Como prevenir, controlar y eliminar el tizón tardío de la papa.
三月 05, 2017

Como prevenir, controlar y eliminar el tizón tardío de la papa

Agronoticias entrevista al Ing. Agr. M.Sc. Willmer Pérez Barrera, investigador senior en manejo integrado de plagas del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP).
European Union ends patents on conventional plant breeding - stimulating innovation
三月 02, 2017

European Union ends patents on conventional plant breeding - stimulating innovation

Plant breeders must have free access to biological material in order to be able to breed new crop species. Patent law thus does not apply to conventional plant breeding. This was unanimously confirmed by the European Member States at the Competitiveness Council in Brussels.
As potato farming in Kurdistan is increasing, lack of storage becomes a problem
二月 26, 2017

As potato farming in Kurdistan is increasing, lack of storage becomes a problem

The Kurdish Ministry of Agriculture predicts that farmers will plant more than 15,000 tons of seed potatoes in mid-February, increasing the amount of potatoes produced in the region.
New potato varieties for Spain and Portugal
二月 25, 2017

New potato varieties for Spain and Portugal

Pepsur Marketing, a subsidiary of Pan European Potato Enterprise Limited, a company dedicated to the production and marketing of potatoes and seed potatoes, is introducing several new potato varieties to Spain and Portugal.
First batch of US Seed Potatoes to arrive in Jining (China) next month.
二月 25, 2017

First batch of US Seed Potatoes to arrive in Jining (China) next month.

The office for Inspection and Quarantine in Jining city (Shandong province, China), recently handled papers regarding the import of seed potatoes from the United States, one of the very first introductions of US seed potatoes into China in recent years.
University of Idaho is investing in its nuclear potato seed program
二月 24, 2017

University of Idaho expands its nuclear potato seed program

University of Idaho has hired a new director for its nuclear seed potato program and plans to build additional facilities to help her expand production.
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La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistente al tizón tardío
二月 22, 2017

La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío

El Reglamento de la UE sobre la agricultura orgánica no permite el uso de organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM).Pero..... puede distinguirse un cultivo de papa cisgenico de un cultivo de papa que es el resultado de la producción convencional?
Hay 60 tipos de papa que los colombianos no conocíamos
二月 21, 2017

Hay 60 tipos de papa que los colombianos no conocíamos

La primera vez que supe sobre "papas nativas" fue en un restaurante pequeño en un complejo de containers en el barrio Chapinero de Bogotá llamado 60 Nativas. Era extraño: sus platos, todos servidos con papas fritas de diferentes colores, en apariencia sofisticados, fueron metidos en un menú accesible al bolsillo.
APPAPA Peru: 2017 Potato Production in Peru comparable to last year
二月 18, 2017

APPAPA Peru: 2017 Potato Production in Peru comparable to last year

Peru's National Association of Potato Growers and Derivatives (APPAPA Peru) estimates the 2017 potato production in Peru will be 40,000 tonnes, a volume comparable to the production last year..
Late blight resistant potato variety Sarpo Mira gaining popularity in Bangladesh
二月 15, 2017

Late blight resistant potato variety Sarpo Mira gaining popularity in Bangladesh

The potato variety Sarpo Mira, highly resistant to late blight, is getting popular among farmers in the main potato-growing areas of Bangladesh, according to both farmers and officials.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Our potato varieties have something for everyone
二月 11, 2017

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Our potato varieties have something for everyone

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) annually releases 10-15 potato selections. To show these to the Canadian industry, AAFC will hold a Potato Release Open House on February 15, 2017, simultaneously in Fredericton, NB; Guelph, ON; and Lethbridge, AB.
A growing Agrico highlights its added value for customers at Fruit Logistica
二月 10, 2017

A growing Agrico highlights its added value for customers at Fruit Logistica

Agrico exhibited at Fruit Logistica in Berlin from Wednesday 8 to Friday 10 February 2017. During this leading international trade fair, Agrico demonstrated its growing range of varieties.
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It's potato planting time in North Florida
二月 09, 2017

It's potato planting time in North Florida

It’s potato planting time in North Florida. St. Johns County is one of the counties in Northern Florida well known for its potato production with the town of Hastings being the center of it.
Aardappeltelers voorzien het komende seizoen een tekort aan pootgoed
二月 08, 2017

Aardappeltelers voorzien het komende seizoen een tekort aan pootgoed

Volgens bronnen binnen de NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) zou de eerder verwachte areaaluitbreiding, als gevolg van een tekort aan pootgoed, minder zijn dan eerder verwacht.
Centroamérica recibe 70 clones de papa del CIP
二月 06, 2017

Centroamérica recibe 70 clones de papa del CIP

A finales del primer trimestre estarán llegando los primeros clones desarrollados por el Centro Internacional de la Papa
Agrico shows growth in potato varieties at Fruit Logistica 2017
二月 02, 2017

Agrico shows growth in potato varieties at Fruit Logistica 2017

Agrico, together with its subsidiaries, will be demonstrating its strength in potato varieties at Fruit Logistica in Berlin.
Cinco experiencias exitosas de producción de semilla de papa en los Andes
二月 01, 2017

Cinco experiencias exitosas de producción de semilla de papa en los Andes

El rendimiento del cultivo de la papa en los países andinos es bajo y una causa es la degeneración de la semilla. Para solucionar el problema se crearon los sistemas formales de certificación de semillas. Pero su implementación no ha entregado los resultados esperados. Se requieren por tanto cambios en los actuales sistemas de semilla.
Peruvian native Potatoes to join world's largest banana collection in KU Leuven, Belgium
一月 25, 2017

Peruvian native Potatoes to join world's largest banana collection in KU Leuven, Belgium

---->Update 2017-01-26: This News Item has been withdrawn by the KU Leuven.....
8,000 native potato varieties of the International Potato Centre (CIP) in Peru will soon join the banana collection of the University of Leuven.


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