The 'best before' dates for Calbee Inc.'s bagged potato chip products will be extended by two months starting October.
六月 03, 2019

Calbee to extend 'best before' dates for potato chip products by two months

Major Japanese snack-maker Calbee Inc. said Thursday that it will extend the 'best before' date for its potato chip products by two months.
Only two years to go until the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland
六月 03, 2019

Only two years to go until the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland

Ireland and a World Potato Congress are completely synonymous. Because of history and tradition, Ireland’s relationship with the potato is unique. In the late sixteenth century, the potato made its way from Peru to Ireland.
La papa es el sector más importante en la agricultura del país (Cortesía: Expreso)
五月 31, 2019

La producción de papa peruana sigue en ascenso

El Centro de Innovación Productiva y Transferencia Tecnológica de la papa y otros Cultivos Andinos informó que el sector papero ha reportado crecimiento por quinto año consecutivo.
Nearly half of Washington facing emergency drought conditions
五月 30, 2019

Nearly half of the state Washington facing emergency drought conditions

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has expanded the drought emergency declaration to cover nearly half of Washington state due to worsened, poor water supply conditions around the state and warmer and drier weather predictions through the summer.
Ethiopian farmers help researchers select potato varieties that the market demands (Courtesy: CIP)
五月 29, 2019

Ethiopian farmers help researchers select potato varieties that the market demands

Potato is important to food security and a cash crop in Ethiopia with high potential to improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers, who account for 83% of the total population and hold 95% of agricultural land.
五月 29, 2019

Potatoes: an algorithm that recognizes diseases

After several years of research, the team of Eurocelp has developed an algorithm capable of continuously detecting potato diseases.
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Mexico removes tariffs on import frozen potatoes from the United States
五月 24, 2019

Mexico removes tariffs on import frozen potatoes from the United States

President Trump removed the Section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico on Friday, May 17. Mexico responded by removing its 20% tariff on frozen potatoes imported from the United States on May 20.
It is widely understood that traceability is important for food safety, but less well known that traceability can also help food producers and processors improve profitability.
五月 23, 2019

Why Traceability in Food Production and Processing is also a Profit Opportunity

End-to-end traceability in the food supply chain can do more than safeguard against potential disasters, particularly at the processing stage. Geoff Furniss, Head of BBC Technologies within TOMRA, explains how.
五月 21, 2019

PepsiCo Mexico announces an investment of 4 billion dollars in the next two years, which includes the construction of a new Snacks Plant in Guanajuato.

The PepsiCo Mexico System, integrated by PepsiCo Mexico Foods and its strategic partner Grupo Gepp, announced an investment plan of 4 billion dollars in Mexico between 2019 and 2020,which includes the construction of a new Snacks Plant in Guanajuato.
PepsiCo Foodservice Unveils New Digital Lab to Help Restaurants Thrive In The Evolving Digital Marketplace
五月 21, 2019

PepsiCo Foodservice Digital Lab to Help Restaurants Thrive In The Evolving Digital Marketplace

PepsiCo, Inc., announced the launch of PepsiCo Foodservice Digital Lab, a first-of-its-kind suite of capabilities built to connect foodservice operators with the companies, services, insights, and solutions best suited for their specific needs.
Crisp maker Kettle could be sold after US food giant owner Campbell hired advisers to assess the future of the snack brand (Courtesy: Steve Parsons / Press Association)
五月 20, 2019

Kettle Chips owner Campbell Soup eyes sale of the UK branch of this premium snack maker

Premium Potato chip maker Kettle Chips could be sold after its US owner Campbell hired advisers to assess the future of the snack brand.
Massimo Cristiani (Courtesy: FreshPlaza)
五月 17, 2019

Italian potato consortium increasingly working together

The Emilia Romagna potato segment is finally working as a system as Consorzio Patata Italiana di Qualità l'Op regionale Agripat and Consorzio Patata di Bologna Dop organised a collective stand at Macfrut.
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U.S. potato exports of frozen, dehy and fresh have all posted modest gains through the first three quarters of the July 2018 – June 2019 marketing year. (Courtesy: Potato News Today)
五月 17, 2019

United States Potato Export sales trending up, despite trade wars

United States potato exports of frozen, dehy and fresh have all posted modest gains through the first three quarters of the July 2018 – June 2019 marketing year.
Potatoes now worth one billion dollars to New Zealand economy
五月 16, 2019

Potatoes now worth one billion dollars to New Zealand economy

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China Hikes Tariffs on U.S. Goods After Trump Warning. (Courtesy: Capital Watch)
五月 16, 2019

China to hit US frozen fries, dehy potatoes with more tariffs

As the Trump administration’s trade fight with China twists and turns, exporters of frozen and dehy potatoes are facing a hit.
The authors of the study from FAU (from left): PD Dr. Sophia Sonnewald, Günter Lehretz, Dr. José María Corral García and Prof. Dr. Uwe Sonnewald. (Courtesy: FAU / Rabih Mehdi)
五月 15, 2019

Breakthrough research: potatoes can grow at high temperatures

If there’s one thing potato plants don’t like, it’s heat. If the temperature is too high, potato plants form significantly lower numbers of tubers or sometimes none at all. Biochemists at FAU have now discovered the reason why.
Since the humble precursor to modern potato first domesticated in Peru 10,000 years ago, the tuber has branched off into thousands of different varietals. (Courtesy: Cultivate Michigan)
五月 10, 2019

Blending potato varieties on the rise

Since the humble precursor to modern potato first domesticated in Peru 10,000 years ago, the tuber has branched off into thousands of different varieties.
Not surprisingly, potatoes from Hungary are running out. (Courtesy: Infostart)
五月 10, 2019

Hungarian stores have run out of domestic potatoes

Hungary hasn't been self-sufficient in the potato market for a long time, but the price of potatoes in February was still extraordinary.


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