Verantwoord frituren
九月 16, 2011

Verantwoord Frituren haalt doelstelling toch niet

Uit de recentste meting van de nVWA blijkt dat in het najaar van 2010 61 procent van de cafetaria’s vloeibaar frituurvet gebruikte. Daarmee is het aantal fastfoodbedrijven dat in vloeibaar frituurvet bakt sinds 2004 bijna verdubbeld. In 2004 bleek ui...
 North-west European Potato growers
九月 16, 2011

NEPG verwacht een record aardappeloogst: 25,5 millioen ton

De NEPG verwacht onder invloed van een hoge hectareopbrengst en een groter areaal een recordopbrengst bij de aardappeloogst. Dat maakt de organisatie in een persbericht bekend. Pas 20 procent is geoogst. Wat opvallend is doordat de aardappelen dit seiz...
九月 15, 2011

US potato industry confident it can gain back market share in Mexico

The U.S. potato industry is confident it can gain back the significant market share it lost in Mexico over a cross-border trucking dispute once the issue is resolved and remaining tariffs on U.S. products are lifted. Having watched its revenue from fr...
九月 15, 2011

McDonald's has started the roll out of its healthier Happy Meals

McDonald's has started rolling out its new, healthier Happy Meals in some markets. By the end of this week, the offering will be on the menus of McDonald's restaurants in the New York Tri-State and a number of markets in California.
九月 15, 2011

FDA Seeks Public Comment on Approaches to Reducing Sodium Consumption

On September 13, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with several key initial partners, launched Million Hearts, an initiative that aims to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes over the next five years. As one component of ...
 Michelle Obama at GMA
九月 15, 2011

Michelle Obama makes headway calling for Healthy Foods

Calorie by calorie, first lady Michelle Obama is chipping away at big portions and unhealthy food in an effort to help America slim down. In the year and a half since she announced her campaign to curb childhood obesity, Mrs. Obama has stood alongside...
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 FDA Core network
九月 14, 2011

FDA establishes foodborne illness outbreak response network

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced today a streamlined, integrated approach to effectively and rapidly respond to human and animal foodborne illness outbreaks: the FDA Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation (CORE) Network. The...
 Kitchen Innovations Awards
九月 14, 2011

The NRA is looking for cutting edge kitchen equipment for the 2012 Kitchen Innovations Awards

The National Restaurant Association is calling on foodservice equipment manufacturers to apply for its 2012 Kitchen Innovations Awards. Selected by an independent panel of experts, the award recipients represent the most groundbreaking equipment on the...
九月 14, 2011

Ruimte voor 300 McDonald's restaurants in Nederland

Fastfoodgigant McDonald’s heeft op dit moment 226 vestigingen in Nederland, maar er is plaats voor 300 restaurants. Dat zegt Jo Sempels, directeur Nederland, in een gesprek met het Financieele Dagblad. ‘We openen elk jaar vijf nieuwe restaurants. Ik w...
 Floods and Frost result in potato chips shortage in South Africa
九月 13, 2011

Floods and Frost result in potato chips shortage in South Africa

Potatoes South Africa reported that the potato industry in South Africa had lost at least 60.000 tons of potatoes this year, largely due to flooding and frost. As a result of a history of poor harvests, chip maker Simba (Pepsico/Frito-Lay) has adopted...
 Maine Potato Harvest
九月 13, 2011

Maine Potato Board says initial crop quality good, despite rain, tornadoes

Although it has been one of the tougher years for potato growers in Aroostook County (Maine, US) with crop damage from three tornadoes and excessive rainfall, officials with the Maine Potato Board are downplaying rumors of extensive crop loss. Don Fla...
九月 13, 2011

Idaho Potato Commission generated over 4 billion Media impressions

The Idaho® potato is certainly living up to its “Famous Potato” slogan. During the action-packed 2010-2011 fiscal year the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) generated a record number of media impressions -- almost 4.1 billion to be exact -- for America’s f...
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 Wireworm feeding on potato
九月 13, 2011

New Potato Varieties Withstand Destructive Wireworms

Wireworm feeding damage is easy to spot, says Rich Novy, an Agricultural Research Service plant geneticist seeking to shore up America’s $3.3 billion potato crop. The damage resembles a nail hole that has been punched into the spud, pitting its surface...
 Gusano alimentándose en un tubérculo
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Nuevas variedades de papa con resistencia a daño por gusanos

El daño causado por el gusano de alambre en la papa es fácil de detectar, según Novy Rich, un genetista del Servicio Americano de Investigación Agrícola (ARS, por sus siglas en inglés). Se asemeja a un agujero dejado por un clavo en la superficie del t...
九月 12, 2011

Fat reduction does not affect food preferences of kids

Manipulating the amount of fat in children’s foods could help to reduce energy consumption without reducing taste preferences or liking, according to new research. The study, published in the journal Appetite, reports that reducing the fat contents of ...
九月 12, 2011

Latfood: good potato harvest in 2011

Potato chip manufacturer Latfood evaluates this season's potato harvest as good, forecasting a 30 ton pick per hectare, Latfood Agro-Service Director Ilgvars Krumins informed "The average crop capacity index this year is 30 tons from o...
Walkers runs 'great British potato' crisp ad
九月 12, 2011

Walkers runs 'great British potato' crisp ad

Walkers has commissioned a new ad about the life of a potato crisp, in an effort to highlight the "three simple things"that make its potato snacks.
九月 12, 2011

"Zwaartepunt AGF-handel zou op de lange termijn in Azië kunnen liggen"

De Van Rijn Groep is inmiddels al een jaar of tien actief in China. De handelsrelatie begon met de import van Fuji-appelen en peren, wat nog altijd de belangrijkste importlijn is. Sinds drie à vier jaar verzorgt Van Rijn ook de aanvoer van agf-producte...


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