
Tasteful Selections #rescuedmoments highlight: Italian style Potato Salad
七月 11, 2016

Tasteful Selections #rescuedmoments highlight: Italian style Potato Salad

RPE, Inc.’s bite-sized potato brand, Tasteful Selections™, is continuing its efforts to inspire consumers to rescue moments and spend more quality time with family by creating delicious time-saving recipes and useful cooking tips.
Innate potatoes on a cutting board, showing no discoloration.
七月 09, 2016

GMO Labeling Bill passed by United States Senate

Last Thursday, the United States Senate has passed, by a vote of 63 to 30, a bill that would create a national standard for labeling food made with genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Mexican judge bans import of fresh US potatoes
七月 09, 2016

Mexican judge bans import of fresh US potatoes

A federal judge in Mexico’s Northern State of Sinaola issued a decree that bans the import of fresh potatoes from the United States.
The Little Potato Company celebrates the construction of their new plant in a big way
七月 08, 2016

The Little Potato Company celebrates the construction of their US plant in a big way

The Little Potato Company celebrated construction of its first U.S. plant June 29 in DeForest. The new $20 million, 130,000-square-foot plant, which is being built by Minneapolis-based Ryan Companies, is scheduled to open in January 2017.
USAID project helps Potato Farmers in Kyrgyzstan
七月 07, 2016

USAID project helps Potato Farmers in Kyrgyzstan

The Aravan Agro Service in Kyrgyzstan more than doubled its potato yield and profits in 2016 by partnering with the United States through the USAID Agro Horizon project.
UK retailer Tesco introduces three-year contracts for potato growers and packers
七月 06, 2016

UK retailer Tesco introduces three-year contracts for potato growers and packers

UK Supermarket chain Tesco has announced it will issue contracts worth £12 million over three years to help support British Agriculture, and become the first retailer in the UK to introduce new long term contracts for potato growers and packers.
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AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent resistence
七月 06, 2016

AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent pesticide resistance

With pesticide resistance rising in species of aphids which feed on potatoes and spread viruses, one of the best control options for growers battling these pests may be found in nature, free of charge: parasitic wasps.
Display of a wide range of potato products
七月 06, 2016

Potato Trade show Interpom | Primeurs 2016 focuses on Precision Technology

Interpom | Primeurs 2016 promises to be the biggest edition of this potato event ever and the 2016 theme is: 'Growing through precision technology'.
Las seis "plagas" que están matando la tierra en Colombia Las seis plagas que están matando la tierra en Colombia
七月 05, 2016

Las seis "plagas" que están matando la tierra en Colombia

La calidad del suelo colombiano está en problemas. Así lo revela un informe del Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC), según el cual el uso inadecuado, la compactación, la contaminación por plaguicidas y fertilizantes, la erosión, el mal riego y la eliminación de coberturas (deforestación) son las seis ‘plagas’ que están matando al suelo.
Extreme rainfall triggers first cases of potatoes with Phytophthora in The Netherlands
七月 05, 2016

Extreme rainfall triggers first Phytophthora cases in the potato fields in The Netherlands

Every once in a while the potato disease Phytophthora crops up in the Netherlands, and this year is no exception. Especially potato farmers in the South of the Netherlands are worried.
To boost potato export, India considers establishment of 'pest-free zones'
七月 05, 2016

To boost potato export, India considers establishment of 'pest-free zones'

Aiming to boost potato exports, the Indian government is considering identifying ‘pest-free zones’ for the staple in production clusters of the growing states like Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
Bolivia inicia la Fiesta de la Pachamama con la papa como protgonista
七月 03, 2016

Bolivia inicia la Fiesta de la Pachamama con la papa como protgonista

El primero de agosto se dio inicio al mes de la Pachamama y por tal motivo la Unidad de Promoción de Saberes Ancestrales del municipio de El Alto (La Paz) preparó un acto ceremonial en la Apacheta para realizar una Wajt’a (ofrenda) de agradecimiento a la madre tierra.
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Aprobada la importación de semillas de papa en Venezuela
七月 03, 2016

Aprobada la importación de semillas de papa en Venezuela

El Ministerio de Agricultura y Tierras aprobó la solicitud hecha por las asociaciones de productores de papa, en donde ellos aportaran el capital para llevar adelante la importación. Mientras el Gobierno a través de sus instituciones se convierte en el operador logístico.
Venezuela: Ahora roban la papa en las principales carreteras
七月 03, 2016

Venezuela: Ahora roban la papa en las principales carreteras

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Colorado Potato Beetles are munching on in the Red River Valley
七月 02, 2016

Colorado Potato Beetles are munching on in the Red River Valley

According to the University of Minnesota Extension 'Spudbug' Newsletter, it is shaping up to be a Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB) year in the Red River Valley.
Romain Cools, Belgapom: "Damage to potato harvest can't be estimated at the moment"
六月 30, 2016

Romain Cools, Belgapom: 'Damage to potato harvest can't be estimated at the moment'

Stories about large losses in harvest in the Belgian sector due to the heavy rainfall are circulating in various media. But Romain Cools of Belgapom says it is too early to come up with a percentage.
UK research project intends to turn potato waste into beauty creams.
六月 30, 2016

UK research project intends to turn potato waste into beauty creams.

Waste from potato crops could be ‘recycled’ into personal care products such as medical gels and beauty creams – thanks to a new University of East Anglia (UEA) research project.
Researchers looking for genes to make potatoes resistant to nematodes
六月 29, 2016

Searching for genes to make potatoes resistant to nematodes

Potato breeders at Oregon State University are working to identify the gene that makes certain potatoes resistant to nematodes, which could then be used to create new varieties.


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