
Never Store Seed Potatoes in CIPC treated Storages, warns McCain Storage Export John Walsh
三月 04, 2018

Never Store Seed Potatoes in a CIPC treated Storage, warns McCain Storage Expert

During the International Potato Technology Expo on Prince Edward Island (PEI) in Canada, John Walsh, Associate Principal Scientist, Potato Storage at McCain Foods, warned farmers for the effects of low levels of CIPC on seed potato performance.
México: Se desploma por calor rendimiento de la papa
三月 03, 2018

México: Se desploma por calor rendimiento de la papa

Las cosechas de los predios sembrados en octubre y noviembre, meses con mucho calor, han tenido un desplome de hasta el 25% en rendimiento.
Dutch French Fries a hit in South Korea
三月 03, 2018

Dutch French Fries gaining ground in South Korea

Dutch potato processing companies are increasing their market share in the South Korean Frozen French Fry market.
Jefe del banco de germoplasma del CIP es premiado con el Crop Trust Legacy Award
三月 02, 2018

Crop Trust premia al Jefe del Banco de Germoplasma del CIP

Crop Trust, organización internacional que apoya la conservación del germoplasma de los cultivos, galardonó al Dr. David Ellis, jefe del Banco de Germoplasma del Centro Internacional de la Papa con el premio Crop Trust Legacy.
Amount of stored potatoes in Europe high compared to previous years
三月 01, 2018

Amount of stored potatoes in Europe high compared to previous years

The North-Western European Potato Growers report on volume and condition of the potatoes still in storage
Senegal expects to produce 150,000 tons of potatoes in 2018
三月 01, 2018

Senegal expects to produce 150,000 tons of potatoes in 2018

Senegal expects to produce 150,000 tons of potatoes this year. This represents an increase by 32,000 tons compared to last year.
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Uzbekistan will allow tax-free import of potatoes until 2019
二月 27, 2018

Uzbekistan will allow tax-free import of potatoes until 2019

Uzbekistan will allow tax-free import of potatoes until January 1, 2019. The measure is intended to eliminate the shortage of potatoes in the domestic market and to curb rising prices
International Potato Expo Marks Successful Event in Charlottetown
二月 27, 2018

International Potato Expo marks Successful Event in Charlottetown

The 2018 edition of the International Potato Technology Expo welcomed professionals from across North America back to the Eastlink Centre in Charlottetown this past Friday and Saturday.
Tanzania Sets Record in Potato Research, to Release Improved Varieties
二月 27, 2018

Tanzania Sets Record in Potato Research, to Release Improved Varieties

Tanzania has excelled in experimental trials of high yielding and disease resistant potato varieties under a climate smart agriculture programme aimed to improve food security.
CSS Farms select RPE as marketing partner for its subsidiary Agri-Pack
二月 27, 2018

CSS Farms select RPE as marketing partner for its subsidiary Agri-Pack

CSS Farms, a producer of specialty potatoes and potatoes for the production of potato chips, has selected RPE as exclusive marketing partmner for its Washington subsidiary Agri-Pack.
El “arca de Noé” supera el millón de semillas
二月 26, 2018

El “arca de Noé” supera el millón de semillas

El almacén que guarda las semillas más preciadas del mundo cumple diez años y bate un nuevo récord. Esta bóveda subterránea está situada en las Islas Svalbard, en pleno círculo polar ártico.
Chuck Gunnerson announces retirement as President of the NPPGA
二月 26, 2018

Chuck Gunnerson announces retirement as President of the NPPGA

Northern Plains Potato Growers Association (NPPGA) president Chuck Gunnerson, announced his upcoming retirement at the February 20th, NPPGA Annual Meeting in East Grand Forks, MN.
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British seed potatoes show high yields in Kenyan trials
二月 25, 2018

British seed potatoes show high yields in Kenyan trials

Seed Potatoes sent out to Kenya from Great Britain has performed strongly on three Kenyan trial sites.
El CIP ayuda a sus socios a mejorar el acceso y seguimiento de sus recursos fitogenéticos
二月 22, 2018

El CIP ayuda a sus socios a mejorar el acceso y seguimiento de sus recursos fitogenéticos

Más de 30 representantes de instituciones del gobierno peruano y de organismos no gubernamentales se reunieron recientemente en la sede del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) en Lima para conocer un nuevo sistema mundial creado por el TIRFAA.
Colombia estudia estrategias para fortalecer el sector de la papa
二月 21, 2018

Colombia estudia estrategias para fortalecer el sector de la papa

A fin de fortalecer el sector de la papa en Colombia, el ministro de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural se reunió con dirigentes de la Sociedad de Agricultores de Colombia (SAC) y Fedepapa, para analizar temas de consumo, comercio y desarrollo de la cadena.
Potatoes gain credibility for performance in PyeongChang Olympic athlete’s village kitchen
二月 21, 2018

Potatoes gain credibility for performance in PyeongChang Olympic athlete’s village kitchen

Potatoes as a performance food are gaining notoriety during the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, with the newly released Olympian Menu and announcement that performance nutrition is now a critical part of athletes’ strategy to win
New Propagation method (rooted apical cuttings) to boost potato seed systems in Kenya
二月 21, 2018

New propagation method (Rooted Apical Cuttings) to boost potato seed systems in Kenya

Seed potato farmers in Kenya’s potato growing regions are adopting a new technology with potential to boost quality seed availability: the farmers are using rooted apical cuttings as starter material for seed production as opposed to certified seed.
14th International Berlin Potato Evening
二月 21, 2018

14th International Berlin Potato Evening

On February 6, the German Potato Trade Association DKHV welcomed around 500 guests from 16 countries to the traditional International Berlin Potato Evening.


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