
Nedato: 'Tight potato market after busy harvesting period'
十一月 06, 2016

Nedato: 'Tight potato market after busy harvesting period'

Although the drought in the Netherlands resulted in very challenging harvesting circumstances, by now the potatoes have practically all been harvested. Heero Gramsma, Managing Director of Nedato reflects...
Jan van Loon ontvangt de TPC Potato Award voor het ras Paris
十一月 01, 2016

Jan van Loon ontvangt de TPC Potato Award voor het ras Paris

Het nieuwste ras van The Potato Company (TPC) heet Paris en is dit jaar toegelaten op de Nederlandse rassenlijst. De kweker van het ras, Jan van Loon ontvangt tijdens de rassenpresentaties daarvoor de TPC Potato Award.
Mooij Agro provides a breath of fresh air at Interpom | Primeurs with its EC Axial 1000 fan
十月 11, 2016

Mooij Agro provides a breath of fresh air at Interpom | Primeurs with its EC Axial 1000 fan

Mooij Agro developed a new and larger axial flow EC fan in cooperation with Klima, especially suitable for onion and potato storage projects where low energy use is a priority.
NEPG aardappeloogst verwachting: Meer hectares, minder opbrengst, onzekerheid
九月 21, 2016

NEPG aardappeloogst verwachting: Meer hectares, minder opbrengst, onzekerheid

De North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) verwachten in de 5 aangesloten landen een lagere aardappel oogst in vergelijking met vorig
seizoen: 24,9 miljoen ton in 2016, vergeleken met 25,3 miljoen ton in 2015.
Aviko Potato provides detailed information on the development of the potato crop
八月 23, 2016

Aviko Potato provides detailed information on the development of the 2016 potato crop

Yearly Aviko Potatoes follows the progress of the potato crop through regular sampling and the resulting data are shared publicly based on their commitment to transparency. PotatoPro took a closer look.
Potato starch Manufacturer Avebe starts the 2016 campaign
八月 15, 2016

Potato starch Manufacturer Avebe starts the 2016 campaign

Today, Dutch Potato Starch Manufacturer Avebe started the production campaign of harvest 2016 in its processing plant in Gasselternijveen.
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Potato Storage: New Generation Miedema Store Loaders
七月 18, 2016

Potato Storage: New Generation Miedema Store Loaders

Miedema introduces the new, 80 cm wide series of ML (Miedema Loaders) store loaders. ML store loaders are made to fill your potato store as quickly as possible while maintaining maximum product quality.
Extreme rainfall triggers first cases of potatoes with Phytophthora in The Netherlands
七月 05, 2016

Extreme rainfall triggers first Phytophthora cases in the potato fields in The Netherlands

Every once in a while the potato disease Phytophthora crops up in the Netherlands, and this year is no exception. Especially potato farmers in the South of the Netherlands are worried.
Potato acreage North-western Europe grown by 5 percent, estimates NEPG
六月 29, 2016

Potato acreage North-western Europe increased by 5 percent, expects NEPG

The North-western European Potato growers (NEPG) expect the combined potato acreage in Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands and Great Britain to be 552.000 hectares (1.36 million acres). This is an increase of 4.9 percent compared to last year.
NEPG: Aardappel-areaal in Noord-west Europa groeit 5 procent
六月 29, 2016

NEPG: Aardappel-areaal in Noord-west Europa groeit 5 procent

De NEPG (North-western European Potato Growers) verwacht in North-Western Europe een areaal van 552.000 hectare consumptieaardappelen. Dit is 4,9% meer dan vorig seizoen.
Adrie Vermeulen appointed as new Chairman of Agrico Potato Cooperative
六月 24, 2016

Adrie Vermeulen appointed as new Chairman of Agrico Potato Cooperative

Last week Board of Members of the Agrico potato cooperative appointed Mr Adrie Vermeulen as chairman of the board commencing on December 20, 12016.
The Potato Company (TPC) buys a new lot in Emmeloord for expansion
六月 22, 2016

The Potato Company (TPC) buys new lot in Emmeloord for expansion

The Potato Company (TPC) is expanding. Owner and founder of the company Gaby Stet and the Municipality Noordoostpolder have signed an agreement for the sale of a 4633 m<sup>2</sup> sized lot in the new business park 'De Munt' in Emmeloord.
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Seed Potato Price paid to Dutch HZPC farmers exceeds 30 euros
六月 19, 2016

Seed Potato Price paid to Dutch HZPC farmers exceeds 30 euros

HZPC Holland B.V., a leading potato breeding company sets the final price for harvest 2015 for its Dutch seed potato pool at € 30,28 per 100 kilo.
Prijs pootaardappel-pool HZPC Nederland boven 30 Euro door record afzet en hoge opbrengsten
六月 19, 2016

Prijs pootaardappel-pool HZPC Nederland boven 30 Euro door record afzet en hoge opbrengsten

HZPC Holland bv, wereldleider in aardappelveredeling, stelt de definitieve uitbetalingsprijs voor zijn Nederlandse pootaardappel-pool over Oogst 2015 vast op € 30,28 per 100 kilo.
The environmental benefits of potato breeding
六月 12, 2016

The environmental benefits of potato breeding

On World Environment Day (June 5), potato breeding company HZPC highlighted the benefits of breeding on yield, carbon footprint and water use.
五月 23, 2016

Nedato Potato Quality improved with TOMRA Potato Sorting Technology

For over 50 years, the Nedato cooperative of 500 farmers has been producing quality potatoes for customers across the world.
Potato Company Agrico wins Dutch final of European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA)
五月 19, 2016

Potato Company Agrico winner in Dutch final of European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA)

After winning the 2016 Ambassador Prize, potato cooperative Agrico from Emmeloord also won the Dutch final of the European Enterprise Promotion Award (EEPA).
Market value potato breeder and seed potato trader HZPC exceeds € 100 million
五月 15, 2016

Potato Breeder and Seed Potato Trader HZPC now worth over € 100 million

At the HZPC stock trading day May 2016, the value of certificate of share of HZPC Holland B.V., world leader in potato breeding and seed potato trade, has been set at € 136.90.


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