Ensayo de salinidad en Egipto
三月 08, 2023

Ensayo de salinidad en Egipto: una variedad de patata resistente a los altos niveles de salinidad del agua

El obtentor de patatas y exportador de semillas holandés HZPC ha completado un ensayo de salinidad en Egipto con la cosecha organizada a finales de enero.
Patata con Azafrán
三月 08, 2023

Patata fortificada con Azafrán 'Made in Albacete'

Investigadores de Albacete del grupo de Biología Molecular y Fisiología Vegetal del Instituto Botánico de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), junto al grupo de Genómica de Plantas y Biotecnología del IBMCP-CSIC.
INIA estudios genéticos
三月 06, 2023

Junín: INIA realiza estudios genéticos en papa nativa empleando técnicas modernas.

Investigación de clones en cultivos de papas nativas, viene desarrollando el Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) del Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego (MIDAGRI) en la región Junín.
Solynta and PepsiCo Partner to Bring Hybrid Potato Seeds to Ethiopian Farmers
三月 02, 2023

Solynta and PepsiCo Partner to Bring Hybrid Potato Seeds to Ethiopian Farmers

Solynta and PepsiCo’s Ethiopia-based Foods Unit, Senselet Food Processing PLC (Senselet), have launched a project to introduce hybrid true potato seeds (HTPS) to Ethiopia.
125 years of HZPC awarded with Royal predicate
二月 28, 2023

125 years of HZPC awarded with Royal predicate

On occasion HZPC's 125th anniversary on February 27, 2023, Drs. A. A. M. Brok, Commissioner of the King of the Province of Friesland presented potato breeder HZPC with the certificate for the predicate Royal.
The Agricultural Revolution from the Paleolithic era to modern of Agriculture
二月 13, 2023

Potato farming in Odisha, India: Interview with Samarendu Mohanty,  Asia Regional Director at the International Potato Center (CIP)

Interview with Samarendu Mohanty,  Asia Regional Director at the International Potato Center (CIP) focused on the potato situation in Odisha, India
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Nueva Variedad de Papa INIA 333 CHUGAYNA
二月 07, 2023

INIA 333 CHUGAYNA en la nueva variedad de papa con alta calidad genética para el Perú

El Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) del Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego (MIDAGRI) pone a disposición de los productores de la región de Cajamarca y todo el Perú, una nueva variedad de papa con alta calidad genética que incrementará la productividad por hectárea.
Nancy Rietbroek new operational director NAK
二月 07, 2023

Nancy Rietbroek new operational director NAK

The board of the NAK has appointed Nancy Rietbroek as operational director. From March 1, 2023, she will start working at the NAK.
The team of FreshCrop Limited in Kenya
二月 05, 2023

Solynta and FreshCrop sign hybrid potato collaboration agreement in Kenya

Solynta – hybrid potato breeding technology company from The Netherlands and FreshCrop Limited, Kenya’s largest producer of seed tubers, have signed an agreement to collaborate on the development of hybrid true potato innovation in Kenya.
La patata española se lanza a la conquista de Francia y de Europa.
二月 04, 2023

La patata española se lanza a la conquista de Francia y de Europa

El sector de la patata mira al 2023 con ilusión, ante el despegue que está viviendo, con buenos precios, concentraciones empresariales y un creciente interés en Europa, gracias a la calidad del producto, que destaca tanto para freír, como guarnición o como aperitivo en bolsa.
La patata Princesa Amandine
一月 25, 2023

La patata Princesa Amandine recibe el galardón Sabor del Año 2023 por segundo año consecutivo

Por segundo año consecutivo, la patata Princesa Amandine renueva como mejor Sabor del Año 2023 escogida por los consumidores en una prueba realizada por laboratorios sensoriales independientes.
BP2023 under new ownership
一月 22, 2023

Publisher Potato Review to now organize British Potato 2023 (BP2023)

BP (British Potato), the key calendar date for all those operating in or supplying to the British potato industry, will have a new owner/organiser for its next event in November 2023.
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 New public-private partnership to improve seed potato production in Wisconsin
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New public-private partnership to improve seed potato production in Wisconsin

The University of Wisconsin–Madison has a new partner to improve the efficiency of seed potato production at the Starks Early Generation Seed Potato Farm in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.
ADAPT news: Proteome profiling to understand multi-stress response in potato
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ADAPT news: Proteome profiling to understand multi-stress response in potato

The Horizon 2020 EU project Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato (ADAPT), in which Europatat is participating, aims at developing new strategies to make potatoes fit for the challenging growth conditions of the future.
'Sowing the seeds' of better potato production in the Punjab
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Improving potato production in Punjab, Pakistan

The 'Capacity building of small-scale potato growers in Punjab, Pakistan' project – led by CABI and funded by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) – is already ‘sowing the seeds’ of success.
Celebration as Nigeria harvests first batch of biotech-potatoes
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Nigeria harvests first batch of biotech-potatoes

Elder Isaiah Buwah is growing potatoes for forty years in the Plateau State, North Central Nigeria. Having seen the impact from late blight first hand, he truly enjoyed the harvest of the first batch of - resistant - biotech potatoes.
Agrico realizes record sales in an improving market
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Potato cooperative Agrico realizes record sales in an improving market

Potato Cooperative Agrico held its annual central members’ meeting, during which the financial statements of 2021/2022 were explained, and the members looked ahead to the new harvest year.
十二月 19, 2022

Spain: NEIKER transfers its potatoes, ‘Edurne’ and ‘Beltza’, to the cooperative UDAPA

The technology center and the cooperative UDAPA sign an agreement for the transfer of both potato varieties obtained by NEIKER. The alliance is based on the planting, production and commercialisation of these tubers by the cooperative from Alava, and will be in force until 2032.


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