and Gerorgia Peaches to accept ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
九月 04, 2014

Great Big Idaho Potato Truck takes ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Showing its support for one of the most popular fundraisers ever, the Idaho Potato Commission’s (IPC) Great Big Idaho® Potato Truck nominated the Florida Department of Citrus, Washington Apples, and Georgia Peaches to accept the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.


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