
Monsanto Shareowners Approve Merger with Bayer
十二月 14, 2016

Monsanto Shareowners Approve Merger with Bayer

Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) announced that at a special meeting of shareowners held on December 13, shareowners of the company approved the merger of Monsanto with a wholly owned subsidiary of Bayer Aktiengesellschaft.
Argentina: Desarrollan herramienta para ayudar a controlar plagas y enfermedades en cultivos de papa
十二月 13, 2016

Argentina: Desarrollan herramienta para ayudar a controlar plagas y enfermedades en papa

Un equipo de investigadores del INTA diseñó un sistema de gestión para el manejo de la sanidad del cultivo basado en el uso de información y conocimiento.
Indonesia fights against illegal potato imports
十二月 12, 2016

Indonesia fights against illegal potato imports

In response to protests of potato farmers, the Indonesian government pledged on Thursday to immediately stop illegal potato imports that have put local farmers at risk.
Potatoes New Zealand joins government biosecurity initiative
十二月 12, 2016

Potatoes New Zealand joins government biosecurity initiative

Potatoes New Zealand became the 14th partner organisation to join the Government Industry Agreement for Biosecurity Readiness and Response.
Dewulf-Miedema appoints new full-service dealer in Alberta, Canada: Banga’s Equipment
十二月 12, 2016

Dewulf-Miedema appoints new full-service dealer in Alberta, Canada: Banga’s Equipment

Dewulf - Miedema has appointed Banga’s Equipment from Taber, Alberta, as new fullservice dealer to ensure optimum service and support for its customers in Alberta and Western Canada.
AUSVEG appoints James Whiteside as its new CEO
十二月 10, 2016

AUSVEG appoints James Whiteside as its new CEO

Leading Australian vegetable industry body AUSVEG has announced the appointment of James Whiteside as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective Friday 9 December 2016.
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Bolivia: Para evitar especulación de papa el Gobierno organiza una feria
十二月 09, 2016

Bolivia: Para evitar especulación de papa el Gobierno organiza una feria

En la feria participarán productores de los municipios de Combaya, Chuma, Quime, Carabuco, Cairoma, Ayo Ayo, Sapaqui, Tacacoma, Palca, Mecapaca, Sorata, Inquisivi, Ichoca y Luribay, entre otros.
Honduras realizó su primer congreso del cultivo de papa
十二月 06, 2016

Honduras realizó su primer congreso del cultivo de papa

En el evento se presentaron trabajos de investigación para mejorar la papa en Intibucá, el departamentó de mayor producción del país.
Potato White Mold: how it spreads and how it can be managed
十二月 06, 2016

Potato White Mold: how it spreads and how it can be managed

The Plant Management Network (PMN) has released a new presentation entitled 'Epidemiology and Management of Potato White Mold' to help growers, consultants and extension agents understand how white mold persists and spreads
Instituto mexicano diseña inoculantes bacterianos para estimular crecimiento de la papa
十二月 03, 2016

Instituto mexicano diseña inoculantes bacterianos para estimular crecimiento de la papa

Académicos del Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Microbiológicas, del Instituto de Ciencias de la BUAP (ICUAP), trabajan en el diseño de inoculantes bacterianos que estimulen el crecimiento de plantas y funcionen como métodos alternativos en el cultivo de ciertos alimentos, como la papa.
Harvest Estimation North-Western European Potato Growers adjusted downwards to 24.5 million tonnes
十二月 03, 2016

Harvest Estimation North-Western European Potato Growers adjusted downwards to 24.5 million tonnes

The official NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) harvest estimation has been adjusted downward to 24.551.000 tons, which is 3 % lower than last year and 3,6 % than the 5 years average.
Researchers trace roots of potato farming to Andes
十二月 03, 2016

Researchers trace roots of potato farming to Andes

Every French fry, gnocchi, tater tot and order of hash browns humans have eaten in the past 5,000 years can be traced back to one place in the world — northwestern Bolivia and southern Peru.
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Swansfleet Alliance named Top Potato Grower for the McCain Manitoba Plants
十二月 03, 2016

Swansfleet Alliance named Top Potato Grower for the McCain Foods Manitoba Plants

Swansfleet Alliance of Treherne and Bruxelles was named the Top Potato Grower for the McCain Foods Manitoba plants during the annual Growers’ Banquet held in November in Carberry MB, Canada
Ensayo de variedades de papa ecológica [Documento]
十二月 02, 2016

Ensayo de variedades de papa ecológica [Documento]

El Servicio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural del Cabildo Insular de Tenerife (España) elaboró este documento para orientar a los productores ecológicos sobre cuál es la variedad de papa que más se ajusta a esta forma de cultivo.
EarthFresh Farms acquires Grand Bend Produce
十二月 01, 2016

EarthFresh Farms acquires Grand Bend Produce

EarthFresh Farms recently announced the acquisition of the assets of Grand Bend Produce, a Southwestern Ontario based fresh potato business.
Interpom | Primeurs 2016 attracts 20.000 visitors from 55 countries
十二月 01, 2016

Interpom | Primeurs 2016 attracts 20.000 visitors from 55 countries

The 18th edition of the Interpom | Primeurs once again set a new record with 19 938 visitors from no less than 55 different countries, illustrating the growing interest for this event far beyond the Belgian borders.
Argentina: Preocupación de productores de papa por la baja rentabilidad en Córdoba
十一月 29, 2016

Argentina: Preocupación de productores de papa por la baja rentabilidad en Córdoba

En la provincia se cultivan unas 15.000 hectáreas; la demanda industrial sostiene el precio.
Halifax Police: Unclear if needle came from potatoes
十一月 29, 2016

Halifax Police: Unclear if needle came from potatoes

After further investigation of the food tampering report of this weekend, Halifax Police concluded it can not be determined where the needle originated. This additional reporting caused a sigh of relieve among Canadian Potato Packers.


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