
China Hikes Tariffs on U.S. Goods After Trump Warning. (Courtesy: Capital Watch)
五月 16, 2019

China to hit US frozen fries, dehy potatoes with more tariffs

As the Trump administration’s trade fight with China twists and turns, exporters of frozen and dehy potatoes are facing a hit.
Tong announced UK distributor for HAWE-KUW 2000 field trailer
五月 16, 2019

Tong is now distributor for the HAWE-KUW 2000 field trailer in the United Kingdom

Leading vegetable handling equipment specialist Tong Engineering is now distributor in the United Kingdom for the HAWE-KUW 2000 root crop transfer trailer from renowned German manufacturer HAWE Wester.
五月 15, 2019

The oldest potatoes in Europe are grown in Tenerife

The last direct descendants in Europe of the potatoes brought directly from America by the conquistadors are grown in the Canaries. These potatoes have evocative names, like 'black lily' and stand out for their sweet flavor.
The authors of the study from FAU (from left): PD Dr. Sophia Sonnewald, Günter Lehretz, Dr. José María Corral García and Prof. Dr. Uwe Sonnewald. (Courtesy: FAU / Rabih Mehdi)
五月 15, 2019

Breakthrough research: potatoes can grow at high temperatures

If there’s one thing potato plants don’t like, it’s heat. If the temperature is too high, potato plants form significantly lower numbers of tubers or sometimes none at all. Biochemists at FAU have now discovered the reason why.
Congress 2019 The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food. (Courtesy: Europatat)
五月 13, 2019

Europatat Congress 2019 - Main speakers confirmed!

The Europatat 2019 Congress, co-organised by the Norwegian Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers (NFGF) and Europatat, will take place in Oslo (Norway) from 12 to 14 June 2019. Under the slogan 'The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food'
Red potato harvest in Pearsall, TX (Courtesy: FreshPlaza)
五月 13, 2019

Harvest begins for Texas potato crop

Black Gold Farms started harvest of the 2019 fresh crop of Texas colored potatoes earlier this week. According to the company, the first run fields have indicated that the quality will be better than ever.
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Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN)-infested roots under high magnification. Cysts, the bodies of female nematodes containing nematode eggs, are initially yellow and darken with age.
五月 13, 2019

Analysis of historical specimens shows single origin of Australian Potato Cyst Nematodes

Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) are quarantine soilborne pests that damage potatoes around the world, stunting plants and reducing yields.
五月 11, 2019

Potato starch manufacturer Avebe concludes a notable campaign

At the end of April, the last potatoes were delivered to Avebe in Gasselternijveen. Extreme drought and warm weather resulted in an exceptional potato campaign.
Since the humble precursor to modern potato first domesticated in Peru 10,000 years ago, the tuber has branched off into thousands of different varietals. (Courtesy: Cultivate Michigan)
五月 10, 2019

Blending potato varieties on the rise

Since the humble precursor to modern potato first domesticated in Peru 10,000 years ago, the tuber has branched off into thousands of different varieties.
Potato processing factory to be built at Ol Kalou
五月 10, 2019

Potato processing factory to be built at Ol Kalou, Kenya

A potato and vegetable processing plant will be built soon in Ol Kalou town. The factory, a collaboration of the Department of Correctional Services and Nyandarua county government, will mitigate post-harvest losses ...
Not surprisingly, potatoes from Hungary are running out. (Courtesy: Infostart)
五月 10, 2019

Hungarian stores have run out of domestic potatoes

Hungary hasn't been self-sufficient in the potato market for a long time, but the price of potatoes in February was still extraordinary.
The market price of potatoes in Gansu, China recently showed a rising trend. (Courtesy: Global Potato News)
五月 09, 2019

Potato prices on the rise in Gansu, China

The market price of potatoes in Gansu recently showed a rising trend. Relevant data shows that the price of potatoes in Gansu increased by 16.67% in comparison with the same time last year.
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Potatoes in Slovakia became more expensive at half the price compared to last year. (Courtesy: Pixabay / Felvidek)
五月 09, 2019

Potato prices in Slovakia up by more than 50%

Potatoes in Slovakia have become more than 50% more expensive than last year, reports Eva Sadovská, analyst at the Slovak Farmers Association (SFD).
Los aranceles aduaneros sobre las patatas importadas probablemente se suspenderán temporalmte. (Costesía: Fresh Plaza)
五月 08, 2019

Islandia: Posible suspensión de los aranceles de las patatas importadas

El Ministerio de Industrias e Innovación de Islandia informa de que los aranceles aduaneros sobre las patatas importadas probablemente se suspenderán desde el 3 de mayo hasta el 11 de agosto.
Celfia Obregón Ramírez, directora del Centro de Innovación Tecnológica de la Papa y otros Cultivos Andinos [CITE Papa]. (Cortesía: Agraria Pe)
五月 08, 2019

Perú: El Día Nacional de la Papa ha rescatado las variedades nativas

El Día Nacional de la Papa (que se celebra el 30 de mayo y se instauró a partir de 2005) ha servido para rescatar a nuestras papas nativas de la extinción, destacó la directora ejecutiva del CITE Papa, Celfia Obregón Ramírez.
Director General de Patatas Meléndez, Francisco Javier Meléndez (Cortesía: Agronews Castilla y León)
五月 08, 2019

'Nos estamos encontrando con mercados desabastecidos de patata al inicio de campaña'

El director general de Patatas Meléndez, Francisco Javier Meléndez, habla de cómo se plantea el año para uno de los sectores tradicionalmente más 'agitado' de la agricultura española.
Ocurrió en la pequeña localidad del partido de Benito Juárez. La papa gigante fue más sorpendente por su tamaño que por su peso, ya que gran parte del ejemplar era hueco. (Cortesía: Todo Provincial)
五月 08, 2019

Productores de Barker cosecharon una papa gigante: mira las sorprendentes imágenes

Las imágenes son sorprendentes. La súper papa tiene el tamaño de una bolsa de 20 kilos. Sin embargo, su peso fue de 3,8 kilos ya que gran parte de este ejemplar era totalmente hueco.
The potato late blight pathogen. (Courtesy: Jens Gronbech Hasen / EuroBlight)
五月 07, 2019

Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2018 Results

EuroBlight is continuously examining the ongoing evolution of the European population of the potato late blight pathogen and now reports on the 2018 results. Approximately 1000 samples were genotyped from 22 countries.


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