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十月 28, 2019
Caithness Potatoes Nederland: 'New French-fry varieties must excel in at least one characteristic, but in fact have two good ones.'
九月 18, 2019
El «brexit» augura un futuro desconocido para los profesionales de las patatas
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九月 06, 2019
Made for sorting potatoes by the grower: the new TOMRA 3A improves on the Field Potato Sorter (FPS)
八月 28, 2019
El Principado, dispuesto a levantar la prohibición de plantar patatas, tras el control de la plaga
八月 26, 2019
New German Potato Variety 'Lea' is suitable for both conventional and organic farming
七月 31, 2019
Four late blight 'resistancy' genes in current commercial potato varieties already defeated by Phytophthora Infestans
六月 12, 2019
España: La polilla guatemalteca hace estragos en el cultivo de papa en Tenerife, donde hay fincas con pérdidas de hasta el 50%
五月 13, 2019
Europatat Congress 2019 - Main speakers confirmed!
十二月 18, 2018