
Molecular Marker for high Calcium trait can help breeding better potato varietes
二月 24, 2016

Molecular Marker for high Calcium trait can help breeding better potato varieties

Researchers discovered that in a wild variety of potato (Solanum Microdontum) Calcium levels are about seven times higher than in a regular potato. They developed a molecular marker to facilitate the transfer of the high Calcium trait to newly bred potato varieties.
Disponibles las conferencias de la útima reunión técnica de Euroblight
二月 22, 2016

Disponibles las conferencias de último taller de Euroblight

Acaban de colocar en la web de Euroblight las conferencias del último taller realizado en Brazov (Rumania) entre el 13-15 de mayo de 2015.
Farmer's Keepers potatoes a take on delicious imperfection
二月 19, 2016

Farmer's Keepers potatoes a take on delicious imperfection

BCfresh, a British Columbia-based provider of locally-grown vegetables, announced the introduction of Farmer’s Keepers™ Potatoes. Farmer’s Keepers™ Potatoes come in a variety of non-uniform shapes and sizes with minor blemishes or minor mechanical damage.
Idaho Potato Processing Contracts will make a minimum three-year rotation mandatory
二月 18, 2016

Idaho Potato Processing Contracts will make a minimum three-year crop rotation mandatory

Sources say the 2016 Southern Idaho Potato Cooperative contract will include new langcode mandating a minimum of two years of alternate crops between potatoes.
Quick and early disease detection by drones with hyperspectral camera
一月 27, 2016

Quick and early disease detection by drones with hyperspectral camera

Idaho State University researchers have found high-tech cameras mounted on drones flying 60 meters above potato fields can effectively detect individual diseased and stressed plants.
The Packer: Neil Gudmestad honored as the 2015 Potato Man for All Seasons
一月 18, 2016

The Packer: Neil Gudmestad honored as the 2015 Potato Man for All Seasons

Neil Gudmestad, a potato pathologist with North Dakota State University, has been awarded the 2015 Potato Man for All Seasons award by produce magazine The Packer.
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Simplot's Second Generation Innate® Potato Receives FDA Safety Clearance
一月 17, 2016

Simplot's Second Generation Innate® Potato Receives FDA Safety Clearance

The Food and Drug Administration has completed its food and feed safety assessment of the J.R. Simplot Company’s second generation of Innate® potatoes. Simplot will still need to complete its registration with the Environmental Protection Agency for these potatoes before introducing them for sale in the U.S. marketplace.
PEI Potato Board Announces Continuation Potato Disinfection Program
十二月 21, 2015

PEI Potato Board Announces Continuation Potato Disinfection Program

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is pleased to announce a new plan for potato disinfection on Prince Edward Island.
Prince Edward Island Potato Board Denounces Elimination of Disinfection Services
十一月 12, 2015

Prince Edward Island Potato Board Denounces Elimination of Disinfection Services

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is very disappointed by the decision of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to completely discontinue disinfection services effective December 31st, 2015.
PEI government ends preventative disinfection program; Potato Board blindsided.
十一月 11, 2015

PEI government ends disinfection program to prevent ring rot; Potato Board blindsided.

The Prince Edward Island government is cutting funding to provincially-funded disinfection service, aimed at controlling potato ring rot.
Optimize Metam Sodium Efficacy by Shank Injection with New Focus on Potato Webcast
十月 29, 2015

Optimize Metam Sodium Efficacy by Shank Injection with New Focus on Potato Webcast

The Plant Management Network provides information on how to improve efficacy of metam sodium application by shank injection in a new educational webcast developed by Neil C. Gudmestad
Innate™ generation two in this field survived late blight infection
九月 01, 2015

USDA Deregulates Second Generation Innate™ GMO Potatoes

The J.R. Simplot Company is pleased that the USDA has deregulated the Russet Burbank variety of the second generation of Innate™ potatoes. Simplot is looking forward to the completion of the EPA registration and FDA consultation before the second generation of Innate™ potatoes can be introduced into the marketplace.
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Amanda Gevens
八月 30, 2015

Focus on Potato Webcast by Amanda Gevens Covers Biopesticide Use

A new 'Focus on Potato' webcast titled “Managing Diseases with Biopesticides in Potato Production” helps growers, consultants, and other practitioners in the potato industry understand the basics of biopesticides and their use in the field.
Idaho late blight outbreak is the worst since 1998
八月 17, 2015

Idaho late blight outbreak is the worst since 1998

Late blight has become widespread in Idaho and is called the worst Idaho late blight outbreak since 1998.
 Focus on Potato Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance
八月 12, 2015

Focus on Potato Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance

The latest Focus on Potato webcast, titled “Best Management Tactics and Fungicide Resistance in Early Blight and Brown Spot” highlights the importance of measures to mitigate fungicide resistance, particularly when applied and repeatedly used on a single site.
National Potato Council awards 2015/16 academic scholarship
八月 10, 2015

National Potato Council awards 2015/16 academic scholarship

The National Potato Council awards its 2015-16 Academic Scholarship to Shunping Ding, a PhD. student in Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Late blight on a potato leaf (Courtesy: Sue Boyetchko, AAFC)
六月 08, 2015

Research: naturally-occurring bacteria may protect potatoes against late blight

A research scientist at Agriculture and Agrifood Canada has discovered that naturally-occurring bacteria in soil may offer protection against late blight (Phytophthora Infestans).
Cornell University Nematode Laboratory, built in 1937
五月 10, 2015

New York Senator launches push to replace Cornell University's outdated nematode lab

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer has urged the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to prioritize the replacement and modernization of the Federal Nematode Quarantine Facility at Cornell University in the Agricultural Research Service’s (ARS) Capitol Investment Strategy for Fiscal Year 2016.


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