
NEM-EMERGE Overall Objective
一月 10, 2024

Plant-parasitic nematodes on the rise: WUR launches major research project

Climate change and genetic selection have brought root-knot nematodes further north in Europe and made cyst nematodes more difficult to control.
Germicopa: 'Give us yellow-flesh French-fry varieties with broad nematode resistance.'
十月 29, 2019

Germicopa: 'Give us yellow-flesh French-fry varieties with broad nematode resistance.'

Harry van de Vijver, Germicopa, Quimper (F): 'Give us yellow-fleshed French-fry varieties with broad nematode resistance.'
Europlant Holland: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'
十月 28, 2019

Europlant Holland: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'

Jörg Renatus, Europlant Holland, Heerenveen: 'We perceive a demand for robust, stress-resistant varieties with nematode resistance.'
The Potato Company: 'What you want to find in the end is a practical potato with a simple user manual.'
十月 28, 2019

The Potato Company: 'What you want to find in the end is a practical potato with a simple user manual.'

Jos Bus, The Potato Company, Emmeloord: 'What you want to find in the end is a practical potato with a simple user manual.'
Agrico presents four new potato varieties during annual variety presentation
十一月 14, 2016

Agrico presents four new potato varieties during its annual variety presentation

At its annual variety presentation, Agrico presented four promising new varieties that have recently been included in the Dutch list of varieties.
二月 14, 2011

Cystentoets van aardappelpootgoed voor export

Om een indicatie te hebben van de sanitaire kwaliteit van het pootgoed kan een partij worden gewassen en gecontroleerd op AM door het inbouwen van een cystenfilter (zeeftrommel) in de wasstraat.
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六月 20, 2010

Aaltjes adviesprogramma NemaDecide Plus trekt veel belangstelling

Tijdens de presentatie bij PPO in Lelystad konden belangstellenden kennismaken met NemaDecide Plus. Het adviesprogramma ondersteunde de teler al bij de beheersing van het aardappelcysteaaltje en biedt nu ook hulp bij de beheersing van het wortellesiea...


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