Argentina: Se viene la Fiesta de la Papa Andina en la provincia de Salta
七月 09, 2016

Argentina: Se viene la Fiesta de la Papa Andina de Salta

El 16 de julio en El Alfarcito - Departamento de Rosario de Lerma , se hará una celebración, habrá convite a la Pachamama y una gran feria de platos regionales.
Innate potatoes on a cutting board, showing no discoloration.
七月 09, 2016

GMO Labeling Bill passed by United States Senate

Last Thursday, the United States Senate has passed, by a vote of 63 to 30, a bill that would create a national standard for labeling food made with genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
USAID project helps Potato Farmers in Kyrgyzstan
七月 07, 2016

USAID project helps Potato Farmers in Kyrgyzstan

The Aravan Agro Service in Kyrgyzstan more than doubled its potato yield and profits in 2016 by partnering with the United States through the USAID Agro Horizon project.
Colombia: Llevan al departamento del Meta papas criollas más nutritivas y rentables
七月 06, 2016

Colombia: Llevan al departamento del Meta papas criollas más nutritivas y rentables

El consumo de tres variedades de papa criolla mejoradas genéticamente por investigadores de las universidades Nacional de Colombia y McGill de Canadá muestran positivos resultados para disminuir la desnutrición infantil.
UK retailer Tesco introduces three-year contracts for potato growers and packers
七月 06, 2016

UK retailer Tesco introduces three-year contracts for potato growers and packers

UK Supermarket chain Tesco has announced it will issue contracts worth £12 million over three years to help support British Agriculture, and become the first retailer in the UK to introduce new long term contracts for potato growers and packers.
AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent resistence
七月 06, 2016

AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent pesticide resistance

With pesticide resistance rising in species of aphids which feed on potatoes and spread viruses, one of the best control options for growers battling these pests may be found in nature, free of charge: parasitic wasps.
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Potato dehy manufacturer Idaho Pacific sold to Arlon Group
七月 06, 2016

Potato dehy manufacturer Idaho Pacific sold to Arlon Group

Novacap, a Canadian private equity firm, announced today that they have sold Idaho Pacific, a company specializing in dehydrated potato products to Arlon Group, a food and agriculture investment firm with a global network that supports investments across the entire food supply chain in the Americas.
Display of a wide range of potato products
七月 06, 2016

Potato Trade show Interpom | Primeurs 2016 focuses on Precision Technology

Interpom | Primeurs 2016 promises to be the biggest edition of this potato event ever and the 2016 theme is: 'Growing through precision technology'.
It's a deal! New Avebe Innovation Centre to be built in Groningen, at the Zernike complex
七月 02, 2016

It's a deal! New Avebe Innovation Centre to be built in Groningen, at the Zernike complex

Potato Starch Cooperative Avebe, Groningen University and the project developer Triade have reached agreement about a new innovation centre to be built at the Zernike complex in Groningen.
Romain Cools, Belgapom: "Damage to potato harvest can't be estimated at the moment"
六月 30, 2016

Romain Cools, Belgapom: 'Damage to potato harvest can't be estimated at the moment'

Stories about large losses in harvest in the Belgian sector due to the heavy rainfall are circulating in various media. But Romain Cools of Belgapom says it is too early to come up with a percentage.
UK research project intends to turn potato waste into beauty creams.
六月 30, 2016

UK research project intends to turn potato waste into beauty creams.

Waste from potato crops could be ‘recycled’ into personal care products such as medical gels and beauty creams – thanks to a new University of East Anglia (UEA) research project.
Científicos del CIP reciben premio por trabajo sobre deficiencia de Vitamina A
六月 28, 2016

Científicos del CIP reciben premio por trabajo sobre deficiencia de Vitamina A

Tres científicos del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) son los ganadores del premio World Food Prize del 2016, equivalente al Premio Nobel de los Alimentos y la Agricultura, como reconocimiento a su éxito conjunto en mejorar la nutrición y salud a través del uso de cultivos biofortificados.
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México prohíbe importaciones de papa fresca de Estados Unidos México-prohibe-importar-papa-fresca-de-Estados-Unidos
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México prohíbe importaciones de papa fresca de Estados Unidos

Un juez federal de México prohibió el ingreso al país de papa fresca de Estados Unidos ante la posibilidad de que los plaguicidas utilizados en su cultivo generen daños al medio ambiente, a la biodiversidad o a la población.
World Potato Congress Board changes: who is in, who is out?
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World Potato Congress Board changes: Who is in? Who is out?

David Thompson, President and CEO of World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC) announced today the retirement of Albert Wada, after an eight year term as active member the Board of Directors. Three new international advisers were newly appointed to the Board.
Lamb Weston / Meijer partners with Belaya Dacha to serve the Russian market with frozen potato products
六月 28, 2016

Lamb Weston / Meijer partners with Belaya Dacha to serve the Russian market with frozen potato products

Lamb Weston / Meijer announced that they have signed an agreement with the Russian company Belaya Dacha to establish a new joint venture partnership to serve the Russian market.
Saratoga Chips Announces OrganicPop™, a New Organic Popcorn Range.
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Saratoga Chips Announces OrganicPop™, a New Organic Popcorn Range.

Saratoga Chips, America’s First Kettle Chip™, is excited to announce the launch of a new range of organic ready-to-eat popcorn.
Potato planting in Maine complete after winter dealing with Dickeya
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Potato planting in Maine complete after winter dealing with Dickeya

Maine potato farmers have wrapped up planting and are hoping for a good year.
UK Food Industry responds to Brexit vote
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UK Food Industry response to Brexit vote: a disappointing result

Ian Wright CBE, Director General at the Food and Drink Federation, the voice of the UK's largest manufacturing sector - food and drink, responds to the vote to leave in the UK's EU Referendum.


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