
三月 15, 2010

First Egyptian potatoes in Europe

This week Fresh-Produce bv in Waalwijk received the first Egyptian potatoes. According to Harold Loonen of Fresh-Produce the quality is very good.   "Supply is going to be big. I expect to import more Egyptian potatoes than in previous years. It...
三月 02, 2010

Kenyan Farmers replace pyrethrum production with potato

A tractor is busy cultivating an arable land in Molo just next to the Pyrethrum Board of Kenya research station. It is during this planting season that farmers take advantage of the research station to plant latest variety of flowers. But like a maj...
二月 13, 2010

Tunisia Potato exports on the rise

Potato exports of Tunisia increased on average by 9.5% annually since 2006, according to figures released by APIA (Tunisian Agricultural Investment Promotion Agency) at Fruit Logistica.
二月 11, 2010

Pootgoed voor Marokko terug naar Nederland

De naar Marokko geëxporteerde pootaardappelen komen terug naar Nederland. Dat zegt Jan Hoogenboom, financieel manager van aardappelhandelshuis HZPC. Marokko past de eisen voor pootgoed ineens strenger toe. Maximaal 5 procent van de aardappelen mag ...
一月 09, 2010

Kenyan potato farmers deal with the weight of a potato sack and heavy rains

The deluge of rains pounding away at the country is bringing losses in its wake, as farmers dump crops in the market at throwaway prices.In North Kinangop, the price of a 110kg sack of potatoes has dropped from Sh2,700 to Sh600, and potatoes that have ...
十二月 22, 2009

Algerijnse aardappelteelt groeit met 30%

Het afgelopen jaar is de Algerijnse aardappelteelt met 30% gegroeid ten opzichte van 2008. Er wordt momenteel op 40.000 hectare geteeld, dat is 6.000 hectare meer dan 2008. De verwachte oogst is 300.000 ton aardappelen
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十二月 16, 2009

EU will resume import of Egyptian potatoes

The Commission has given permission to import Egyptian potatoes to the EU during the import season 2009/2010. This although shipments were confiscated last year because of contamination with Pseudomonas solanacearum.   During the last import season 6...
 Prince Edward Island Potato Board
十月 24, 2009

P.E.I. aims to grow seed potato market in Algeria

A delegation of people representing P.E.I.'s potato industry returned this week from a trade mission to Algeria, hopeful about re-establishing markets for their products in that African country. Greg Donald, general manager of the P.E.I. Potato Board,...
South African Government rejects genetically modified potato
十月 20, 2009

South African Government rejects genetically modified potato

The South African government has rejected the Agriculture Research Council’s (ARC’s) application to provide genetically modified potatoes to local farmers, saying it was concerned about its safety and economic effect. “This is probably the mo...
十月 15, 2009

South Africa planning to ban trans fats in foods

In South Africa,  Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has told Parliament that his department intends to introduce rules banning industrially produced trans fats in all processed and prepared foods.Giving a written reply on Thursday to a question from the...
九月 04, 2009

Egypt and the European Union fight over potatoes

Potatoes are once again a hot topic of contention between Egypt and the European Union. A couple of weeks ago, following the discovery of some cases of brown rot, the EU decided to impose a ban on Egyptian potato exports. An Egyptian-EU agreement stipu...
 potato trader in Kenya (source: Daily Nation)
八月 03, 2009

New Plan to revive potato farming in Kenya

The Ministry of Agriculture has embarked on the revival of potato growing to boost the country’s food security. Among the key priorities are the rehabilitation of cold stores, construction and equipping tissue culture laboratories and green houses. ...
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七月 17, 2009

Matala's farmers expected to produce over 10,000 tons of potatoes

In Angola, at least 10,000 tons of potato are expected to be produced within Matala irrigated perimeter by local farmers, as a result of the first season of the process of diversification of crops being carried out by the Local Development Socicety (SO...
 Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI)
五月 25, 2009

Kenyan Potato farmers get help to establish virus-free seed potato production

SCRI is leading an international project to help potato farmers in Kenya.The mission is being supported with a grant from the Monsanto Fund totalling £186,000. The ambition is to increase potato yields - and importantly Kenyan farmer's incomes.
四月 20, 2009

Crackdown on terrorists hits Algeria's potato crop

Algeria is suffering a potato shortage because officials have imposed strict controls on the use of fertiliser to stop al Qaeda militants using it as a bomb-making ingredient, farmers said.Security experts say ammonia, used by farmers to improve crop y...
二月 05, 2009

Lower 2008 Potato Prices in South Africa not fully passed on to consumers

The full benefit of lower potato prices in 2008 was not passed on to the consumer, Potatoes SA (PSA) said on Tuesday. During 2008, the producer price of potatoes dropped by 45 percent, Mark du Plessis, CEO of PSA said. However, the average retail pr...
一月 23, 2009

Egypt potato sector looking at new markets

The Egyptian potato sector has enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with the UK for a number of years. Traditionally, the UK receives new-season, high-quality new potatoes throughout the winter months and in return, Egyptian producers are rewarde...
十月 22, 2008

Egypt's Potato Potential

Egypt may already have the magic ingredient to ease the pressures of a growing population and rising food prices: the Potato.In Egypt, those who know potatoes say that the lowly, oft-mocked crop could feed the hungry and pump cash into the economy. Big...


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