
Belgapom quotation from 2021-2022 season only for potato variety Fontane
九月 03, 2021

Belgapom quotation next season only for potato variety Fontane

As of the new storage potato season, the Belgapom price committee will only note the most frequently used price for the trade-in potatoes of the Fontane variety.
Idaho potato growers brace for poor crop amid drought, heat
九月 01, 2021

Idaho potato growers brace for poor crop amid drought, heat

The hot, dry and smoky growing season has left some Idaho potato farmers bracing for a poor crop. For Randy Hardy of Oakley, harvest will likely be the worst of his career.
La papa es un cultivo de mucho impacto que genera 5,800 empleos permanentes en Honduras, la principal fuente de ingresos en el área rural.
九月 01, 2021

Honduras: Paperos emiten un nuevo SOS en demanda de condonaciones

Productores de papa de Honduras emitieron un nuevo llamado de auxilio en demanda al gobierno de condonaciones de deudas y subsidios que les permita salir adelante con deudas financieras y recuperarse de pérdidas millonarias.
McCain tiene como principal cliente a McDonald's y también es dueña de la marca de pizzas Sibarita.
八月 31, 2021

Argentina: El negocio de las papas congeladas repunta tras la apertura de bares y restaurantes

A medida que la pandemia va permitiendo la apertura de los distintos sectores de la economía argentina, uno de los negocios con perspectivas de crecimiento en el corto plazo, es el de las papas congeladas. En este contexto, la canadiense McCain, espera crecer en volumen más del 35 porciento en el próximo año.
Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock
八月 29, 2021

Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock

The toll that hot dry weather took on the Red River Valley 2021 potato crop won’t be visible until harvest begins in a few weeks, but it’s already clear it has affected yields and quality.
Five million kilos of unsold potatoes in the Canary Islands.
八月 27, 2021

Five million kilos of unsold potatoes in the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands Farmers and Ranchers Association (ASAGA Canarias ASAJA, for its acronym in Spanish) has made a call to encourage consumers to prioritize in their purchases the potato of Canarian origin.
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United States potato imports continue to grow
八月 27, 2021

United States potato imports continue to grow

United States imports of potatoes and potato products for the July 2020 – June 2021 marketing year increased by 12% in fresh weight equivalent volume and 16% in value, compared to the previous marketing year.
Potato growers to receive extra AUS 9/tonne from Simplot Australia on the back of 'volatile' year
八月 26, 2021

Potato growers to receive extra AUS 9/tonne from Simplot Australia next year

The multi-generational farmer's passion for the simple spud seems to have paid off, helping secure growers like himself an additional $9 a tonne deal with major food manufacturer Simplot over the coming financial year.
Seeking a solution to the seed potato stand-off between Europe and the United Kingdom and
八月 26, 2021

Seeking a solution to the seed potato stand-off between Europe and the United Kingdom and

NFU Scotland vice president Andrew Connon has described the post-Brexit cessation of seed exports to Europe as 'purely political and totally unacceptable'.
Potato Business in Ukraine. Interview of Nick Gordiichuk, Founder and Managing Director of Agrico Ukraine
八月 25, 2021

Potato Business in the Ukraine: An insider view of Nick Gordiichuk of Agrico Ukraine

Nick Gordiichuk - Founder and Managing Director of Agrico Ukraine - offers his unique, inside view on the Ukrainian potato sector, its problems and prospects in this interview with 'Landlord Ukraine'
UCCL analiza en Tordesillas la situación del sector de la patata en Castilla y León.
八月 24, 2021

UCCL analiza en Tordesillas la situación del sector de la patata en Castilla y León

Como viene siendo habitual en las últimas campañas, UCCL ha organizado en el mes de agosto, una asamblea informativa en Tordesillas (Valladolid) donde se ha puesto en común el análisis del cultivo de la patata en 2021.
U.S. potato exports recover in Marketing Year 2020/21
八月 23, 2021

U.S. potato exports recover in Marketing Year 2020/21

Exports from the U.S. were impacted by reduced demand and shipping problems starting in January 2020; this reduced demand carried through the end of 2020.
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Update on the 2021 Potato Crop in Canada (per August 19)
八月 21, 2021

Update on the 2021 Potato Crop in Canada (per August 19)

The potato crop in Canada in mid-August appears to have good potential in many - though not all - regions to meet the needs of industry and to rebound after reductions.
The past 12 months show strong potato sales at US retail
八月 19, 2021

The past 12 months show strong potato sales at US retail

From July 2020 - June 2021, potato sales in the United States increased in dollars by 3% but declined slightly in volume by 0.3% compared to the previous July-June marketing year.
El levantamiento de los agricultores de patatas de Málaga.
八月 17, 2021

El levantamiento de los agricultores de patatas de Málaga

Denuncian que se ven obligados a vender sus productos por debajo de coste y piden al Gobierno que intervenga para garantizar un 'precio justo' y evitar la desaparición del sector.
España: Patatas Hijolusa estudia dar entrada al capital riesgo.
八月 17, 2021

España: Patatas Hijolusa estudia dar entrada al capital riesgo

El sector agroalimentario sigue despertando el apetito de los fondos de inversión. En esta ocasión en el punto de mira está Patatas Hijolusa, proveedor de Mercadona, que estudia dar entrada a los fondos en su capital.
All-Yellow Flesh Potatoes Continue Upward Trend in Volume Sales, Profits
八月 12, 2021

All-Yellow Flesh Potatoes Continue Upward Trend in Volume Sales, Profits

All-yellow flesh potatoes continue to rise above russets, reds and whites in the critical metric of retailer volume sales, an encouraging sign for grocers as growers ready for their upcoming fall harvests.
Early maturing potato varieties in Asia help deliver benefits to 10 million people
八月 09, 2021

Early maturing potato varieties in Asia help deliver benefits to 10 million people

Across Asia, 170 potato varieties have been released either through the International Potato Center (CIP)’s breeding program over the last four decades or by using germplasm held in its collections.


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