
Chile: Red Agroclima permite ahorrar hasta un 50% en fungicidas
八月 05, 2014

Chile: Red Agroclima permite ahorrar hasta un 50% en fungicidas

Cómo funciona esta red fue uno de los temas del seminario de Agrometeorología que se realizó en el INIA-Quilamapu para promocionar instrumentos tecnológicos entre los agricultores de la región.
Infected tip of a potato stem, with necrosis and sporulation on the stem, petioles and leaves.(Cornell University)
七月 28, 2014

Late blight reappears in Long Island potato, tomato fields

Late blight, a fungal-like pathogen that affects potato and tomato crops, has been confirmed on Long Island for the sixth consecutive year.
Wisconsin Potato Field in bloom
七月 24, 2014

Late Blight threatens Wisconsin Potato Fields

A potato disease known as Late blight is threatening some Wisconsin potato fields, but growers are well aware and making strides to prevent it from spreading.
Warmer winters linked to increased pesticide use
六月 26, 2014

Warmer winters linked to increased pesticide use

In this USDA research on soybean crops, researchers find a link between minimum winter temperature and pesticide use.
Ecuador: Se discuten estrategias de manejo del tizón tardío de la papa
六月 25, 2014

Ecuador: Se discuten estrategias de manejo del tizón tardío de la papa

El 28 de mayo se realizó un taller para discutir y definir estrategias de manejo del tizón tardío de la papa. Asistieron 38 técnicos del Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP), la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) y la Universidad Central del Ecuador (UC).
Mike Thornton, Ph.D. Professor Parma Research and Extension Center University of Idaho
六月 13, 2014

Focus on Potato: Factors that cause Sugar Ends in Potatoes

Whether you call them glassy ends, translucent ends, dark ends, jelly ends, or something even less flattering, sugar ends are a significant issue.
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Potato and Tomato affected by late blight
六月 09, 2014

Univ. Florida Research: Late blight pathogen originates from Mexico

A University of Florida scientist has pinpointed Mexico as the origin of the pathogen that caused the 1840s Irish Potato Famine, a finding that may help researchers solve the $6 billion-a-year disease that continues to evolve and torment potato and tomato growers around the world.
Mexico said to block US potato imports
六月 09, 2014

Mexico said to block US potato imports

Mexican authorities have closed the country’s borders to U.S. potato imports citing phytosanitary issues as the reason for the ban, reports freshfruitportal.com.
Chile: Buscan controlar plaga cuarentenaria en papa con plantas nativas
五月 28, 2014

Chile: Buscan controlar plaga cuarentenaria en papa con plantas nativas

Se trata de una innovación que desarrollará un equipo de trabajo liderado por la Prof. Laura Böhm del Instituto de Producción y Sanidad Vegetal del UACh.
Hairy Nightshade, a weed that has the potential to be problematic in potato cultivation
五月 28, 2014

New 'Focus on Potato' Webcasts Tackle Hairy Nightshade, Potato Tuber Moth

Hairy nightshade and potato tuberworm (or potato tuber moth) are two economically important inhibitors to potato production. Two of the latest ‘Focus on Potato’ webcasts focus on these economically important potato pests.
Canadian and American potato growers benefit from new testing requirements for potato cyst nematode (PCN)
五月 21, 2014

Canadian and American potato growers benefit from new testing requirements for potato cyst nematode (PCN)

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have adopted revised guidelines to manage potato cyst nematode (PCN) that will support potato growers, help facilitate international trade, and maintain protection against the pest.
zebrachip symptoms in fried potatoes
五月 01, 2014

ARS: Potato Psyllids dissected for clues to better controlling it

Researchers at USDA's Agricultural Research Service are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to finding new ways of managing zebra chip disease and the insect that can spread it to potato crops.
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Científicos uruguayos presentaron 20 investigaciones; una de ellas sobre papa

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El cambio climático no aumentaría el riesgo de diseminación del tizón tardío

Según una reciente investigación de las Universidades de Kansas y California-Davis, el Centro Internacional de la Papa y el Instituto Internacional de Investigación del Arroz.
Alberta potato growers prepare for late blight
四月 15, 2014

Alberta potato growers prepare for late blight

Times have changed for Alberta potato growers. Up until four years ago, the province was virtually late blight-free. Lately, wet springs and high humidity — uncharacteristic for this region — have nurtured the growth and spread of the disease.
Estimulando las defensas naturales de plantas con una sustancia semejante a la aspirina
二月 17, 2014

Estimulan las defensas naturales de plantas con una sustancia semejante a la aspirina

Resultados de nuevos estudios por científicos con el ARS sugieren que un tratamiento con el ácido salicílico podría prevenir o reducir la infección de plantas de cultivos por el fitoplasma de la punta morada de la papa, el cual es una bacteria sin paredes celulares.
wireworm species in Canada
二月 09, 2014

No simple solution to deal with wireworm

Bob Vernon, an Agriculture Canada scientist, spoke to about 300 farmers on Prince Edward Island on wireworm, a pest he's been researching for 20 years.
Understanding the threat of late blight under climate change, from Ecuador to Nepal
一月 27, 2014

Understanding the threat of late blight under climate change, from Ecuador to Nepal

Shankar Kaji Shakya, a graduate student and research fellow from the University of Florida (UF), recently visited the office of the International Potato Center (CIP) in Quito, Ecuador to discuss the characteristics of late blight in the Andes with CIP scientists.


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