
Michael Jensen to succeed Uffe Andreasen as CEO of KMC
九月 22, 2009

Michael Jensen to succeed Uffe Andreasen as CEO of KMC

KMC has appointed a new CEO, Michael Jensen, to succeed current CEO, Uffe Andreasen who announced his plans to retire the post earlier this year. Michael Jensen takes over the position starting September 21, 2009
 Starch manufacturer KMC
九月 02, 2009

KMC to unveil exciting new product at FIE 2009: glazemaker

With FIE 2009 in Frankfurt just around the corner KMC is all geared up to show what is new and exciting within our comprehensive range of starch products and functional ingredients. The newest star on the horizon is GlazeMaker - a functional starch ble...
 AKV Langholt
三月 13, 2009

AKV Langholt awarded for cooperation between employees and management

The Danish Potato Starch Manufacturer AKV Langholt has received an award for the best cooperation between employees and management.AKV Langholt was selected from over 2000 companies because of the progress made, according to the "Cooperaration Boa...
十二月 01, 2008

Potato Starch Manufacturer KMC has much to celebrate, but 'Now is not the time to rest'

KMC’s annual meeting was held on November 28, 2008 and Chairman Martin Arvad was pleased to report of a year in which KMC not only celebrated its 75 year anniversary, but also of a year that presented one of the best results in KMC’s history.In Denmark...
十一月 13, 2008

Henrik Skoett new head of environmental team at KMC

KMC is proud to announce the addition of Henrik Skoett, MSc in biochemistry as head of the environmental team. Henrik brings 12 years of experience and service in public wastewater management with him.KMC is committed to maintain a healthy world enviro...
九月 30, 2008

Danish Potato Starch Manufacturer KMC announces results 2007/2008

Danish Potato Starch manufacturer KMC's results for the fiscal year 2007/08* are one of the best in KMC’s history, president Uffe Andreasen announces. The fiscal year that ended August 31 exceeded the budgeted result with a little over 10%, which is mo...
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 Starch manufacturer KMC
七月 07, 2008

Martin Arvad new chairman at KMC

After 27 years contribution to the Danish starch potato industry KMC’s chairman of 5 years, Mr. Jørn Outzen, has retired to private life.Jørn Outzen is succeeded as chairman by Mr. Martin Arvad. Martin Arvad has been a member of KMC’s Board of Director...
十一月 05, 2007

KMC awards agents with golden potato leaf during FiE

KMC’s special award, the Golden Potato Leaf, is given to persons in recognition of special achievements for KMC and for Danish Potato Starch.During FI Europe 2007 in London this special award was given to two of KMC's agents, Mr. Giorgio Sancassan of R...


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