
NEPG reports a 6% drop in potato production in North Western Europe and warns high costs could reduce potato area in 2023
十一月 17, 2022

NEPG reports a 6% drop in potato production in North-western Europe and warns high costs could reduce potato area in 2023

During its last meeting on November 9, 2022, the NEPG estimated that the total potato production 2022 in the NEPG zone (EU-04) will be down by 6 % compared to last year.
North Carolina sweet potatoes face challenges exporting to Europe.
十一月 04, 2022

North Carolina sweet potatoes face challenges exporting to Europe

North Carolina is welcoming a good sweet potato crop. However, exporting this crop to Europe is a challenge due to the dollar and the Euro and the Spanish and French crops.
Cosecha de patata en Perú.
十月 29, 2022

La crisis de la papa en Perú: pandemia y alza global de fertilizantes amenaza su producción

El precio de la papa blanca —la variedad más consumida en Perú— se ha incrementado este año en más del 110% con respecto al 2021, según la Emmsa.
UPGC: Potato harvest update Canada, October 2022
十月 24, 2022

UPGC: Potato harvest update Canada, October 2022

In Canada, the potato harvest is in the final stages across the country. Most provinces have enjoyed excellent harvest conditions without the high temperatures experienced in early September nor the wet conditions of early spring.
Siembra de papata Castilla y León
十月 21, 2022

Muchos agricultores están abandonando la patata de lavado por las exigencias que demanda y se van a la de industria

La patata se ha convertido en un elemento esencial en la gastronomía española. Un producto que ha sufrido poco, dentro del año que se ha vivido, las circunstancias de producción y la adversa climatología con numerosas olas de calor y escasas lluvias.
The French Potato Interprofessional warns of a general drop in production in Europe.
十月 19, 2022

The French Potato Interprofessional warns of a general drop in production in Europe.

The French Potato Interprofessional warns of a significant reduction in production throughout Europe in a recent report.
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China's potato exports hit another record in August.
十月 04, 2022

Potato export China hits another record in August

Relevant data show that from January to August 2022, China exported about 220,300 tons of fresh or refrigerated potatoes (except for seeds, the same below), an increase of about 2.57% compared with the same period last year.
Eagle Eye says Idaho potato crop showing high quality but smaller sizing.
十月 03, 2022

Eagle Eye says Idaho potato crop showing high quality but smaller sizing

Eagle Eye Produce had been harvesting new crop potatoes for several weeks before beginning harvest for its storage supplies the week after Labor Day. While it is still too early to know the overall projection for the crop.
Potato trade update: Slight increase in potato imports after fall in 2021
十月 03, 2022

Potato trade Australia: Slight increase in potato imports after fall in 2021

AUSVEG has reviewed Global Trade Atlas import data to better understand: the changes in the levels of potato imports pre- and post-COVID, as well as
the changes in import levels over the last 12-months as growers have faced significant increases in costs of production.
PNZ Frozen Potatoes Trade Report No.3 Sept. 2022
九月 30, 2022

Potatoes New Zealand: Frozen Potatoes Trade Report September 2022

Exports of frozen fries from Belgium and the Netherlands to New Zealand have more than doubled in the quarter ending July 2022. These exports will be arriving presently, given shipping lead-times.
US Retail consumers spent more on potatoes.
九月 26, 2022

US Retail consumers spent more on potatoes

US Potato retail sales increased in dollar sales but decreased in volume sales from July 2021 - June 2022, compared to the same timeframe a year ago. As consumer prices increased by 10.5%, retail dollar sales increased by 5.7%.
Los precios de la patata triplican a los de hace un año en el ecuador de la campaña.
九月 24, 2022

Los precios de la patata triplican a los de hace un año en el ecuador de la campaña

La campaña de la patata llega a su ecuador en Salamanca con precios al agricultor que triplican a los de la campaña pasada. Según datos del Observatorio de Precios de Castilla y León que gestiona la Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Junta de Castilla y León.
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Belgapom quotation for the 2022-2023 season will cover potato varieties Fontane and Challenger.
九月 20, 2022

Belgapom quotation will newly add potato variety Challenger this season

As of the new storage potato season, the Belgapom price committee will note the most frequently used price for the trade in potatoes of the Fontane and Challenger varieties.
Kenya: about USD 1 million program set to benefit potato farmers.
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Kenya: USD 1 million program set to benefit potato farmers

More than 3,000 small-holder potatoes farmers from Nakuru are set to benefit from a KES 127 million (USD 1 million) program aimed at enhancing potato production in the County.
NEPG: Climate change will reduce the total potato production in Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany by 7 to 11 % despite an increase in hectares
九月 15, 2022

NEPG: Climate change will reduce the total potato production in Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany by 7 to 11 % despite an increase in hectares

During its last meeting prior to Potato Europe 2022, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates that global potato production in the NEPG zone (EU-04) will be down by 7 to 11 %.
S.V. Agri Signed MOU With Farmers Collectives Of Assam Towards Localised Value Chain Development.
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S.V. Agri Signed MOU With Farmers Collectives Of Assam Towards Localised Value Chain Development

Siddhi Vinayak Agri Processing Private Limited has signed MOU with farmers collectives which are supported under the World Bank and Govt of Assam seeded project for rural transformation named APART.
Cosecha de patatas en Valdegovía.
九月 14, 2022

España: Menos patatas en Álava por culpa del calor

No siempre el calor es bueno para determinados cultivos y menos cuando en un año como este la ausencia de lluvias ha inquietado a los productores y ha obligado a gastos suplementarios en bombeo de agua y en cantidad de riegos.
Siembras de papa caerán en 9 de las 10 principales regiones de Perú.
八月 28, 2022

Siembras de papa caerán en 9 de las 10 principales regiones de Perú

Según los datos de la ENIS 2022, en la campaña agrícola 2022-2023, la superficie sembrada de papa se reducirá en 26.645 hectáreas en Perú. Esto quiere decir que, según estos mismos datos, 9 de las 10 regiones que lideraron la producción de este alimento en 2021 plantarán menos papa esta campaña.


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