
FAO helps Ugandan potato farmers make more money
四月 04, 2012

FAO helps Ugandan potato farmers make more money

Potatoes are not widely grown in Uganda but they could earn a farmer big if the right farming methods and good prices are in place. Nathan Baryahisahe, the chairman of the Muko Expanded Irish Potato Producers Association says they now have 161 members...
二月 20, 2012

Kenya: Row over government plan to import potato seed from the Netherlands

A major controversy has broken out over government plan to import seed potato favoured for the production of high quality crisps and chips.
二月 14, 2012

Kenyan farmers set to reap big from quality potato seed imports from the Netherlands

Kenya will start importing high quality potato seeds following the signing of bilateral agreement with the Netherlands government.
Netherlands gives Kenya potatoes for quality chips
二月 02, 2012

Netherlands gives Kenya potatoes for quality chips

Kenyan farmers will now be able to import highly marketable potato seed varieties from the Netherlands after an agreement by the two governments.
一月 18, 2012

Mozambique plans to stop importing seed potatoes by 2013

Mozambique’s Agricultural Development Fund (FDA) plans to make efforts to store seed potatoes as the government has set a target to stop importing the product by 2013, the Fund’s chairman said.
一月 16, 2012

New potato varieties give hope to Tanzania farmers

A recent case study by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) showcases a new effort to produce high quality seed potatoes for farmers in Tanzania.
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十二月 12, 2011

Centro Internacional de la Papa busca investigador para liderar programa de papa en el África subsahariana

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) está buscando un científico principal con amplia experiencia en investigación y recaudación de fondos, para dirigir y ampliar el programa de papa que el CIP ha establecido en el África Subsahariana, con sede en ...
Masaï vrouw wordt aardappelpionier
十月 28, 2011

Masaï vrouw wordt aardappelpionier

Christine Nashuru lijkt een traditionele Masaï vrouw, lang en stil. Ze leeft in het Transmara district in Kenia. Ze heeft, doordat ze vrouw is, geen formeel onderwijs genoten, maar, dankzij een cursus van het CIP (International Potato Center) is zij nu...
十月 26, 2011

Nederlands pootgoed impuls voor voedselproductie Kenia

De Nederlandse aardappel kan een bijdrage leveren aan het oplossen van het voedselprobleem in Kenia. Daarvoor is vers, virusvrij pootgoed nodig. Rob Holtrop werkt daaraan. Aardappel is, na mais, het gewas dat in Kenia het meest wordt verbouwd voor lok...
十月 24, 2011

In Kenya, a Maasai woman becomes a potato seed production pioneer

A CIP project in Kenya and other African nations is fostering private adoption of a three-generation seed multiplication strategy. Combined with improved knowledge and skills the project should lead to average yield increases of 20%.
Zimbabwe: Seed Potato Farmers frustrated by High Costs of Production
十月 21, 2011

Zimbabwe: Seed Potato Farmers frustrated by High Costs of Production

Beneficiaries of the land reform programme who are producing potato seed in Nyanga (Zimbabwe) have expressed concern over high costs of production. This, the farmers say, was making it difficult for resource-poor but interested farmers to break into t...
 Floods and Frost result in potato chips shortage in South Africa
九月 13, 2011

Floods and Frost result in potato chips shortage in South Africa

Potatoes South Africa reported that the potato industry in South Africa had lost at least 60.000 tons of potatoes this year, largely due to flooding and frost. As a result of a history of poor harvests, chip maker Simba (Pepsico/Frito-Lay) has adopted...
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Zimbabwe: farmers shun potato growing
九月 02, 2011

Zimbabwe: farmers shun potato growing

Most farmers in Zimbabwe are shunning potato farming owing to lack of knowledge on the crop. Potato production has been a preserve of former commercial farmers. Seed Potato Co-operation general manager Mr Cain Manzira said his organisation had realise...
八月 26, 2011

Nuevas variedades de papa para mejorar los medios de subsistencia y los ingresos en Mozambique

Mozambique lanzó siete nuevas variedades de papa, obtenidas por el programa de mejoramiento del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), como parte de un esfuerzo por mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y mitigar la pobreza del país. Mozambique importa actu...
八月 26, 2011

New potato varieties to improve livelihoods and incomes in Mozambique

“The timely availability of seed of well-adapted varieties will enhance the sustainability and economics of potato production in Mozambique,” notes CIP’s Maria Andrade, breeder and seed system specialist. Mozambique released seven new potato varieties...
七月 12, 2011

Kenyan Farmers to Get Drought Resistant Potato Seeds

Plans are underway to start breeding drought resistant potato varieties to curb food shortage. Players in potato farming who were meeting at Oljoro Orok Farmers Training Centre in Nyandarua West district observed that available potato varieties are onl...
七月 06, 2011

New classification system for table potatoes in South Africa

Researchers in South Africa have completed a classification system for potatoes based on the textural attributes of the most popular varieties grown and consumed in that country.
六月 23, 2011

Potato price crash in Kenya slashes returns for producers

In Kenya, Potato farmers and traders are bracing for lower returns after a bumper harvest prompted a price crash, easing consumer anxiety over the rising cost of living compounded by a shortage of maize.


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