Rick Peters, vegetable pathologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Charlottetown, says scab is increasing on P.E.I. because of changing weather patterns. (Kirk Pennell/CBC)
十月 06, 2020

Canadian Scientists Look for Ways to Grow Scab-Resistant Potato

Two research scientists on P.E.I. have spent their summer trying to grow a better potato, more resistant to scab and greening, which are both costly problems for potato growers.
Exitoso desarrollo de la papa como nueva opción en Ñeembucú, Paraguay
十月 05, 2020

Exitoso desarrollo de la papa como nueva opción en Ñeembucú, Paraguay

La papa ya es una opción para la economía de los pequeños productores de Ñeembucú, Paraquay. Proyecto productivo respaldado por el Gobierno Nacional, a través de la Entidad Binacional Yacyretá (EBY), se desarrolla con éxito en este departamento.
Papas Colombianas: ¡Papa pa’ ti! ¡Papa pa’ mí! ¿Y a ti cuál papa te gusta?
十月 05, 2020

Papas Colombianas: ¡Papa pa’ ti! ¡Papa pa’ mí! ¿Y a ti cuál papa te gusta?

En esta conversación con Óscar Rene González, líder del proyecto 60 Nativas, conocerás papas que probablemente no sabías que existían y a un ser humano que le apuesta a lo nuestro.
Alza ha sido posible tras tres temporadas de participación en el proyecto 'Incremento de la productividad del cultivo de la papa'.
十月 05, 2020

Agricultores de la provincia Chilena de Arauco Cuadriplican sus Ingresos al Comercializar Semillas de Papa Certificadas

Como un hito para un grupo de productores de semillas certificadas de papa, fue calificada la primera venta en conjunto a la Municipalidad de Cañete, Chile, de más de 14 toneladas de semilla certificada de papa de la variedad Patagonia-INIA.
Mr Oswell Mharapara
九月 29, 2020

Zimbabwe starts seed potato multiplication to reduce the need for imports

The government of Zimbabwe, in conjunction with Kutsaga Research Station has embarked on a seed potato multiplication programme from mini-tuber to commercial seed potato.
The Lingít K'úntsx' variety has been grown by coastal Tlingit for over 200 years
九月 29, 2020

Carcross/Tagish First Nation Harvest Heirloom Potato Crop

The smallest potato from the Carcross/Tagish First Nation garden harvest this year was the size of a pea. The spud might be tiny, but its ancestors travelled a long way to get here. The Lingít K'úntsx', or Tlingit potato, has been grown in Alaska for over 200 years.
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Francia: 'Un inicio de campaña centrado en las exportaciones para el mercado de la patata de conservación'
九月 28, 2020

Francia: 'Un inicio de campaña centrado en las exportaciones para el mercado de la patata de conservación'

La demanda de patatas en el mercado francés es actualmente moderada. De hecho, los operadores están cubiertos con contratos de entregas de cosechas y el consumo sigue siendo relativamente escaso en este inicio de mes de septiembre a nivel nacional.
Cómo conservar las patatas y que duren más tiempo
九月 28, 2020

Cómo conservar las patatas y que duren más tiempo

Si quieres almacenar las patatas del modo correcto y evitar que les salgan brotes, aquí te vamos a dar los mejores trucos para que no se estropeen.
Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live
九月 28, 2020

Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live

For potato cooperative Agrico 2020/2021 is the season of its digital transformation. The first major milestone in this process is the new www.agrico.nl website that was launched last week.
The National Potato Council of Kenya and Corteva Agriscience have embarked on plans to increase yield among smallholder farmers from 7 tonnes to 20 tonnes per hectare.
九月 25, 2020

National Potato Council of Kenya partners with Corteva Agriscience aiming to increase yields

The partnership targets to introduce new technologies and train smallholder farmers on how to improve potato yields through the use of quality seeds, resilient varieties, disease management and post-harvest management.
Meijer Potato celebrates its 100th anniversary
九月 23, 2020

Meijer Potato celebrates its 100th anniversary

This year Meijer Potato celebrates its 100-year anniversary with staff, customers and seed potato growers.
Pilot project could make growing potatoes cheaper, more accessible in the North
九月 23, 2020

Pilot project could make growing potatoes cheaper, more accessible in the North

Northern Farm Training Institute will test a range of potato varieties to see which do best in Northern Canada. This pilot project could approved earlier this month could improve food security.
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Incertidumbre en la patata, que tiene demanda la de lavado pero están atascadas las de saco.
九月 21, 2020

Incertidumbre en la patata española, que tiene demanda la de lavado pero están atascadas las de saco.

La campaña de patata va 'bastante adelantada' en Castilla y León, según describe Eduardo Arroyo, presidente de Appacyl. Los calores de agosto han secado los cultivos antes de lo previsto.
Cavendish Farms opens Potato Research Centre in New Annan, PEI
九月 19, 2020

Cavendish Farms opens Potato Research Centre in New Annan, PEI

Cavendish Farms’ new Potato Research Centre in New Annan, Prince Edward Island officially opened on September 17, 2020 with a ribbon cutting with Dennis King, Premier of Prince Edward Island, and company officials.
Plant seed potatoes now and you’ll be digging up your own buried treasure in just a few months.
九月 17, 2020

Potatoes from plot to plate: how to grow the perfect spuds in your New Zealand backyard

While in the Northern hemisphere we are harvesting potatoes and getting ready for winter, this is not the case in the Southern hemisphere. This article offers tips on how to grow potatoes in your New Zealand backyard.
Taking a look at UK's chipping markets from a supply and demand perspective.
九月 17, 2020

AHDB: Taking a look at UK's chipping markets from a supply and demand perspective.

With the coronavirus pandemic hitting the UK domestic potato trade, we have estimated a 1% drop year-on-year in the GB potato area for 2020/21, with the provisional area standing at 119Kha.
Potatoes are offloaded at the Folson Farms washplant in East Grand Forks.
九月 09, 2020

Potato Harvest is Underway in the Red River Valley as Red Potato Prices Tumble

The potato harvest is now underway in the Red River Valley. Yields are all over the board ranging from poor to excellent. Most of the fields with poor yields were damaged by heavy rain that fell on, and around June 30th.
All Hail the Rise of the Climate - Smart Potato
九月 08, 2020

Potato Potential - in all climates

The potential of the potato has only just begun to be realized. Some 368 million metric tons of potatoes were harvested globally in 2019, as people from Vietnam to Kenya, the Peruvian Andes to Rwanda produced a wide variety of the root vegetable, helping feed an estimated 1.3 billion people who rely on them as a staple food.


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