
 European Snacks Association (ESA)
四月 29, 2010

European Snacks Association pledges to change advertising to children

The European Snack Association (ESA) joins the EU pledge initiative.The EU Pledge is a commitment by leading food and beverage companies in Europe to change food and beverage advertising on TV, print and internet to children under the age of 12 in the ...
八月 02, 2009

Belgisch aardappelareaal stijgt 16%

Recent maakte het NIS (Nationaal Instituut voor de Statistiek) de voorlopige areaalcijfers bekend voor 2009. Het NIS baseert zijn gegevens voor deze landbouwtelling op 60% van de bedrijven. Uit deze cijfers blijkt dat het totale areaal aardappelen dit ...
七月 28, 2009

Top 10 claims on new product introductions in Europe

Between January 2008 and June 2009, Mintel (Global New Products Database) tracked a total of 88,364 new food and beverage product launches throughout Europe. The most frequent claims made on these are (in descending order):
五月 13, 2009

EFSA finds lower acrylamide content in Potato chips

Commission Recommendation 2007/331/EC on the monitoring of acrylamide levels in food of 3 May 2007 requires the Member States to perform annually in 2007, 2008 and 2009 the monitoring of acrylamide levels in certain foodstuffs. These data have to be t...
一月 26, 2009

Antoon Wallays herverkozen als algemeen voorzitter van Belgapom

Ter gelegenheid van de algemene vergadering van Belgapom in Lokeren werd uittredend algemeen voorzitter Antoon Wallays, bedrijfsleider van het aardappelverwerkingsbedrijf Agristo in Harelbeke, herverkozen.Tevens werd de raad van bestuur voor 2009 – 201...
七月 24, 2008

BASF Plant Science takes Amflora case to EU Court

BASF Plant Science today filed an action with the European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg against the EU Commission for failure to act. According to the company, the approval process of the cultivation of Amflora, its genetically improved potato...
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 Heatox project brings new pieces of the acrylamide puzzle
十一月 26, 2007

Heatox project completed: brings new pieces to the Acrylamide Puzzle

Acrylamide formation in heated food became a totally new research field, when its presence in various foods was revealed in 2002. The EU Commission reacted swiftly and in DG Research Framework Programme 6 (FP6) a strategic targeted research project, ...
十一月 26, 2007

Wild introduces Saltrim in Europe

Wild introduces Saltrim, a powder that allows food and beverage manufacturers to halve the amount of salt used in their products, making them healthier without impairing the taste, has been launched by Wild. SaltTrim proved successful in the US after c...
十一月 04, 2007

Euromonitor: 2007 snack sales growth close to 2 percent

The sweet and salty snack industry has suffered a lower sales growth rate in 2007 due to negative press over rising obesity rates, but sales still increased by almost two per cent in 2007, according to Euromonitor analyst Irina Kazanchuk.PepsiCo has b...
十一月 02, 2007

Steve Chandler (ESA): U-turn EU on fumonisin level in savoury snacks is bad news

Stve Chandler, Secretary General of the European Snacks association (ESA), writes in his column in The Snacks Magazine on the decision of the Expert Committee on Contaminants on Fumonisin. He is of the opinion that the decision made by the Expert Comm...
十月 31, 2007

Europe takes 'wait-and-see' stance on diacetyl flavouring

EU regulators and processors say they are examining the use of diacetyl for foods, following reports of hundreds of US workers falling ill from a deadly lung disease linked to the inhalation of the popcorn flavouring chemical."The experts of the ...
十月 03, 2007

P&G Belgie ontkracht geruchten over verkoop voedingstak

De Amerikaanse producent van consumentengoederen Procter & Gamble zou volgens de Financial Times een koper zoeken voor zijn batterijmerk Duracell en zijn voedingstak met Pringles-chips en Folgers-koffie.
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