
La interprofesional de la papa, clave para el futuro del sector en España
十月 05, 2015

La interprofesional de la papa, clave para el futuro del sector en España

Los productores plantean la creación de esta herramienta, bien a nivel nacional o sólo para CyL, con el fin de poder organizar la oferta y hacer frente a la competencia de Francia.
Robert Graveland
十月 05, 2015

Are hybrid potato seeds the future?

Hybrid potatoes are piquing the interests of people both within and outside the potato sector. A hybrid combines the best of two systems in order to maximize performance. But what does hybridization mean? And will it change the sector for good? HZPC weighs in.
Potatoes and Potato Products in China 2015 (GAIN report)
十月 05, 2015

Potatoes and Potato Products in China 2015 (GAIN report)

USDA Foreign Agricultural Service regularly reports on various agricultural topics around the world. In GAIN report CH15036 published in September 2015, the production of potatoes and potato products in China as well as imports and exports are highlighted.
Argentina: Tecnoplant desarrolla cultivares de papa resistentes al virus PVY
十月 02, 2015

Argentina: Tecnoplant desarrolla cultivares de papa resistentes al virus PVY

Tecnoplant, la división de agrobiotecnología del Grupo Sidus, ha desarrollado cultivares de papa resistentes al ataque de virus que, en la Argentina, pueden provocar mermas de hasta un 70 por ciento en la producción.
Lower Yield and Quality will determine potato market in the Netherlands, says farmer association
十月 01, 2015

Lower Yield and Quality will determine potato market in the Netherlands, says farmer association

The Dutch Association of Arable Farmers of (VTA) finds an average yield of 53.622 kg/ha, 8% below last year and on par with the 5-year average. Although tubers are large this season, the VTA predicts low factory yields as a result of a host of quality issues, resulting in an increased demand for potatoes per ton finished product.
Idaho Potato Commission Appoints James Hoff as new Commissioner
九月 30, 2015

Idaho Potato Commission Appoints James Hoff as new Commissioner

The Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) announced the recent appointment of James Hoff as a new Commissioner who will serve a three-year term. James Hoff of Hoff Farms in Idaho Falls will be formally sworn in at the IPC’s October meeting.
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Científico chileno explica cómo serán las papas del futuro
九月 29, 2015

Científico chileno explica cómo serán las papas del futuro

El cambio climático y el aumento de la población mundial prevén una progresiva escasez de alimentos dentro de las próximas décadas. Frente a este escenario, el experto en mejoramiento genético Julio Klazich asegura que las papas del futuro tendrán una mejor calidad nutricional, formas y colores más atractivos, tolerarán mejor la sequía y las enfermedades, y serán menos dependientes de los agroquímicos.
Perú: El CIP siembra 110 variedades nativas en Ancash
九月 25, 2015

El CIP siembra 110 variedades de papas nativas en Perú

El Centro de Investigación de la Papa (CIP), está sembrando 110 variedades de papas nativas de Áncash, que regresan a las tierras de donde son oriundas y que muchas de estas ya se producen en otros departamentos del Perú.
Security Cameras help keep Prince Edward Island Potatoes safe
九月 24, 2015

Security Cameras help keep Prince Edward Island Potatoes safe

The potato harvest on Prince Edward Island is now underway and many farmers have installed security cameras in their fields and around machinery due to potato tampering concerns.
Rob Carter, State Agronomist, Alaska
九月 24, 2015

Warm summer in Alaska results in good potato yields for farms with irrigation

Alaskan potato farms with irrigation had a good year, but farms that didn't have irrigation lost much of their potato yield.
Earthfresh innovates potato retail sector with Celebratoes
九月 22, 2015

Earthfresh innovates potato retail sector with Celebratoes

Last year, Canadian potato packer EarthFresh launched Celebratoes, fresh baby potatoes along with a seasoning pack and are now available in a recyclable three-in-one cooking tray. They are ready to oven roast, BBQ or microwave.
Un software predice la evolución del maíz, la papa y el cacahuete
九月 21, 2015

Un software predice la evolución del maíz, la papa y el cacahuete

Investigadores de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid han estudiado la estabilidad en el abastecimiento de productos agrícolas como el maíz, la papa y el cacahuete para la empresa PepsiCo y han desarrollado un software para pronosticar su evolución.
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Alemania ya produce 160 mil toneladas de papa ecológica
九月 21, 2015

Alemania ya produce 160 mil toneladas de papa ecológica

La superficie dedicada a la producción de papa ecológica ronda esta campaña las 8.200 hectáreas en Alemania y se mantiene estable desde hace años.
The Little Potato Company is calling all little Chefs
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The Little Potato Company is calling All Little Chefs

Canada's potato company famous for its small potatoes - the Little Potato Company - has partnered with CTV's The Marilyn Denis Show and Masterchef Canada's Michael Bonacini to create The Little Chef Casting call, an opportunity for young cooks to have a chance to appear on TV and win a culinary trip of a lifetime
Potato Value Chain Africa website to be launched at Eldoret Agri-Trade Fair
九月 20, 2015

Potato Value Chain Africa website to be launched at Eldoret Agri-Trade Fair, Kenya

The Dutch Embassy in Kenya will next week launch the Potato Value Chain Africa website at the Eldoret Agri-Trade Fair, in a bid to support farmers in the country.
Optical sorting machine reduces costs and convinces with efficiency
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Optical sorting machine reduces costs and convinces with efficiency

The potato peeling company “querbeet” at the farm Borgmann decided for an optical sorting machine of Marcellissen.
Australian farmers breed purple potato with the right colour ánd taste
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Australian farmers breed purple potato with the ideal colour ánd taste

Australian potato breeders Peter and Sandra Scott believe they bred the purple potato with the ideal colour and taste
Siembra de papa en Colombia disminuiría en un 40% por heladas
九月 19, 2015

Siembra de papa en Colombia disminuiría en un 40% por heladas

Para el mes de septiembre, históricamente eran muy bajas las probabilidades de heladas en Cundinamarca y Boyacá, pero en la última semana estos eventos han amenazado las plantaciones.


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